Megalopolis Film Review

Every so often there comes along a film that requires you to think and every so often that's the type of the film that require as well. This is neither of those of times as the the film that's about to talk to you all about today isn't as smart as it thinks that it is and is just trying to hard to be a good and smart film when alot of other films just are those films without trying at all and so then join me as I review the film that sees The Godfather return to the directors chair for the first time in a long time with the film in question being called simply just "Megalopolis" enjoy.

For once it's actually hard to say what the plot of this film even is not because of the fact that it doesn't have altho it doesn't have much in the way of a plot anyway but because the film is so hard to follow alot of the time. That it's hard to make out what the actual plot even is which is something that only leaves us the audience scratching our heads wondering what's actually going on because instead of watching a truly engaging plot line being told with likable characters and an interesting world we are instead watching these characters act out what is basically a more expensive and more confusing version of a soap opera and that's really it and that's not what you want from a big budget as any kind of the film should be ale to tell a good story that anyone can follow along as that will only get people engaged in your film and will get them to hopefully convince there friends and family to go and see the film but as things stand all this film is going to do from a plot point of view is leave people confused and have them wondering what they've just watched as it really is all that hard to tell what the plot of the film is and while the film does have some what of a loose narrative of someone trying to build a city and all of the challenges that he faces and while that kind of plot line could very easily support an entire film heck the entire Robocop franchise was built around that premise it still needs to be a lot less confusing for people to actually pick up what the plot of this film is even meant to be in the first film with the plot of this film not even being really rather entertaining and as well as being not that really rather engaging either in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Starring in this film is Adam Driver as Cesar Catilina , Giancarlo Esposito as Mayor Franklyn Cicero and Nathalie Emmanuel as Julia Cicero. Also starring in this film is Aubrey Plaza as Wow Platinum , Shia LaBeouf as Clodio Pulcher , Jon Voight as Hamilton Crassus III , Talia Shire as Constance Crassus Catilina , Jason Schwartzman as Jason Zanderz , Kathryn Hunter as Teresa Cicero , Grace VanderWaal as Vesta Sweetwater , Chloe Fineman as Clodia Pulcher , James Remar as Charles Cothope , D. B. Sweeney as Commissioner Stanley Hart Isabelle Kusman as Claudine Pulcher , Bailey Ives as Huey Wilkes , Madeleine Gardella as Claudette Pulcher , Balthazar Getty as Aram Kazanjian , Laurence Fishburne as Fundi Romaine and Kramer Vs. Kramer and Kung Fu Panda star Dustin Hoffman as Nush Berman.

Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally tought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good. This is something that's to be expected as not only is this films actors a bunch of really good actors in there own but also this films writer , producer and director Francis Ford Coppola does mostly know how to get a good performance out of his actors and that is something that really does shine through n this film  as all of this films actors really do make the most of what little this films script gives them to work and because of that fact the performance that are in this film aren't as good as they really could have been as we know for a fact that all of this films actors are a bunch of really good actors and can deliver some truly breathtaking performances when called upon and yet here in this film it feels like that the script for this film is just holding them back from turning in the kind of performances that we all know that this films actors really can deliver with acting thats in this very film not really being by the fact that the script for this film is just so bad as it gives none of this films actors absolutely nothing to work with interms of what it is that there actual characters ;personalities are even meant to be in the first place which is something that really does help to lower the quality of the acting that's in this very film.

Doing the CGI for this film is the legend and the greats that are currently over at Lux Machina Consulting and Narwhal Studios. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual CGI that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual CGI that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good with this films CGI really being alot better then what it really had any right to as while yes this film did have a moderate size budget the films effects studios aren't that well known and as a result of that is the fact that it wouldn't have been smart to expect some really good looking effects in this film and yet that's exactly what we ended up with all of this films CGI looking really good with the film only CGI when they absolutely have to instead of using to create things that they could have done practically and because of that is the fact that we do end up with alot of hidden CGI but at the same time when you do see something that is an obvious CGI effect it is something that does look really good but at the same time given the budget of this film all of this films effects really could have looked alot better then what they ultimately ended up being and as a result of that is the fact that alot of this films CGI do yes look really bad but at the same time there not as bad as they really could have been either.

Some tome ago Francis Ford Coppola called super hero films despicable with him saying that those films don't stay with you and make you feel things after watching them. To that we have to wonder has he even seen Joker a film that is a thought provoking and does stay with you for days after watching them while yes there are some super hero films out there that are dumb films there's nothing wrong with that that doesn't make them all despicable films all it does is make them films and that's really it the comic book movie busisness is one where's something for literally anybody and so your always going to find something that you'll like if you don't like thought provoking films like Joker and The Batman then there's Batman: The Movie or if you don't like campy films then there's Blade just because some of the comic book films out there are bad doesn't mean that they all are and it doesn't mean that comic book films aren't cinema as alot of them are as both The Batman and Joker are films that make you feel things and challenge just how good comic book movies can be when they have the right creative team behind them and heck old school films directors need to get off their high horse and face the facts that people do sometimes want super hero movies it doesn't mean that those films aren't cinema it just means that people just want to watch them and that's it.

This film commits the biggest sin that any film could ever possibly commit and that's the fact that this film is incredibly boring to watch. Why the director of The Godfather and Apocalypse Now thought that this film was entertaining is beyond me because this film is mind numbingly boring with there being nothing happening for the vast majority of the film and when something does actually happen not only is it over very quickly but it's also filled to the brim with lots of weird images which make what your watching really confusing this makes it feel like that Francis Ford Coppola was surrounded by a bunch of yes men when making this film and because of that we ended up with a film like this and while yes he has made great films in the past no one is going to ever ever deny him that that doesn't mean that he needs to be surrounded by a bunch of yes as sometimes having people be bold enough to say "no that's not a good idea" does more often then not result in a better product and a better product will result in you making more money which is something that really should have been at the front of his mind as he funded this whole film himself and since this film is going to be a moderate flop at the box office means that he's going to lose quite alot of his own money and this is something that wouldn't be an issue if the film was actually entertaining and was an actually good film to watch as well and yet because neither of those are met we end up with a really dull and boring film. 

For some strange reason the makers of this film chose to fill this film with alot of weird imagery that doesn't connect to anything that's going on in the film. As all they are is just weird images for the sake of being weird and that's really it and all it does is make you wonder why there even being included in the film as all they do is take you out of the film since they don't connect to anything that's happening in the film and they don't add anything to the plot of the film they are literally just there for the sake of being weird and artsy and that's really it and that's not a good enough reason for them being there when it would have made all the more sense if the film used it's sci-fi genre as a way to explain these weird imagery and heck they even could have found a way to connect them to the plot of the film but the film does neither of those things and as a result of that s the fact that they just come across as being weird for the sake of being weird and it's something that really does effect the film in a negative way as the makers of this film put these weird images in scenes where stuff is actually happening interms of advancing the plot and because of how weird and artsy images are they pull you out of the film and because of that all we are left with is a bunch of characters that we don't like trying and failing to tell a story that we the audience can't make out as the film is just that confusing.

Now then this film has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly two hours and twelve minuets and seven seconds. Which is far to long for this film as this film really doesn't have alot there interms of plot to really cover that i credibly large amount of running time as at most this film has enough running time to cover one hour and thirty minuets maybe one hour and forty five minuets at a stretch but that's really it and a result of that is the fact that this film really didn't need be well over two hours long and is only that long just so the film can seem all the more epic then it was and not because it's an actually epic story that needed that running time to tell that story and heck alot of the film is made up of scenes that could be seen as being nothing more then filler scenes as they really add nothing to the overall plot of the film and could have been removed from the film and nothing that's actually important to the actual plot of the film would be lost and infact having a shorter running time would actually help the film out in the long run as it would mean that all of the film would absolutely need to be about advancing the plot of the film and even with a shorter running time it could also mean that the film would need to give us some actual likable and memorable characters as well but I really will admit that this film really doesn't have good pacing to it tho.

So now then as this is drama that means that I have ti actually talk about the actual drama that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual drama that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that bad. However that's also the problem as this films drama isn't all that good either as alot of the drama is really badly handled with it coming out of nowhere or happening hours after the characters in question are last seen in the film thus making us the audience forget not only about those characters but also what there plot in the film even is in the first place this is something that is even true for the main characters as well as they do disappear quite alot of the time for quite a while and then when they do come back they have these big dramatic scenes which on paper should have worked and should have been really dramatic but because of the fact that they've not been seen in the movie for quite a while those scenes just don't work as well as they perhaps should have done and those are things that could have been fixed if the film was alot shorter and if the film actually had the main characters appear in more of the movie thus making there dramatic scenes work better then it would have gone a really long way to making the whole film alot more better and alot more memorable then what it actually is in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall it's not all that hard to see why this film is going to struggle to make it's one hundred and twenty million dollars as not only is the the far better film The Wild Robot out and really making all the money at the box office but this film really is just that bad of a film that really did have next to nothing released in terms or promotional material or trailers for that matter but that wouldn't have helped this film as this film is just that bad in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review and as such that really does mean that this film really does earn itself a grand old score of exactly a 5 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the mages that I personally used in this very review from the official Batman fandom wiki page , IMP Awards . Com and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images really from this very film being the really great Google Images this is really because of the fact that really all of the images that I really indeed got and really used from the really great Google Images are all really high quality really with all of the images that really are currently up and on the really great and the really solid Google Images really are all being really fairly high in quality and as well as them all really being fairly high in definition.



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