Invasion Of Astro-Monster Film Review

It's been almost a year since a classic Godzilla movie was talked and well there's no time like the present to talk about another classic Godzilla. With this film featuring not one but two of the king of the monsters foes with the film also oddly enough going into space for the first time in the franchises decades long history and so then join me as I review the film that sees Godzilla and Rodan team up take on the ultimate Godzilla foe in King Ghidorah with the film in question being called simply just "Invasion Of Astro-Monster" enjoy.

The plot of this film is when two astronauts are captured by aliens on Planet X the aliens ask for help from none other then Godzilla and Rodan to assist them in taking down King Ghidorah but can the aliens be trusted. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought /felt that the actual poot that's actually feature / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good with the plot of the film by doing something different then alot of the other Godzilla films as this film does try to make the aliens seem like there genuinely trying to be nice people which is something that none of the other Godzilla have even tried before now with this being helped by the fact that it then makes you wonder who the real bad guy of the film is and it makes the twist near the end of the film comes across as being all the more shocking with the plot of this film also being really rather entertaining and as well as being really rather engaging as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Starring in this film is Akira Takarada as Kazuo Fuji , Nick Adams as Glenn and Gorō Naya as The Voice Of  Glenn. Also starring in this film is Kumi Mizuno as Namikawa , Jun Tazaki as Dr. Sakurai , Akira Kubo as Tetsuo Torii , Keiko Sawai as Haruno Fuji , Yoshio Tsuchiya as The Controller Of Planet X , Takamaru Sasaki as The Chairman of Earth Committee , Gen Shimizu as The Minister of Defense , Yoshifumi Tajima as The General , Nadao Kirino as The Military Aide , Kenzo Tabu as The Commander From Planet X , Koji Uno as Namikawa's Associate , Somesho Matsumoto as A Buddhist Priest , Haruo Nakajima as Godzilla , Masaki Shinohara as Rodan and Shoichi Hirose as King Ghidorah.

Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good. With alot of the films human cast turning in some really good performances with the true stand out from the human cast being Nick Adams as Glenn and Gorō Naya as The Voice Of  Glenn Nick because he gives the character alot of strength and earnestness and Gorō because his voices gives the character alot of heart that's missing from the on screen portrayal of the character with the best monster performer being of course Haruo Nakajima who at this point can play Godzilla in his sleep as he's just gotten his portrayal of the character down perfectly and knows what kind of performance would best suit his version of the character in any given scene that he's in with the acting in this film really being helped by the fact that the script for this film is just so good that all the films cast have to do is just the say lines as they are written and a good performance will come out of them naturally which is something that really does help raise the overall quality of the film.

This is the first of many films that star the king of the monsters to take us into space and to this films credit Planet X does look pretty good. With the planet at this point in it's lifespan being nothing more then a baron wasteland due to the fact that King Ghidorah has been attacking the planet for no reason with the planet itself having a very distinct look to it which does make it standout from all of the other planets that have been featured in alot of other science fiction films at the point and as this was the first time that the Godzilla team had created an original planet for these films and the fact that the people making this film didn't have that big of an effects budget it makes this planet's design come across as being budget friendly as there's next to nothing on the planet which does make the planet look unique but at the same time it also makes the film look cheap due to the fact that there's nothing on this planet to make it look the film look cheap as a result of as this is a key location for a large portion of the film and yet it does look really bland looking.

Making King Ghidorah one of the two bad guys in this film was the smartest choice that the makers of this film could have made. As he is the ultimate Godzilla foe who is more the powerful enough and strong enough to take down Godzilla when the king of the monsters is at his weakest and as a result of that is that by having be the main villain of this film immediately puts Godzilla at a huge disadvantage and yet by having team up with Rodan does somewhat tip the scale back in Godzilla's favour as it means that he can now attack King Ghidorah from the air something that he does take advantage of and it also means that when all three monsters fall under the aliens control and start attacking the Earth it means that they can attack us from both the land and the air with King Ghidorah himself being rather rightfully treated as a big threat as when he comes into the film the film goes from being playful yet still science fiction based to being borderline horror as we the audience know that whenever that character is on screen that things are going to get destroyed and that's exactly what has happened to the landscape of Planet X.

For those of you that are wondering yes this is the film where Godzilla does that stupid dance at the end of the first battle with King Ghidorah. This is something that really doesn't mesh well enough with the films tone as it's something that comes out of nowhere and it makes what is overwise a rather mature tone now feel more kid friendly as the grown ups aren't going to understand why Godzilla is doing that dance but the people who were kind n Japan when this film was being made would have understood why he's doing that dance and that's something that just doesn't work for the character so much so that even Godzilla actor Haruo Nakajima hated the idea of Godzilla doing a dance and it's not hard to see why as his version of Godzilla is an unstoppable force and in the early films was pure evil and there for he wouldn't do a victory dance as that wouldn't have been in his character at the time but it would have been in character for someone like Mothra for example as she is a more kid friendly character where as the opposite is true is for Godzilla and heck it would even work Minilla as he is a literal child and would for do a little dance after surviving his first battle.

It's a known fact by now that you don't really go to see a Godzilla to see an interesting human story with the same thing also being true for this film as well. As the human side of the plot just isn't that interesting while it is refreshing as they are given a legitimate reason to trust the Xiliens as the humans where being offered the cure for cancer but at the same time it does also make them look dumb as they gave up someone who could have there biggest defender in Godzilla and hand him off to a group of people that they barely know and while yes there reason for doing so does make sense as does the fact that both Godzilla and Rodan have caused more trouble for the humans then King Ghidorah has at this point in the time they still have no real reason to trust them as the Xiliens keep both Rodan and Godzilla on there planet which really should have been a huge red flag but the human characters just straight up ignore it and yet they act surprised when it turns out that the Xiliens are evil and try to invade earth with this not really making the human side of the plot all the more interesting as all it does is make you want to see the monsters get back on screen so that they really can get back to fighting each other.

Now then this film has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly one hour and thirty four minuets and twenty seven seconds. Which is pretty much the bogstandard running time for the Godzilla films that were being made around this time with it really being helped by the fact that the film really does have more then enough there interms of plot to really cover that large amount of running time and while the film could have been longer just to flesh out it's human characters but at the same time tho if this film was to be even just a little bit longer it would mean that the films plot would be getting stretched rather thin and while yes having better developed human characters would make the film alot more better then what it already is it's not something that should come at the expense of the story and the story is something that should always come first and if a having a thin story is what you get when you add time to a films running time then it would make more sense to get rid of extra scenes with the films human characters and if the film was longer it would also mean having a bunch of scenes that ultimately add nothing to the overall plot of the film and would there for feel like filler scenes but I will admit that this film really does have some really good pacing to it tho.

So now then as this is an action film that means that I have to actually talk about the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really cool. With the action in this film being the best part of the film as it's always going to be cool seeing Godzilla destroying Japanese cities and towns and now when you add in not one but two other monsters both of which are doing the exact same thing and aliens are attacking the earth in there spaceship and as result of that is the fact that it really now means that what we the audience are going to get is a just a bunch of all destruction that no matter what they do and no matter what effects shots are re-used from other monster films it's still going to be cool to see with this films truly epic third act final battle being the best action in the whole entire as all it really is is Godzilla , Rodan , King Ghidorah and the Xiliens destroying the earth while the humans are trying to get the monsters out of the Xiliens control which really is just so cool and and really just so much fun to see in this film in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall this film is just such a fun monster film to watch no matter which monster you like and it's a good example of just how good the Godzilla franchise really could have been when the franchise really is at it's at it's best and when the makers of the film actually really care about the films and about the characters in it it as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review and as such that really does mean that this very film really does earn itself a grand old score of exactly a 6.5 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in his very review from the official Godzilla fandom wiki page , Wikizilla and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images from this very / particular / exact film being Wikizilla since alot of the images that are from this film and that are currently still indeed up on Wikizilla are all really fairly freaking high in quality and as well as being fairly freaking high in definition.



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