Monty Python And The Holy Grail Film Review

It's safe to assume that we Brits have some great taste in comedy and heck even two of what many consider to be the greatest comedies of all time are indeed British. While many will say that Hot Fuzz is the greatest comedy ever made there are many that will think that the film that i'm going to be talking about today is the greatest comedy ever made simply because of the fact that not only is it still painfully funny to this day but it's also instantly quotable and thanks to Spamalot is still being seen by thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people and so then join me as I review that introduced the world to Knights Who Say Ni with the film in question being called simply just "Monty Python And The Holy Grail" enjoy.

The plot of this film is King Arthur and his hapless band of knights of the roundtable are tasked with finding the mythical holy grail. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt a,bout the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good as the plot of this film isn't afraid to be wonderfully silly and nonsensical and while that might be something that's considered a bad thing in other films in this film not only is that part of the films charm that's also the point of the film as the world that this film takes place is one that's wonderfully silly and nonsensical and as a result of that is the fact that it only makes sense that the plot of this film be exactly that and that any plot that takes place in this world would have to be like that in order for it to make sense for the world that the plot of this films takes place in with the plot of this film also being really rather entertaining and as well as being really rather engaging as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Starring in this film is this films co-screenwriter Graham Chapman as Arthur , The Voice Of God , The Middle Head and The Hiccuping Guard and this films co-screenwriter and Fawlty Towers co-creator John Cleese as Sir Lancelot The Brave , "Coconuts and Swallows" Guard 2 , Customer , The Black Knight , Peasant 3 , French Taunter , Knight and Tim The Enchanter. Also starring in  this is this films co-screenwriter Eric Idle as Sir Robin The Not-Quite-So-Brave-as-Sir Lancelot , Peasant 1 , The Non-Understanding Stupid Guard , Concorde , The Plague Dead Collector , Roger The Shrubber and Brother Maynard, this films co-screenwriter and co-director Terry Jones as Sir Bedevere The Wise , Dennis' Mother , The Left Head, Prince Herbert and The Voice Of An animated Scribe , this films co-screenwriter Sir Michael Palin as Sir Galahad The Pure / Chaste, "Coconuts and Swallows" Guard 1 , Dennis , Peasant 2 , The Right Head , The Narrator Of The Film , Lord Of The Swamp Castle , Guest 1 , Guest 2 , Brother Maynard's Brother and Leader Of The Knights Who Say Ni!, this films co-screen writer and co-director Terry Gilliam as Patsy , The Killed Green Knight , Old Man From Scene 24 / Bridgekeeper , Gorilla , Sir Bors The Elder and The Weak-Hearted Animator , Carol Cleveland as Zoot and Dingo , Fawlty Towers co-creator Connie Booth as Miss Islington , Neil Innes as The Leader Of Robin's Minstrels , Head Monk , Knight Of Camelot and Servant Crushed by Rabbit , Julian Doyle as The Police Sergeant , Bee Duffell as The Old Crone , John Young as Frank The Historian and The Old Man , Rita Davies as Frank's Wife , Avril Stewart as Dr. Piglet and Sally Kinghorn as Dr. Winston.

Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good. With all of this films cast very few of which are professional actors at this point in time still manage to turn in some really good performances with the likes of the Monty Python members managing to make all of the characters that there playing in this film feel distinct and different from one another and even tho Graham Chapman was mostly drunk while making this film he is very easily the best performer in this film which really does go to show you just how good of an actor that he really was and while it's hard to say who the true standout performer for this film is it's very easily one of the Monty Python members as there all so good in this film with the acting in this film really being helped by the fact that the script fr this film is just so good that all this films cast have to do is just the say lines as they are written and a good performance will come out of them naturally which is something that really does help to raise the overall quality of the acting that's in  this very film.

Not only is the writing for this film so good but the side characters are just as memorable as the films main characters. As alot of the films side characters not only have alot of the films best jokes but also are in some of the scenes most fun scenes and while many people will rather rightfully sight the scene with the black knight as a good example of that it could also be argued the scene with the King of Swamp Castle and his guards are just as good just due to the fact that it's three characters in a room with each one trying to understand what the other is doing which is a fun scene and alot of the film is like that with it's side characters as alot of the films side characters are instantly memorable and have some really funny lines and while yes the films main characters do have some really memorable lines of dialog as well it's the films side characters that make more of a lasting impact of us the audience just due to the fact that they have alot of the films best scenes and it helps that the actors playing those side characters are quite clearly having just as much fun playing the side characters as they do playing the main characters as well.

While many people do rather rightfully think that Hot Fuzz is the better of the two films this film also has alot going for it as well. As this film is nothing more then pure silliness in the best way possible while Hot Fuzz plays everything super seriously which is something that does work well for that film however it also makes the film the less fun of the two to watch where as this film is so silly and so out there that you can't help but have fun watching with both films looking like they were pure joy to film as even it was a film that was made rather cheaply which is something that really does show through in quite literally all of the films castle scenes it's also something that goes to show you just how good the co-directors of this film where as they had to make something out of nothing and actually be creative where as Hot Fuzz didn't have that problem and while yes Hot Fuzz is also a really good film nothing is going to ever beat the timeless nature of this film as alot of this film just screams timeless and isn't dated in anyway possible.

There are some downsides to this film tho like for example the fact that for alot of the film the film really does feel like sketch show. Which given where Monty Python started does indeed make sense and even they did try to give the film more of a focused plot unlike there previous film And Now For Something Completely Different this film does for a large portion of it's running time come across as being like an extended sketch in a sketch show as the characters do go there sperate ways which they do explain in a way that makes sense it's also something that robs of us of the more fun interactions that we do get when these characters are together and while that doesn't harm the film in the long run as they do explain how they got back together in a way that feels natural and organic as well it also makes the previous minuets where they are apart feel pointless as nothing really happens to advance the overall plot of the film which might be the point of the film but it's also something that shouldn't have been in the film as it does harm the film but it is something that would have been more then welcomer in a sketch from a sketch comedy show tho.

Lots of people say things that really aren't iconic as being iconic this film is well and truly iconic in every single way possible. With it being impossible not to quote this film when you think of it as it's just so engraved in popular culture and to the films credit it doesn't really linger on those more iconic as instead it's alot more focused on telling a good story which oddly enough makes those moments alot more iconic and it goes to show that the makers of this film really did have there focus on all of the right things which comes together to make a great film which is something that alot of comedies today don't do as there more focused on trying to create iconic moments instead of focusing on telling a good story with good characters that you actually like where as with this film it's the opposite that's true and because of that is the fact that this film comes of all the more better because it's focused more on being a good film then it is on creating moments for people to react and while yes people have reacted to moments from this film that's more due to the fact that there so well crafted that they naturally become iconic in there own right.

Now then this film has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly one hour and thirty two minuets and seven seconds. Which is pretty much the perfect running time for this film to have as the film has just the right amount of pot to really cover that large amount of running timer and while yes the film would have been better if it is was longer as then it allow for the makers of this film to give the characters some form of character and some form of character development it would also mean dragging out alot of the films jokes and adding in scenes that would feel alot more like filler as scenes like those really would add nothing to the overall plot of the film and would there just for the sake of being there and not because of the fact that they add anything to either the plot of the film or to the characters as a whole and as a result of that the extra running time whilst it would allow for the film to have an ending it would also ruin the point of the film as well as the whole point of the film is just be a sully film with no ending which would be ruined if the film did have an actual ending but I will admit that this film really does ave some really good pacing to it tho.

So now then as this is a comedy that really does mean that I have to actually talk about the actual comedy that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual comedy that's actually featured / presented to us un this very film was in all honesty really good. With all of this films jokes being gut bustingly funny with the film having so many jokes right from the opening minuets of the film where they straight up play a good minuet or so of another film to the opening subtitles of this film being fake subtitles and even the running joke about swallows this film is not going to be beat on a comedy perspective as it's just throwing so many jokes at you that even when the film does tell a joke that isn't that good it's not only very quickly forgotten about it's also very quickly followed up by half a dozen jokes that are really funny and all of the films jokes are like that and heck alot of this films jokes are so engraved into popular culture that it's hard not to laugh at them when those jokes are told in this film as that's just how good the jokes in this film really well and truly are as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall this film is just so good that it more the holds up all of these years later with everything about this film still holding up all of these years later all of which combine to make a film that is just as good today as it really was all the way back in nineteen seventy five as this film really is just all that good in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review and a such that really does mean that this very film really does earn itself a grand old score of exactly a 9 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then hoys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the mages that I personally used in this very review from IMP Awards . Com and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images this film being the really great Google Images this is because really all of the images that I really got and used from Google Images are all really high quality with all the images that are currently up and on the great Google Images are all being really fairly high in quality and as well as them all really being fairly high in definition.



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