Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour Film Review


I've reviewed alot of films over the years that i've been writing reviews some good and some bad however they all have one thing in common they were never a concert film. Well now that all ends as I review my first ever concert film and judging by the films running time I think the people planning tom see this film will need to plan ahead when they want to use the bathroom and so then join me as I review the film that has a running time time similar to Avengers: Endgame with the film in question being called simply just "Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour" enjoy.

As this film is a concert film that means that the film itself has no plot to speak of which is a shame as they really could have had a story running through the songs. With each of the songs telling a story about Taylor's live which would have made for an interesting and it would have given some of the songs some backstory as well be it recent or not but at the same time not having a story also works as you don' really go to a concert for a deep story you go to see the singer do what it is that they do best and having a plot would get in the way in that even tho it would have made this show stand out from all of the dozens of concerts being performed out there.

For once I don't actually have to name a single actor who is starring in this film as not only is it really obvious but it's also in the name of the film. As far as I can tell Taylor Swift had no opening act which is a shame as it would have given some young singer or band a chance to show thousands of people just what it is that they can do and for alot of people myself included the opening act of a concert is a chance to see someone that you might not have heard of before now but I get it in a filmed concert you don't typically show who came on before the main act you just show the main act but at the same time I can't help bu wonder just who it was that opened for her when this film was being filmed as that would have been some really exposure.

This film was filmed over the first three of the six shows that she did in LA for this tour which really isn't all that surprising. As alot of concert films are usually filmed over multiple shows and I have to admit that I really do like this way of filming concert films as it does allow for multiple takes of the film and certain songs to be had and while I would have liked it if they did film this movie over just the one show as it would allow the film to feel alot more like a concert and would therefor make the experience all the more better I do fully understand why that's not the case as it's not entirely practical to do it that way. 

I have to admit that I really did hate the stage set up for this concert as it leaves just alot of dead air that could have been filled up. With the stage for this concert basically just being one giant LED screen with an LED floor with some smaller screens either side of the bigger screen and nothing all all the more then that which means that we are left with alot of dead space around the stage where there's nothing at all which is a shame because it would have been really cool to fill in that dead space with things that are relevant to each of the songs that are performed in this film which would have been a nice easter egg for some of her more die hard fans but as it is all we are left is a lot of potential that is very sadly not being reached.

What really shocked me especially given just how big of a mega star that Taylor Swift is is the fact that this film is basically an independent film. With Taylor Swift's own production company Taylor Swift Productions producing the film and no film studio releasing the film with the film being released by AMC Theaters with Swift herself having a deal that she could if she so chooses to put the film on any streaming service after a certain amount of days and with this film being a huge hit this now makes it one of if not the highest grossing independent film ever made as well as being the highest grossing concert film ever made and with a deal like the one that she has in place for this film it makes me wonder why small time directors and producers haven't tried for a similar deal as it does seem like a great way to get your film shown in a cinema's.

One of the things that i really didn't like about this film is the fact that we don't really get a sense of who Taylor Swift is a person. Most people will tell jokes during their concerts as it lets the audience know that this person is a fun person to be around but here she doesn't tell any jokes and because of that she comes across as being a rather dull and boring person which might not be the case but given that we only have this concert film to really get to know who she is a person there should have been some effort to make her seem like a really likable person and while she really does indeed well and truly command the stage really well that doesn't make up for the fact that she just doesn't seem that interesting as a person.

While I do understand why alot of films chose ti change their release dates because of this film as Taylor Swift is a megastar. I don't think that it would have hurt alot of them to stay in their release date alot of them are films that people mot likely weren't going to see anyway and interms of The Exorcist Believer it would have actually have helped the film out given that that films distributor Universal Pictures also owns it's own streaming service Peacock and so they could have put the film up on their as well as release in theaters but for whatever reason alot of films got scared of this concert film when they really didn't have to as while this film did indeed make alot money the real money for this film and this tour is going to be coming from the actual tour itself and not really this film.

Now then this film has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly two hours and forty eight minuets and twenty six seconds. Which for any film regardless of if it's concert film or not is such a long time for any film and when you take into account that this film is just the concert with nothing new added to make the film feel unique and worthwhile it makes you wonder why the film is as long as it is especially as alot of her other concert films all fall in at under two hours and all of them are almost exactly like this film only with a much more smaller set list as yeah this film has songs from nine albums all of which really do start blend into one after a while but I will admit that this film really does have some really good pacing to it.

So now as this is a concert film that means that I have to actually talk about the actual songs that are actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty thought / felt that the actual songs that are actually featured / presented to us in his very film were in al honesty not that bad. As alot of her songs are genuinely really good songs but after a while all the songs just started to blend into one with them not really sounding different from each other and while that doesn't stop the songs from being really enjoyable songs but at the same time it does make it hard to get into the songs especially if your like me and your not a really a fan of hers in the first place but I will really admit when you hear a good song in this film it is a genuinely really good song in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall while this film is a really good film it's not as good as other critics out there will have you believe it is as this is a film that was made purely for fans and nothing more then that in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review ad as such that meas that this very film earns itself a grand old score of exactly a 7 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very film well then boys and girls and well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in his very review from the official Taylor Swift fandom wiki page , IMP Awards . Com and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images this film being Google Images this is because all of the images that I got and that currently up / featured and on the great Google Images are all being really fairly high in quality and as well as them all really being fairly high in definition.



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