The Wild World Of Batwoman Film Review

Back in the nineteen sixties the Batman TV show was a very popular so much so that it did spawn a movie released in 1966. However what not alot of people really know is the fact that it also spawned a knock off movie really released the exact same year as this film with this film also being named as one of the worst films ever made and it's that very film that i'm going to be taking a look at today and so then join me as I review the film that really makes Batman & Robin look like an OSCAR winning masterpiece by comparison with thew film in question being called simply just "The Wild World Of Batwoman" enjoy.

The plot of this film is when a device that allows for limitless eavesdropping is stolen it's up to Batwoman and her spies called Batgirls to find the device before it really falls into the wrong hands. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really bad with the plot of this film being laughably bad and not in the way that makes it's endearing either rather it's in the way that makes the whole the film look bad as well as all we the audience end up doing is just laughing at how bad the plot of this film is as not one bit of it makes sense like for example Batman and her Batgirls in this film are meant to be vampires for some reason which they don't explain in anyway shape or form nor does it come into play during the plot of the fi9lm it's something that's mentioned once at the start of the film and is never mentioned again and the whole plot of the film is exactly like that with the plot of this film not really being entertaining as well as not being really rather engaging either in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Starring in this film is Katherine Victor as Batwoman , George Andre as Professor G. Octavius Neon and Steve Brodie as Jim Flanagan. Also starring in this film is Richard Banks as J.B. Christians / Rat Fink , Steve Conte as Bruno , Mel Oshins as Tiger , Bruno VeSota as Seltzer , Bob Arbogast as The Voice Of Spirits In Séance , Lloyd Nelson as Heathcliff , Lucki Winn as Bat Girl 14 , Suzanne Lodge as Kidnapped Bat Girl , Pam Garry as A Bat Girl , Sylvia Holiday as A Bat Girl , Francis Bryan as A Bat Girl and Leah London as A Bat Girl.

Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in al, honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that bad for the most part. As this films cast are quite clearly trying to turn in at the very least a semi decent performance but because of the fact that this films director quite clearly doesn't know how to direct his cast all of the actors in this film just come across as being lost and despite the fact that they are at the very least trying to turn in a good performance due to the fact that the director really doesn't know how to get a  really good performance out of his cast they just can't turn in that good of a performance with the acting in this film not really being helped by the f act that the script for this film is just so bad as it gives none of this films absolutely nothing tot work with interms of what it is that there respective characters personalities are even meant to be in the first which is something that really does bring down the overall quality of the acting that's in this very film as that's just how bad the script really is for this film.

For some strange the makers of this film seem to think that in order to make a good film you need to have your main heroes dancing quite alot of the time. As even tho Batman only danced once in the first episode of the 1966 TV show here the characters dance once every couple of minuets and they don't just dance for a few seconds either they dance for a good couple of minuets and even the last few minuets of the films running is spent with the characters dancing by a pool and al of this dancing is just for no reason other then the fact that they have some beautiful girls in the films cast and they want to show them dancing and that's really it all of which makes you wonder why the makers of the film chose to have the characters dancing as often as they do as they really add nothing to the film and is there just for filler and that's really it which really isn't good enough to show characters dancing as often they do heck even the 1966 Batman TV show at least had the excuse of the fact that that show was meant to be a very loose parody of the character where as this show really doesn't even have that excuse going for it at all.

As was mentioned at the start of this review this film is a knock off of the 1966 Batman TV series as this films writer , director , producer and editor Jerry Warren only made the film as he realized that the character of Batman was becoming popular thanks to the TV show. As such he decided to make his own bat themed superhero only he took very literally not realizing that Bruce Wayne only chose the bat as it was something that scared his enemies and yet he had his hero become a bat themed super hero because she's quite literally a vampire with the film even having it's own version of the bat cave and it's own version of Robin with one of the side villains and it even had it's pwn version of some of the gadgets that Batman would use in the show and movie only where as the TV show knew to give Batman a backstory and thus a reason for him wanting to become a superhero Jerry Warren chose not to do any of that for this film and as a result of that is the fact that we end up with a hero who is trying to be like Batman but fails to realise what it was that made and still does make Batman a good comic book character.

Speaking of Batwoman as a hero she just isn't that interesting as she does absolutely nothing for the vast majority of this films running time. As all she does for alot of this film is spend alot of the time just sitting around her massive mansion telling her spies to do things with her only doing things when no one else around to do it for her which makes her seem like a really lazy superhero and yet for some strange reason the villains of this film fear her alot more then what they do her spies when it should be the other way around as the spies do alot more then what Batwoman does and while yes the spies aren't that good either as alot of them are ditzy characters that get captured very easily during the films third act they at the very least are out there trying to solve this crime where as all Batwoman is doing is telling them what to do all the while doing absolutely nothing her self with this not really being helped by the fact that we the audience are given no reason to care for her as a character as we don't get to find out why she's hero or what it is that made her want her want to be a hero contrast this with Bruce Wayne and find out that he's a hero because he feels guilt over the death of his parents this right here gives us a reason to want to see him succeed and it makes hi an interesting but with Batwoman we get none of that.

The films villain Rat Think is really no better as while his plan is somewhat decent as while it is fairly bad it does tie into the campy nature of this film. What lets him down is the fact that the film tries to build up this mystery of who he really is and yet it forgets to do one thing and that's give us the audience clues as to who it is with the big reveal coming out of nowhere with there being very little to no build up to it with this not really being helped by the fact that we the audience aren't really given as reason to hate this character outside of the fact that he's the villain which is the most bare bones reason to create a villain as it doesn't make the villain interesting nor does it justify him being in the film as the film has a scientist character who very easily could have been the villain and in fact when he's first introduced into the film it does look like that he's going to be the villain but nope it instead turns out to be a very uninteresting villain who for some strange reason has this is history with Batwoman that we the audience never get to see or even hear more about it's just really brought up once or twice and is never mentioned again nor does it even play a big part in the plot of the film it's just really there in some lame attempt to make the plot of this film personal to Batwoman and not because of the fact that the makers of this film were going to do something interesting or even good with that idea which is something that they really should have done.

Now then this film has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly one hour and six minuets and seventeen seconds. Which is such a short running time for this film as while the film really doesn't have alot of plot to cover a large amount of running time it is something that could have been padded out not by having members of the films female cast dancing but by expanding on the backstory of either Batwoman or Rat Think as those are things that would have been to helping to make this film better then what it is and those are scenes that could have played into the plot of the film and it's something that also could have made the plot of this film all the more personal to Batwoman instead of just having Rat Think that he hates for Batwoman for quite literally no reason whatsoever and yet the film instead chooses to pad out it's running time by having pointless scenes of girls dancing instead of having scenes that would have actually have helped to make this film at least somewhat better then what it actually is but I will admit that this film really does ave some really good pacing to it tho.

So now then as this is an action film that means that I have to actually talk about the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us un this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that bad given the films campy tone. However with that in mind the films action isn't that good either even taking into account when this film was being made the action in this film is the most barebones action that you could have as you don't have the characters trowing each other around or barely throwing a bunch or a kick instead all you have is the characters just running into each other and and throwing each other slightly to the side and that's really it and heck for an action film the film itself only has one action scene which would make you think that all of the best action would be in that one scene but nope that couldn't be further from the truth yet if you compare this to the Batman 1966 movie which just like this film didn't have a big budget behind still had plenty of good , fun and campy action behind it which is something that is very sorely missing from this film in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall it's not hard to see why this show was covered on Mystery Science Theater 3000 as there is plenty of jokes that could have been made about this film as this film really is just that bad and is something that really should be forgotten by everyone due to how bad this film really is in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review and as such that really does mean that this very film really does earn itself a grand old score of exactly a 1.5 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got al pf the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from the official Mystery Science Theater 3000 fandom wiki page , the official DC Database fandom wiki page , the official batman fandom wiki page and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images this film being the really great Google Images this is because really all of the images that I really got and used from Google Images are all really high quality with all the images that are currently up and on the great Google Images are all being really fairly high in quality and as well as them all really being fairly high in definition.



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