The Wild Robot Film SPOILER FILLED Film Review

All the time we are given the same old cliche message that cartoons and thus animation as a whole are for kids and not for adults. Yet every so often there comes along a film that dares to challenge that notion and well then one such a film has just been released as this film is the most mature animation film to come out this film and so then join me as I give you my SPOILER FILLED review of the film that is more mature then alot of adult films with the film in question being called simply just "The Wild Robot" enjoy.

The plot of this film is when a robot crash lands on a planet and befriends a young chock she finds her life changing for the better. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty so good as while yes the plot of this film is simple and not all that complex it's the very fact that it's simple plot with clear cut good guys and bad guys that make it a good plot as not every film needs to have a deep thought provoking plot in order for it to be good as sometimes as in the case with this film just being a simple plot that's very easy to follow along with is more then enough and it really does help that the plot of this film is also really creative as there really hasn't been that many films that have had this kind of plot before now and yet this film proves that it can work when it's done right and when's in the right hands as well with it also being an oddly refreshing and it's own unique way a thought provoking story as well which does make it out to be alot better then what it really had any right to be as well with the plot of this film also being really rather entertaining and as well as being really rather engaging as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. 

Starring in this film is Lupita Nyong'o as ROZZUM , Pedro Pascal as Fink and Kit Connor as Brightbill. Also starring in this film is Beetlejuice Beetlejuice star Catherine O'Hara as Pinktail , Bill Nighy as Longneck , Everything Everywhere All At Once star Stephanie Hsu as Vontra , Star Wars star and voice acting legend Mark Hamill as Thorn , Matt Berry as Paddler and Ving Rhames as Thunderbolt.

Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good. Which is both not that shocking and yet at the same time still very shocking to say the least as while this film does have some really credible actors in it who do turn in some really good performances in this film it's also not that shocking as the film does also have a bunch of more lesser known actors in it as well and as result of that is the fact that you never really know what kind of performances that your going to get from those performers and yet they not only manage to turn in a good performance in there right but they also manage to hold there own when it comes to acting against some of the films more better actors as well with the true stand out performer in this film of course being who simply steals the show as ROZZUM aka Roz as her voice perfectly fits the character and she is able to get across all of the emotions that the character is going through in a way that is both utterly heartbreaking and yet perfect for her character with the acting that's in this very film really being helped by the fact that the script for this film is just so good that all this films actors really have to do is just say the lines as they are written and a good performance really will come out of them naturally which s something that really does help to raise the overall quality of the acting that's in this very film.

Doing the animation for this film is the legends and the greats that are currently over at DreamWorks Animation. Now the interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual animation that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual animation that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good with this films animation at tomes being breath taking which makes it all the more weird that this film be last animated film that Dreamworks Animation will produce the animation for as there now moving to outsourcing there animation when alot of there recent films more then  prove that they can produce high quality animation that looks really good with this films animation at times looking like a piece of art as there are so many beautiful looking shots and backgrounds in this film alone that it really does make the film as a whole look really stunning with the characters also having some really nice and fluid movements to them with the film having the same animation as Puss In Boots: The Last Wish which is something that is bound to please fans of that film and while the animation in this film is really nice to look at it would have been nice of the film had it's own unique art style to make it really stand out from all of the animated films out there that are using the exact animation style that is used in this very film as it's something that works for this film but it's not really something that really works for other films as it's a style that really does need some good creative to really pull it off which is something that film has.


At it's core this film is all about the bond between a mother and her adopted son and it's that bond that really does make the film even better then what it already is. As the film really does take the time to build up the relationship between Roz and Brightbill to the point where you do buy them as a mother and son with there relationship being something that is very universal as even if you don't have a birth mother everyone can relate to forming a relationship with your mother and keeping that relationship as well and it's that core relationship that really does make this film come across as feeling timeless as it's a key thing that will never age and will never be dated and yet because of the fact that this film builds up there relationship really well when they do have a second act breakup you really are rooting for them to make up as we the audience have become invested in their relationship and want to see them make up and move forward with there relationship and rather rightfully the film doesn't even spend that long with there "break up" either and that's good as it allows for the characters to become more three dimensional as characters as we get to how both Roz and Brightbill act when they are not around each other which is something that really does help to make there relationship come across as feeling alot more natural then what a relationship like this is usually treated like.

For those of you who don't know this film is based off of the 2016 book of the exact name by author Peter Brown. While it's hard to say if the film is true representation of the book after seeing the movie it does me wonder what the first book is actually like and what the plot of that first book actually is while it doesn't make me want to read the book it has sparked an interest in finding out what that first book is actually like as it must have been good to have gotten a movie not even ten years after that first book was released and yet at the same time given that the book has spawned not one but two follow up books it does make you wonder if the other two books will be adapted as well as given who this film ends it does make you wonder what they could do with a sequel film and while the second book might explain Roz does escape and possibly make it back to earth it would be interesting to see how a potential follow up film might treat such events as well and just by going off of this film it's not hard to see why the books become so popular as the characters are extremely likable characters and the plot at least of this film film is really well done and is really charming as well but at the same time given that books can be longer then films it does you wonder if the book will delve into the characters alot more then what the film can do as well.

If you expecting this film to have a happy ending be prepared to be both let down and happy at the exact time. As while the film does kind of happy ending with Roz willingly going back to her factory in order to stop all of the other robots from attacking the animals and thus leave the earth in piece she doesn't get the chance to meet back up with her adapted son which does mean that the film has both a happy and sad ending to it which was really shocking to see as usually with animated films they usually go with the very happy ending where everybody gets everything that they wanted as the makers of the film are trying to appease the little kid target audience where as with this film they treat there audience with more respect and as a result of that is the fact that we get an ending that says that we don't always get we want and that we have to live with that and that's what makes this film alot more mature then alot of the animated films that have come out this year and it's due to this ending alone that that it's not hard to see this film becoming a hit film as it's very easy to see families going to see this film thinking that there going to geta typical kids animated film but getting so much more then that and because of that kids and there friends will go and see it and so on and so on while this film won't become as big as say Shrek was for example it's easily going to be bigger then The Boss Baby was because this film actually treats it's audience with respect.

Now then this film has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly one hour and thirty two minuets and forty eight seconds. Which is kind of the running time that you'd expect a film like this one to have and to this films credit it really does have more then enough there interms of plot to really cover that large amount of running time but at the same time tho it would have been better if this film was a tad bit longer just so more things about the world that this film takes place can be explained as we get to find out nothing about the world that this film takes place and none of it is hidden away in the background either all of it just goes unexplained like the fact that we find out that earth is mostly underwater and we never find out why just like we ever find out why the the humans in this film need robots and why the company that Roz works for are these really evil people these are things that should have been explained in the film and would have made the film really feel alot more complete then what it already is but on the flip side of that is the fact that alot of those things really do add nothing to the overall plot of the film and as a result of that is the fact that they really would feel like padding as they don't even advance the characters and there own personal character arcs either but I really will admit that this film really does have some really good pacing to it tho.

So now then as there is some action in this film that means that I have to actually talk about the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film and well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good. However at the same time tho this film really didn't need any action set pieces as it would have been more effective if this film acted more as a comedy drama as that's when this film was at it's strongest like seeing Roz and Brightbill say I love you to each other really truly heartbreaking knowing that they might never ever see each other and alot of there stuff when they fall out really worked really well as was alot of the films more comedic moments as they were cute and sometimes funny and yet the film really did not need to have an action set piece near the end as it would have been more dramatic and more heartbreaking to see Roz willingly give her self up with out the other robots even getting involved as that would show that she really does care for these creatures and it would give the animals a chance to feel the heartbreaking that Brightbill really is also feeling as well but the action that we did in the film was really good but not really needed either in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.


Overall if you plan on seeing any movie in theatres this weekend make sure that it's this one as this is film that both animation lover and none animation can really get it behind because of the fact that this film really does have some really likable characters in it as well and really is alot more mature then what you all might really think it is which does make this film alot more better then alot of the films out there right now in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad thigs that are in this very film in this very review and as such that really does mean that this very film really does earn itself a grand old score of exactly an 8.5 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from the official Dreamworks Animation fandom wiki page and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images really from this very film being the really great Google Images this is really because of the fact that really all of the images that I really indeed got and really used from the really great the official Dreamworks Animation fandom wiki page are all really high quality with all the images that  really are currently up and on the really great and the really solid the official Dreamworks Animation fandom wiki page really are all being really fairly high in quality and as well as them all really being fairly high in definition.



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