Bad Boys II Film Review
It's very rare that Will Smith and Martin Lawrence make a sequel and when they do it's even rarer that it's just as good if not better then the film that followed it. Yet that's exactly what we got with the film that i'm going to be talking to you all about today as this film is just so good and is so worth seeing and so then join me as I review the film that was one of the only films to get name dropped in Hot Fuzz with the film in question being called simply just "Bad Boys II" enjoy.
The plot of this film is when the largest shipment of drugs is due to land in Miami it's up to Marcus and Mike to find out where it is and stop it before it's far to late. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good with this films plot being a huge step up both in terms of the stakes and in terms of the quality from that of the first films plot as while the plot of the this first film was indeed really good this film just takes it to whole other level and because of that we do end up with a plot that not only feels like that it's right at home with the world of the first film but it also feels like that the makers of the first film took the lessons that that learned whilst making that film and applied them all whilst making this film as everything about this film just feels so much more better then the first film and yet in regards to the plot of this film is it's also a plot that would work really well for this franchise as you can see these characters acting the way that they do in this film as this films plot is just that well done with this films plot also being alot more thought out then what the plot of the first was as well with the plot also being really rather entertaining and as well as being really rather engaging as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.
Starring in this film is Martin Lawrence as Detective Lieutenant Marcus Miles Burnett and Will Smith as Detective Lieutenant Michael Eugene 'Mike' Lowrey. Also starring in this film is Jordi Mollà as Hector Juan Carlos 'Johnny' Tapia , Gabrielle Union as DEA Special Agent Sydney 'Syd' Burnett , Peter Stormare as Alexei , Theresa Randle as Theresa Burnett , Joe Pantoliano as Captain Conrad Howard , Otto Sanchez as Carlos , Jon Seda as Roberto , Oleg Taktarov as Josef Kuninskavich , Michael Shannon as Floyd Poteet , Jason Manuel Olazabal as Detective Marco Vargas , Yul Vazquez as Detective Mateo Reyes , Reynaldo Gallegos as Tito Vargas , Treva Etienne as Icepick , Kiko Ellsworth as Blondie Dread and Megan Fox as A Dancer.
Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good. Which is something that really does make sense as not only are this films actors a bunch of really good actors in there own right but that this films returning director Michael Bay regardless of what you all think of his films knows how to direct his actors and get some really good performances out of them something which is proven in this film and while he really does give alot more attention to the films action scenes the films actors really do know what kind of performance that really would best suit there respective character in this film especially those actors that are returning from the first film with the films newer actors more then holding there own when compared the acting of the first films actors and creating some really memorable characters in their right in the process as well with this films acting really being helped by the fact that this films script is just so good that all this films actors really have to do is just say the lines as they are written and a a good performance really will come out of them more naturally which is something that really does help to raise the overall quality of the acting that's in this very film.
For some strange reason the makers of this film chose to have both Marcus and Mike lie to each other about certain aspects of there life. Be it Mike actually having feelings for Marcus's sister or Marcus leaving the department and thus no longer being Mike's partner and while they are lieing to protect the other it is something that does feel out of place for these characters as it wasn't something that they did in the first film despite them being just as close in that film as they are in this very film and yet it is also kind of sweet that they would go to such lengths to make sure that the other is happy as all they want to do is make sure that the other is happy and not hurt there feelings which does make them out to be good friends but on the flip side of that is thew fact that by keeping these secrets all there doing is causing a rift in their friendship and partnership and while the chemistry between Will Smith ad Martin Lawrence is still there and is something that does make the characters seem even more likable despite the fact that they are lying to each other there surely had to be a better way for them to have some drama in this film as that's the whole reason why the makers of this film chose to have them act this out of character and when the film sets that up it makes it really predictable as to what the big third act break up is going to be when if they did come up with something new then it would have been hard to predict what it is that's going to cause them to fall out in this film.
As was mentioned at the start of this review this film is quite possibly the only action film that got name dropped in Hot Fuzz. With it not being hard to see why is this film is just that good of a film as it does quite literally everything that the first film but better and it even has a truly iconic piece of dialog in it that many action films both police themed and not have tried to replicate in there own unique way but all have failed to do with that line being "sh*t just got real" which is just such a good piece of dialog that it's shocking that Hot Fuzz didn't rip that line off and used it in there own movie as they just straight up ripped of the ending to Point Break and yet it's the fact that it was was referenced in Hot Fuzz that helped people to remember this film as this film wasn't all that popular when it was first released in the early two thousands and yet when Hot Fuzz comes out and becomes this massive thing and not only name drops this movie but also shows a clip from it as well it is something that could quite possibly remind people of just how good that this film really was and while Hot Fuzz might take a more comedic take to it's action with it pretty much being a more extreme and gory Looney Tunes cartoon here because of the fact that us the audience have had the entire first film to get to know the characters and world they can go a bit Hollywood with it's action and yet it still feels real and grounded in some form of reality because of it with it's characters also being just as likeable as they were in the first film as well.
If there's one aspect of this film that does feel a bit of a let down it's the fact that it's main villain Hector Juan Carlos 'Johnny' Tapia just isn't that interesting of a character. With him just coming across as being the stereotypical mob boss character who of course knows the family members of the people that works for him and uses that knowledge to threaten them into doing what he wants which is just such a cliche even when this film was first being released that it's laughable and while we don't really get to find out why he wants these drugs to enter Miami nor why they have to enter Miami when they could literally use any other port in America and get the exact same results it could also be argued that the fact that we don't know all that much about him is the point as that would add an air of mystery to his character and with his character not being the main focus of the film it does make some sense that we wouldn't get to find out all that much about his character but given that he's meant to be the films main villain we really should have gotten something literally anything that makes him stand out from all of the mob villains out there as all it does is make him blend in when given the films setting of Miami and the fact that it's a Will Smith and Martin Lawrence movie he should be standing out and that is something that he would have been able to do if the character was given something about him that not only make us the audience hate his character but would also make his character really alot more interesting then what he actually is as well.
One of the key things that makes these films is the comedy aspect and that's something that's also true for this film as well. As just with quite literally every things else about this film this films comedy is so much more better then what it was during the first film with there being alot of painfully funny moments between both Mike and Marcus and alot of that does come down to the fact that the chemistry between both Martin Lawrence and Will Smith is still there with the two them making for very believable best friends and because of that we d get alot of banter between the two of them that would have been seen as being forced and unneeded if they there characters were played by quite literally anybody else and while the fil does give all of the other characters some really funny moments as well none of them land quite as well as the jokes between Mike and Marcus with it being clear as day that both Will Smith and Martin Lawrence are friends off screen as you just can't teach the kind of chemistry that these two have with each other and it's because of that that all of there jokes do feel like the kinds of jokes that real life best friends would make and would tell to each other and while yes granted there some bad jokes in this film as well as there are really alot more good jokes in this film then there are bad ones with alot of this films jokes adding to he tension of the scene instead of undercutting the tension of the scene.
Now then this film had / had an exact grand total running time of exactly two hours and twenty six minuets and thirty seven seconds. Which for any film let alone an action comedy film is such a long amount of time to have and while yes this film really does have the right amount of plot there to really cover that large amount of running time there was still no need for this film to be as long as it was as you very easily could have told the plot of this film and not have cut all that much that's actually important to the plot of the film as all you'd need to do is cut down on alot of the pointless filler and drama scenes that for some strange reason the movie has as none of them add anything to the plot of the film as does the scene where Marcus is describing to Mike the fact that two rats or hooking up right in front of him while the dup are meant to be undercover which don't get me wrong is a painfully funny scene to see in this film but in the grand scheme of things nothing is really added to the plot of the film nor is anything added to the characters own personal character arcs it's just there just so that Martin Lawrence can have a joke and that's really it and yet if the film did indeed cut down on all of the pointless filler scenes then it could have given Hector Juan Carlos 'Johnny' Tapia some actual personality that would make hi stand out as a character and yet because of the fact that the makers of this film just wanted to throw everything in this film we end up with a film that whilst it isn't a mess is still really overstuffed as well but I really will admit that this film really does have some really good pacing to it tho.
So now then as this is an action film that really does mean that I have to actually talk about the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good. With this films action being the best part of the whole film which given that this film was directed by Michael Bay is not really all that surprising as he really does know how to create some really cool looking action sequences in his movies and that's exactly what he have us in this movie with all of this films action sequences not only being engaging and entertaining but also really fun to watch as well with it actually being hard to say just what the best action sequence in this whole entire film was as really it would either be the opening ten minuet long car chase scene which was just so freaking cool to watch or it could be the whole third act car chase scene in Cuba as that whole scene was just so freaking fun to watch and was filled with actual practical effects which was something that makes the action in all of this film so much better to watch as it was all done for real which means that when you see the boys crashing through houses in Cuba there really destroying those houses and it looks so much better then what it would have done if it was in CGI with all of this films action scenes being one for real as well all of which combine to really make it hard to say just what the best action scene was in this movie as those two car chase sequences are just so good and are just that well done in this film as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.
Overall if you haven't done already stop reading this review and go and check out this movie as it's just as good as you've all most likely heard that it was and better as it not only improves upon things from the first film it does it's own things just so good that you can't help but be entertained by it as well and since I seem to be going through this whole franchise I will be covering the third film Bad Boys For Life at some point in the future and let us just hope that it's just as good if not better then this film but it does have some really big shoes to fill in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as al of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review and as such that really does mean that this very film really does earn itself a grand old score of exactly an 8 out of 10 from me.
Now then as for where I personally got all pf the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all pf the Images that I personally used in this very review from the official Bad Boys fandom wiki page , IMP Awards . Com and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images really from this very film being the really great Google Images this is really because of the fact that really all of the images that I really indeed got and really used from the really great Google Images are all really high quality really with all of the images that really are all and of course really currently up and on the really great and the really solid Google Images really are all being really fairly high in quality and as well as them all really being fairly high in definition.
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