The Garbage Pail Kids Movie Film Review
When people talk about adaptation they usually talk about either video game adaptation or adaptations of books or TV shows. Very rarely if ever do they mention the fact even toys can get bad movie adaptations with the movie that i'm going to be reviewing today being one of the very few movies that has the rare zero percent score on rotten tomatoes and so then join me as I review the film that features a character named after an orange with the film in question being called simply just "The Garbage Pail Kids Movie" enjoy.
The plot of this film is the fact thing that's wrong with this film as the film has next to no plot to speak whatsoever. While the film does feature a somewhat very loose plot around the middle to the third act of the film where the kids have to design costumes because there human friend wants to work with this young fashion designer only for her boyfriend and her to secretly kidnap the kids and take them to a home for ugly people which by that point it's far to late as the film nearly over by the time that it introduces that plot line and it properly gets going with the film for the overall vast majority of it's running time having no plot to speak of whatever with the kids and all of the characters just going about there day to day lives which makes you wonder why the makers of this film even bothered to make this film as having a plot is movie writing one oh one and yet by ignoring that one basic rule of movie making the makers of this film have robbed this film of any reason of even existing in the first place and as a result of that is the fact that this film really does come across as being film that was only made to serve as a cash in for the The Garbage Pail Kids card game and that's really it which even then doesn't work as the lack of a plot would only serve to make the fans of the card game angry as well with the plot of this film not even being really rather entertaining nor is the plot of this film even all that engaging in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.
Starring in this film is Anthony Newley as Captain Manzini , Mackenzie Astin as Dodger and Katie Barberi as Tangerine. Also starring in this film is Ron MacLachlan as Juice , J.P. Amateau as Wally , Marjory Graue as Blythe , Jim Cummings as the voice of Greaser Greg and Nat Nerd , Debbie Lee Carrington as the voice of Valerie Vomit , Kevin Thompson as the voice of Ali Gator , Chloe Amateau as the voice of Foul Phil , Arturo Gil as the voice of Windy Winston and Teri Benaron as the voice of Messy Tessie.
Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought /felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that bad. However at the same time this films acting wasn't all that good either as the actors that you expect to deliver a good performance like Jim Cummings for example really do give you exactly that but at the same time tho this films acting really could have so much better then what it actually was if the film makers actually should some care and love for this franchise by actually taking the time to give the actors the guidance that they really did need as this films acting doe for the most part come across as being very over the top and campy when it should have been more straight as that would help to sell the weirdness of it all with this films acting also feeling like that it belongs in a film that's spoofing this film all of this not helped by the fact that this films co-writer , producer and director Rod Amateau cast has own kids in minor roles as they really can't act at all with the the acting that's in this very film not really being helped by the fact that this films script is just so bad as it gives none of this films actors absolutely nothing to work interms of what it is that there actual characters personalities are even meant to be in this first place which is something that really does help to bring down the overall quality of the acting that's in this very film.
The titular kids in that are in this film really are some of if not the worst written characters in all of film history. With all of them having no personality to them outside of what it was that made them gross and disgusting in the first place and that's really it which all of the characters just being gross for the sake of being gross and not because of the fact that it added anything to the characters with the Garbage Pail Kids themselves coming across as being very one note characters when they all had the potential to be fully formed characters like for example Ali Gator he should be the cool kid of the bunch the one who everyone wants to be and who every one wants to be like and Greg is basically the groups version Danny Zuko and Valerie basically being the mom of the group and all of that is something that's just based off of watching them for a few minuets in this film and the makers of this film had months to work out what there personalities were going to be and yet they couldn't do it or they just straight up didn't want to as they instead chose to make them all the dumb one of the group which is something that is a sure fire sign of lazy screenwriting as it shows that the writers jus weren't all that interested in giving them all unique personalities that made them stand out from one another and as a result of that is the fact that all of the Pail Kids just blend into one character when it would have worked out better for the film and would have gave this film at least one saving grace if all of the Pail Kids were unique for one another.
One of the really many things that this has in common with the 1987 film Masters Of The Universe is the fact that they both just don't get what it was that made the original property so good in the first place. As with Masters Of The Universe it took away alot of the characters and locations that fans from the TV show and toy line where not only familiar with but loved and instead had the heroes be stuck in earth for the vast majority of the films running time where as it doesn't get the fact that the original card game was meant to be seen as a spoof of cute characters by having these rather ugly looking characters be the vocal point of the game and while yes granted the same characters from the game do appear in the movie the original card game would have most likely had no plot to it and would have most likely have given the kids earth based origins where as here both kids are apparently from space which makes no sense whatsoever in the context of the films plot with another thing that they both have in common is not only the fact where they both released in the 1987 but they were both released when both properties were in decline in popularity and not when both TV shows were at the peak of there popularity and while the Masters Of The Universe film does at least make an attempt to connect to the show by having small bits of it Eternia where as the only thing the really connects this movie to the game is most likely really just a few of the characters and the fact that there's a Garbage Pail in it and that's really it.
For some odd reason this film decides o have just the one musical number which was written by the films composer Michael Lloyd. With the song in question being called "You Can Be A Garbage Pail Kid" which is just weird as the film quite literally has no other musical numbers both before or even after this song which makes it's inclusion in this film all the more weird as it really does come out of nowhere and feels like that they were trying to have the kids have a hit single on there hands when what they should have been more focused on was if they were making a good film and if they were going to make this film a musical then they should have gone all the way and have all of the actors have there own musical number and make the whole film a musical as at least then that would mean that this one song really wouldn't stand out all that much like a sore thumb and why the song itself isn't that bad as the singers that are singing the song are indeed trying to there best to make the song what makes the song bad is quite literally everything as the kids are singing about how it's OK to be as ugly as them and yet the film itself goes out of it's way to make sure that us the audience don't care for them which makes the message of the song feel just as pointless as it's inclusion in the film and this is something that really could have been fixed by making the whole musical as then this song no matter how bad it is really would be lost in a sea of many possibly even better songs but as it is it just stands out as being a really bad song in a really bad movie.
While the titular Garbage Pail Kids are indeed the stars of the movie there not even the main characters of there own movie as that honor goes to Dodger. As he's the one that the plot of the film really does revolve around which is something that really doesn't work all that well as the film isn't named after him there for it makes no sense as to why he's the main character of the film with the only way that an idea like that could work was if the makers of this film took the Back To The Future approach by having The Garbage Pail Kids themselves act as the ring master for this circus of a plot but they don't as they act more like side characters with this not really being helped by the fact that not even the human characters are all that likable as the makers of this film don't really give us a reason to care for them out side of the fact that one f them is the hero and the over is the villain and that's really it and heck we don't even get to find out Dodger's hobbies are with the only one who at least gets some dimension to her is the character of Tangerine as we find out that she wants to be a world famous fashion designer and that's really it which compared to the rest of this films characters is the gold star treatment and even that isn't enough to make her character interesting as she's a villain just for the sake of it which makes her dumb as it would help her more to archive her dream if she actively worked with Dodger and The Garbage Pail Kids instead of against them.
Now then this film has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly one hour and thirty six minuets and thirty three seconds. Which is pretty much the bogstandard running time that you'd expect a film like this one to have and while the film doesn't have that much there interms of actual plot to cover that amount of running time if the film very easily just expanded upon its plot instead of focusing on the characters just doing random things alot of the tie then this film very easily could have had more the enough there interms of plot to cover say one hour and fifteen minuets for example which is more then enough to get the film up to a decent feature length running time and would make the film more bearable to watch not only to fans of both the game and the TV show but to also the grown ups who are watching the film as well and yet because of the fact that this film is as long as it is and has very little there interms of plot to begin with the film does oddly feel at the very least one hour and forty five minuets long with all of the extra time that the film could have used on fleshing out it's plot and charact6ers instead being used on showing the kids grossing out random people on the street all for no reason as it adds nothing to the overall plot of the film and it addas nothing to any of the films characters with it only being for the sole reason of being filler when the film really didn't need any kind of filler scenes whatso ever but I really will admit that this film really does have some really good pacing to it tho.
So now then as this is a comedy that really does mean that I have to actually talk about the actual comedy that's actually featured / presented to us n this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual comedy that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that bad. However thats also the problem as this films comedy wasn't all that good either with the film having maybe one or two moments that will get a chuckle but the film mainly just goes back to having very one note jokes where the titular kids just do something gross and then the film will do a close up on whatever it is that makes them so gross in the first place which s fine for a time thing but when all pf the films jokes follow that exact same set up ad pay off it starts to get old and tired very first and that is something that happens all of the time in this very film with the only moment where something like that is done to great effect is during the films third act where all of the kids use whatever it is that makes them gross in the first place to get rid of all of the villains and that's it the rest of the time it doesn't works and while yes there one or two slightly chuckle worthy moments in this film like when Dodger meets Tessie for the first time only to realise that he get's shake her hand because of how gross she is but that's really it and that just goes to show you just how bad the jokes in this film really are in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.
Overall it's very easy to see why this film is one of the very few films that has a zero percent on rotten tomatoes. As this film really is just that bad with there being very few if any redeeming qualities about this film as it's just that bad and really is only worth watching if your curious to see just how bad this film really well and truly is in the first place and that's really it in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad thin that are in this very film in this very review and as such that really does mean that this very film really does earn itself a grand old score of exactly a 0 out of 10 from me.
Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys an girl and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from IMP Awards . Com and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images really from this very film being the really great Google Images this is really because of the fact that really all of the images that I really indeed got and really used from the really great Google Images are all really high quality really with all of the images that really are all and of course really currently up and on the really great and the really solid Google Images really are all being really fairly high in quality and as well as them all really being fairly high in definition.
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