Star Trek 2009 Review

I'll full on admit that I have no idea how to intro this post so i'll just say that a little over ten years ago Star Trek fans got a huge smile on their face. Yeah it's hard to believe that this film came out ten years ago heck I didn't even realise this was the fact until I looked it up the morning of me writing this review and so in honour of of this film being over ten years old I thought i'd give it a review and so here is my review of the 2009 reboot of Star Trek.

The plot of the movie is Nero a Romulan villain travels back in time after the death of his own planet and is hellbent on ending the federation. Now what I just described isn't the main bulk of the film infact it's a very small part of the film as a whole since the main chunk of the film is a prequel that shows us how the various members of the Enterprise meet each other and got on the ship. That to me is the more interesting aspect of the film since it's a great way to introduce older characters to a newer audience but that's just what I think.

Starring in this reboot is Chris Pine as James T. Kirk , Zachary Quinto as Spock , Karl Urban as Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy , Zoe SaldaƱa as Nyota Uhura , Simon Pegg as Montgomery "Scotty" Scott , John Cho as Hikaru Sulu , Anton Yelchin as Pavel Chekov , Eric Bana as Captain Nero , Bruce Greenwood as Christopher Pike , Chris Hemsworth as George Kirk and Star Trek legend Leonard Nimoy as Spock Prime.

As for what I thought about the acting it was alot better then what I remember it being I remember the acting being OK at best but now tho I actually think it's some of the best acting in the Star Trek franchise. Alot of that comes from Zachary Quinto who just nails Spock and after a short while I stopped just seeing Syler from Heroes and I started seeing Spock and for me that's a big deal because I loved Heroes. The acting from the rest of the cast is also top notch with great performances coming from pretty much every one.

Now just prefer starting this review I re-watched the original teaser trailer for the film and I have to say that that teaser still freaking holds up to this very day. It does everything a teaser should do and tease you and yet it does it by using the franchises most iconic vehicle that to me is pure marketing genius because it tells you all you need to know about the film and yet it tells you nothing at the exact same time.

I said that this is a prequel which technically it is but it's also set in an alternate timeline which i'm not going to get into because that's where things get complicated. By setting it in an alternate timeline tho it means that the film can now put characters that we knew to be alive in the original series in those will they die type of scenes because now they actually could die because the timelines now changed.

I will always say that practical effects are better then CGI effects and thank god J.J chose to go with real effects here or as real as you can get in Star Trek because they look so good in this film. I'm not saying that the CGI is bad because far freaking from it but in my opinion nothing beats practical effects and real sets and it's something that i'm glad he brought back into the world of Star Wars I only wish that he tones down the lens flair tho because he really over does it in this film.

The CGI for the film was done by the wonderful people at ILM and one might expect it's freaking great CGI. I'd go as far to say that the CGI in the film is better then the CGI seen in some of the more recent Star Wars movies but that's only because some of those Star Wars used so much CGI that it was hard to tell what was real and what wasn't and to me the fact that they didn't do this in this film is a very good thing.

I'll admit that at least in my opinion there are some issues with the film like the fact that at times the film does have issues with it's pacing. For some reason the film slows to a crawl after the destruction of Vulcan and I have no idea why since if anything that's when the film should be getting ready to unleash it's third act instead tho they focus more on introducing a new character when we are nearly forty minuets away from the end.

Now i've heard people say that this film isn't like Star Trek at all and I can't really say if it is or not since i've only sat through the original pilot episode. If this is the case tho in this case i'd say it''s a good thing because I remember being bored during that hour long so making it more like Star Wars is in my opinion a good thing but at the same time I could see why die hard fans of the franchise would be upset.

The score for the film was done by the great Michael Giacchino who has scored a great many of films two many to even name. I have to say that his score in this film was one of the factors for me doing this review outside of the film being ten years old and can you really blame me because the score for this film is so freaking good it's honestly worth watching just for the music alone and my favourite track is the end either the music that plays over the opening titles and the track that plays over the end credits.

This film does have alot of action scenes in it and I can see people not liking the film for having as many action scenes because I dont think the original series had any. In my opinion tho the action seen in the movie was at best ok it was nothing special all it was was two guys hitting each other and that was it but it was still a welcome addition to the franchise and they did make the film more exciting but that's just what i think.

Overall this franchise needed a reboot and this is a great jumping of point for any new fan since like i've mention it goes back to the beginning but it's also a slightly flawed film and so it gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me.




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