Venom: Let There Be Carnage Film SPOILER FILLED!!!!!!!!!! Film Review


Marvel fans there have been alot of films based around the character of Spider-Man with the character getting aa reboot every few years and well now a Spider-Man character has gotten his own film sequel. I will very fully freaking admit that I wasn't a fan of the first film just because the first film oddly felt tame but even so I was looking forward to seeing this film and so here is my SPOILER FILLED review of the film that proves that you don't have to be a Marvel Cinematic Universe film in order to be a genuinely good freaking Marvel film with the film in question being called simply just "Venom: Let There Be Carnage" enjoy.

The plot of this film is serial killer Cletus Kasady becomes host to an alien symbiote named Carnage and so he escapes prison and it's up to journalist Eddie Brock and Venom in order to capture Cletus Kasady before it's far to freaking late. Now then in terms of what I personally thought / felt about the plot of this film in all honesty I in all honesty thought / felt that the plot of this film was really freaking good and was in all honesty a rather freaking enjoyable plot to see play out in this very film in my opinion anyways / at least.

Starring in this film is one of this films many producers Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock / Venom and Michelle Williams as Anne Weying. Also starring in this film is Naomie Harris as Frances Barrison / Shriek , Reid Scott as Dan Lewis , Stephen Graham as Mulligan , Peggy Lu as Mrs. Chen , Woody Harrelson as Cletus Kasady / Carnage and plus we also have two surprise actors whom i'm not going to name because of the fact that it's huge freaking spoiler.

Now then in terms of what I personally thought / felt about the acting that's actually freaking featured / presented to us in this very film in all honesty I in all honesty thought / felt that the acting that's actually freaking featured / presented to us in this very film was really freaking good indeed.  Which is something that I found to be really freaking shocking indeed since the acting in the first film is at best average to OK at best in my opinion anyways / at least.

Doing the CGI effects for this film are the greats and the legends that are currently over at Double Negative , Framestore and Image Engine Design. Now then in terms of what I thought about the actual CGI that's actually featured / presented to us in this very freaking film in all honesty I in all honesty thought / felt that the actual CGI that's actually featured / presented to us in this very freaking film was really freaking good with the characters of Venom and Carnage looking really good altho I will admit that there are one or perhaps even two or three CGI that doesn't look as good but those exact same shots are very few and far between tho with the film having alot more good CGI shots then bad or even OK CGI shots in my opinion anyways / at least.


Now then I will very much freaking admit that this film has alot of really cool moments with the character of Carnage. With perhaps the coolest Carnage being when he first escapes from prison which is just chock full to the brim of alot of really cool moments and alot of really cool shots and if that was that one escape scene was the entire movie I would have been very satisfied indeed since all of those cool shots and cool moments are just just so freaking cool that it's worth seeing this movie just for this one prison escape scene in my opinion anyways / at least.

So now then as the saying goes a hero is only as good as there villain and well if that well and truly is the case then the character of Cletus Kasady / Carnage isn't that good of villain in my opinion anyways / at least. Since his motivation for being evil isn't explained or even hinted at at all and his end game is just to get married to Frances Barrison / Shriek (Naomie Harris) which is just weak endgame and not something that is worthy of this villain and something that is not worthy of being evil for in my opinion anyways / at least.

So now then alot of issues that I personally had with the first film is that it wasn't given a much more mature rating and sadly the same thing is true for this film as well. Which means that the characters can't be as cool and as gory as we comic book know that they can be because they are being restricted by this films rating and that ultimately means that the characters that we are seeing in not only this film but also in the first film aren't the true representations of the characters that we comic book fans have come to know and love because these versions of these iconic characters are just watered down versions of these iconic characters in my opinion anyways / at least.

So now then there was no way in heck that I could talk about this film and not talk about the post credits scene because yeah I do feel that this is something that is worth talking about. This is simply because it's something that could now have an effect on Spider-Man: No Way Home and as well as a possible future Venom 3 since during the post credits scene for this film we see Eddie Brock and Venom get transported into the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe where we then see both J. K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson and Tom Holland as Peter Parker / Spider-Man in a scene which quite possibly might even take place during the ending of Spider-Man: Far From Home but either way it's still really freaking cool to even think of the possibility of these two cinematic universes possibly even crossing over alot sooner then when we thought it might happen in my opinion anyways / at least.

Now then one of the biggest mistakes with this film isn't even with the actual film itself since it's more down to the studio choosing to release this film when they have  because they are releasing this film in some places at least not long after the release of the new James Bond film No Time To Die. This is such a huge mistake because of the fact that the James Bond film franchise pretty much just prints out money and Venom has only had one solo feature film as such I do strongly feel that it would have been in this films best interest to have had this film be release either at the start of September when nothing big was being released or at the end of October when nothing big is going to be being released in my opinion anyways / at least.

Now then this film has / had an exact running time of exactly one hour and twenty five minuets and twenty four seconds and well in all honesty I in all honesty think / feel that this film could and more importantly should have been a little big longer. This is since / because if this film was a little bit longer then all of the films characters could be further developed instead of being just very two dimensional and plus this film has more then enough there in terms of both story and plot to cover a a little bit longer of films running time in my opinion anyways / at least.


Now then since this film is an action film after all that means that I have to actually talk about the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film and well I in all honesty thought / felt that the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was really good. Sadly tho that's the best thing that I can say about the action that's featured / presented to using this very since the since the action just screamed lazy , dull and was visually uninteresting plus there's only so many times that you can see to CGI creatures fight each other in a movie in my freaking opinion anyways / at least.

Overall while I can't say if this film will do better or worse then what the first film did I can say that this film is very so slightly better then the first film since this film is in all honesty rather alot of fun to watch with alot of characters getting alot of a laughs out of me and the relationship between Eddie and Venom is like that of a buddy cop comedy in my opinion anyways / at least. Now i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this film in this very review and as such that means that this film earns itself / gets itself a grand old score of exactly a 7.5 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from the official James Bond fandom wiki page , the official Marvel Cinematic Universe fandom wiki page , the official The Addams Family fandom wiki page , the official Sony's Spider-Man fandom wiki page and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images this film being Google Images this is because all of the images that I got and that currently up , featured and on Google Images are all fairly high in quality and as well as being fairly high in definition.



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