Saturday Night Film Review

Last year was a special anniversary for Doctor Who and this year is an anniversary series for another very popular show. A show which has been going on non-stop since the mid seventies and well then in order to celebrate the fact that this show has just started it's fiftieth season a new biography film that's all about the show has just been released and well you all just knew that I really had to check his film the very first chance that I got and so then join me as I review the film that came out just one year short of the shows fiftieth anniversary year with the film in question being called simply just "Saturday Night" enjoy.

The plot of this film is Lorne Michaels and a bunch of rebels have just ninety minuets to put on a show live for NBC. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good as the plot of this film is just chaotic and just as rebellious as the making of an average episode of the show in question is as producing a weekly live TV show is always be chaotic and this is something that the plot of this film captures perfectly and alot of that is due to thew fact that this films co-writer , co-producer and director Jason Reitman understands as he quite literally grew up on sets like this and so in that regard he is the perfect man to tell this story but at the same time tho the plot of this film could have been alot better as it does come across at times that this film has no plot with there only being a basic a premise and heck there really isn't all that much in the way of stakes alot of the time but that is something that does actually make sense as this film is telling a true story and so there really doesn't need to be any stakes just all there needs to be is a story that's worth telling and that's exactly what the plot of this film is with the plot of this film also being really rather entertaining and as well as being really rather engaging as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Starring in this film is Gabriel LaBelle as Lorne Michaels , Rachel Sennott as Rosie Shuster and Cory Michael Smith as Chevy Chase. Also starring in this film is Ella Hunt as Gilda Radner , Dylan O'Brien as Dan Aykroyd , Emily Fairn as Laraine Newman , Matt Wood as John Belushi , Lamorne Morris as Garrett Morris , Kim Matula as Jane Curtin , Finn Wolfhard as An NBC Page , Nicholas Braun as Andy Kaufman and Jim Henson , Cooper Hoffman as Dick Ebersol , Kaia Gerber as Jacqueline Carlin , Andrew Barth Feldman as Neil Levy , Tommy Dewey as Michael O'Donoghue , Willem Dafoe as David Tebet , Matthew Rhys as George Carlin , J. K. Simmons as Milton Berle , Jon Batiste as Billy Preston , Naomi McPherson as Janis Ian , Taylor Gray as Al Franken , Mcabe Gregg as Tom Davis , Nicholas Podany as Billy Crystal , Billy Bryk as Carl , Ellen Boscov as Mrs. Kaufman , Joe Chrest as Herb Sargent , Catherine Curtin as Joan Carbunkle , Leander Suleiman as Anne Beatts , Paul Rust as Paul Shaffer , Robert Wuhl as Dave Wilson , Corinne Britti as Valri Bromfield and Kirsty Woodward as Audrey Dickman.

Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty person ally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good. With all of this films actors turning in some really good performances with the true standout actors in this very film being Cory Michael Smith as Chevy Chase as he really does capture the essence of Chevy Chase down perfectly and looks exactly like the actor as well both of which combine to make it easier to forget that he's an actor playing another actor and instead forces you to start seeing the actual person that's playing as well with the same thing being true for alot of this films actors as well as alot of them look exactly like the person that there meant to be portraying in the film with the acting really being helped by the fact that this films co-writer , producer and director Jason Reitman really does know how to get a good performance out of his cast something which is in full display on this film with the acting that's in this film also really being helped by the fact that the script for this film is just just so good that all this films actors really have to do is just say the lines as they are written and a good performance will come out of them naturally which is something that really does help to raise the overall quality of the acting that's in this very film.

Without giving away to much of the film but how the films portrayals is of certain real life people is damn near close to how they were in real life. With characters like Jim Henson for example being portrayed exactly like they were like in real life and it's that extra level attention that makes this film stand out from all of the other biopics out there where the people that there trying to replicate feel nothing like the actual person that they might as well be characters in there own right any yet here because of the fact that Jason Reitman does or did know these people and so he would therefor know how these people talked in real life and how these people would act in certain situations which does add another level of realism to this film and while yes some of the characters portrayals are slightly played up for the film it is something that does work as it plays into there personal character arc and isn't just there for the sake of being there but at the same time tho the film would have worked alot more if all the characters were portrayed like they were in real life as this is a biopic after all and so people do expect things to be as historically accurate to the time that there the film in question is meant to be focusing on but as things stand and given the very chaotic nature of the film the portrayals do work perfectly fine as they are.

Believe it or not this film actually isn't the first film to feature the creation of Saturday Night Live in some capacity. As that honor goes to the 2018 film A Futile And Stupid Gesture which detailed it's creation from the point of view of National Lampoon writer Doug Kinney and how he felt loosing both Chevy Chase and Dan Ackroyd as actors however this is the first and only film to detail it's creation from the point of view of those who were there on the night of it's broadcast which does add some level of interest to the film as we can all imagine what it's like on show night there but to actually see what it was like in the lead up to that first broadcast does make the film somewhat interesting and it is something that makes you wonder if the show is still like that to this very day and while the film does have an obvious ending due to the fact that the show is still being aired to this very day it is still tense and exciting seeing them reach that eleven thirty pm start time and them not having a single thing in place and basically put on a show with a show string budget and it is seeing that not every involved with the show both from the point of view of the crew and the network weren't all that sure that the show would last a couple of weeks let alone a full TV season and while we do know now that it not only lasts a full TV season but goes on to become one of if not the most influential American sketch comedy shows out there it is still fun seeing how they got to that point and what it was that they all really went through on the night of that first broadcast as well.

As a drama this film really doesn't work all that well due to the fact that we the audience do know how it all ends up. However that's also the point with biopics as there telling stories that have already been played out in real life and are now showing us the audience what actually happened but at the same time tho the drama in this film doesn't work not only due to the fact that we already know how it all turns out for those involved but also because of the fact that alot of the characters aren't that well defined which again is something that does make sense given the context of the film as we're only seeing these characters for a very short amount of time and as a result of that is the fact that it would have been impossible to get alot of who these characters are as people which would make the drama work alot more then what it already does but because of the fact that all of his films characters just come across as being very note and very dimensional characters it does make it hard to buy into the drama because for all we know this could be how these characters talk and act to each other even when there not in a high stress level situation like they are in this film and this is something that could have been fixed just by showing us how the characters talk to each other and act around each other when there not in a high level stress situation.

While the film's plot of very chaotic much like how the making of an episode of the show the film does take the time to give some of the characters some plots as well. None of which can be discussed here as there spoilers but very few of them work and even fewer of them connect to the main plot which is something that does make sense as these are meant to be real people but at the same time this is a movie and while doing things that aren't historically accurate doesn't always work for biopics here it is something that could work due to the amount of the people that are in the films cast and while it would have taken away from the realistic tone and look that the film is going for it is something that could still work given the right creative team which is something that this film does indeed have and while some characters don't get alot of attention wit some of them straight up disappearing from the film alot of the character plot lines that do get focused on even the ones that are played for laughs do work for that particualr character and do highlight just how well portrayed that person is but at the same time tho it would have been nice and fitting if this film gave some attention to other characters as well and not just the ones that alot of people know off as that would truly highlight that making a TV really is a team effort something which does get lost here as the film does focus alot of it's plots on only a select few of characters.

Now then this film has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly one hour and forty one minuets and thirty nine seconds. Which is the absolutely perfect running time for this film to have as the film really doesn't have all that much there interms of plot to really cover a much more lager running time and to the films credit it really does make the best of that running time that it really could have done and while yes the film itself would have been better if the film did have a much more longer running time as that would then allow for more characters to get some actual character development but at the same time tho given the set up and idea of the film it really wouldn't make sense for this film to have a much a more longer as they could have ended the film just a little bit before they actually do as that would have been the absolutely perfect ending for the film but the ending that the film does indeed have is also a solid place to end the film and that is something that would have been lost if the film did have a much more longer running time as the film would have so much more stuff to pack into it and to wrap all of that stuff up in it's running time would mean ruining the films solid ending and that's not to mention the fact that it would also be stretching the films plot out even thinner then what it already is doing but I really will admit that this film really does have some really good pacing to it tho.

So now then as this is a comedy that really does mean that I gave to actually talk about the actual comedy that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual comedy that/s actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good. With this film having alot of really funny moments and a alot of really jokes in it as well both of which are things that this film really didn't need to do as it could have been just a straight up drama and the film would have worked really well but the fact that the makers of this film chose to make this film a comedy means that certain characters get to act alot more like how they most likely are which does lead to some really moments in the film and while alot of this films jokes are just people houting insults at each other the insults that they use are still some really funny insults and there ones that work for those characters as well but at the same time tho this films jokes really could have been alot more smarter and alot more varied then what they actually are but at the same time tho that really would have taken away from the films more realistic tone and setting tho but this films jokes really are still just as good the way that they are in this film and that does make all of the jokes that are in this film some really painfully jokes in their own right with this film being then worth seeing for it's jokes alone in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall regardless of if your fan of Saturday Night Live or not this is a film that's worth watching just for the performances alone as this film really is just worth watching with this film quite easily being better then alot of other films that really are out there right and while this film won't be hitting American shores until October 11th on wide screen release you guys really will most likely really like this film as that's how good this film really is in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad thigs that are in this very film in this very review and as such that really does mean that this very film really does earn itself a grand old score of exactly an 8 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from IMP wards . Com and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images really from this very film being the really great Google Images this is really because of the fact that really all of the images that I really indeed got and really used from the really great Google Images are all really high quality and in definition with really with all of the images that really are all currently up and really presently on the really great and the really solid Google Images really are all being really fairly high in quality and as well as them all really being fairly high in definition.



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