Beavis and Butt-Head Do America Review

Animation fans it's not uncommon for a successful animated show to get it's own feature length film. What isn't as common tho is for that movie to be released on the big screen since there usually made for TV movies. So today I'm going to bring you a review of the movie version of a show that alot of people grew up with and the name of the film is Beavis and Butt-Head Do America.

The plot of the movie is Beavis and Butt-heads TV gets stolen and that leads them on a cross country road trip across America. I have to say that I love how insane this plot is it's the kind of plot that really does suit these characters the only issue that I have with the plot is that it's so thin that you'd be forgiven for not knowing what the actual plot is another thing that you could say was an issue is the fact that the film is far to short it's only an hour and twenty minuets when it would have been better suited to be an hour and thirty minuets..

Starring in the film is director / writer and producer Mike Judge as both Beavis and Butt-head along with a bunch of other characters. Joining Judge is Demi Moore as Dallas Grimes , Bruce Willis as Muddy Grimes and Robert Stack as ATF Agent Flemming. As some of you might know this film is based on the show Beavis And Butt-head and so some of the cast from the show crossover into the movie.

As for what I thought about the acting in the film as a whole. It's honestly not that bad Mike Judge is a really talented voice actor and the fact that he's playing alot of characters and he makes them all sound different while also giving a solid performance is great. As for what I thought about the guest cast they give the kind of performance that you'd expect from each of the actors so there's not really any surprises there altho I give them credit for not making a Die Hard joke with Bruce Willis's character..

I'll admit right now I have no clue who did the animation but I'm going to assume it's whoever did the animation for the show. Which if that is the case then I might check the show out because the animation in the film is honestly really good which I guess shouldn't really be shock since it's a film but it was something that really did surprise me and it's something that I wish more animated films based on TV shows would have.

Now yesterday I reviewed the animated Kim Possible movie and one of the issues I had with the film was that it visually looked no different from the show. The same cannot be said for this movie thank God just one look at this and you know your watching a movie. One of the things that a movie based on a show is it should visually look like an upgrade from the show and this movie does that in spades and I have to give it some praise for that.

Now I'll admit I've not seen a full episode of the show but I have seen bits and pieces every now and then as well as this film. I mention that because I don't really think you need to have seen the show in order to understand the movie and that's something that very rarely happens since alot of the time you need to have watched the show to get what's going on in a movie.

What to me is really impressive is how good this movie still looks. If you would believe it this movie came out in 1995 so this film is just over twenty years old and the film looks like it came out in the late nineties that to me is just shocking and when you add in the fact that this film uses hand drawn animation as well.

I don't really think this needs saying but I'm going to say it anyway. This is NOT a film for kids this animated film is just for adults and that's good because there should be stuff that's made just for adults just like there should be stuff made just for little so if your one of those people that thinks anything animated is for kids watch this film I freaking dare you.

This film not only did well at the box office more then earning back it's budget of twelve millions dollars but it was also praised by alot of characters. That really is shocking because this movie is the kind of film that would normally get trashed by the critics but no alot of them gave the film very positive reviews heck the most famous critics Siskel and Ebert gave the film two thumbs up which is something that no one thought would happen.

Given that the film is for adults it won't surprise you that the film has a lot of adult humor. Which I'll admit for me personally can be both a hit and a miss when the joke was funny it would get a laugh out of me but when it wasn't funny my god did you know it and oddly enough alot of the unfunny jokes were in fact the sex jokes not that sex jokes aren't funny it's just in this film they had one good one that when they first do it is kind of funny but they keep on repeating the jokes several times to the point where it becomes unfunny.

Overall this isn't a bad adaptation in fact it's better then what I thought it would have been and it's alot better then it really had any right to be since by all accounts this film should have been pretty but no it's actually pretty freaking decent but tho it still has it's fair share of issues so the film gets a respectable 7 out 10 from me.



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