X-Men: Apocalypse Film Review

There have been an awful lot of X-Men films out there some good like the first one and some bad like Dark Phoenix. However there is one film that quite alot of people seem to forget about this is despite it being set in the exact timeline as both the original films and the rebooted films as well and it's that very film that i'm going to be talking about today and so then join me as I review the film that introduces Jubilee into the rebooted timeline with the film in question being called simply just "X-Men: Apocalypse" enjoy.

The plot of this film is when an ancient mutant is accidentally awakened the X-Men must bound together to fight this evil and stop him from destroying the world once and for all. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that bad but that's also the problem as the plot of this film isn't that good either as it's just the typical X-Men film plot with nothing really all that new added to it which does have the add on effect of making this films plot feel like that it's just going through the motions as it has nothing new to say that wasn't already said in all of the previous film but I will admit that the plot of this film is really rather entertaining and as well as being really rather engaging as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Starring in this film is James McAvoy as Professor Charles Xavier and Michael Fassbender as Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto. Also starring in this film is The Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence as Raven / Mystique , Rose Byrne as Moira MacTaggert , Evan Peters as Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver , Josh Helman as Col. William Stryker , Game Of Thrones star Sophie Turner as Jean Grey , Tye Sheridan as Scott Summers / Cyclops , Lucas Till as Alex Summers / Havok , Kodi Smit-McPhee as Kurt Wagner / Nightcrawler , Ben Hardy as Angel , Alexandra Shipp as Ororo Munroe / Storm , Lana Condor as Jubilee , Olivia Munn as Psylocke , Nicholas Hoult as Hank McCoy / Beast and Oscar Isaac as En Sabah Nur / Apocalypse.

Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us n this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that bad. With the cast members that you expect to give a good performance in this film really delivering exactly that but what lets the film down is the fact that alot of the newer actors in this film just don't deliver that good of a performance with the best example of this being both Lana Condor as Jubilee and Oscar Isaac as En Sabah Nur / Apocalypse as both just turn in really wooden performances this is of course no fault of ether actor as they have turned in some really good performances in other projects rather it's instead the fault of director Bryan Singer who just doesn't know how best to direct them with this films script not really helping the acting in this film as it gives none of the films cast absolutely nothing to work with interms of what it is that there respective characters personalities are even meant to be in this first place.

Doing the CGI for this film is Moving Picture Company , Digital Domain , Rising Sun Pictures , Cinesite , Raynault VFX , Hydraulx , MELS , Exceptional Minds , BUF , Lola Visual Effects and Solid FX. Now then interms of what personally thought / felt about the actual CGI that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in al honesty personally thought / felt that the actual CGI that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that bad which is to be expected given the effects companies that are involved with the making of this film but at the same time tho the effects in this film aren't as good as they really should have been as alot of them look a little to fake as alot of the CGI has no weight to it which makes it hard to buy into what's being shown on screen and while this films CGI is mostly good and mostly holds up when compared to other more recent films the CGI still looks bad with the film having some really bad looking that hasn't really aged all that well.

This film does introduce some new characters like both Jubilee and Psylocke the issue is tho is that neither character is given muck in the way of a personality. Heck the animated version of Jubilee has more of a personality then this live action version does and as a result of this is the fact that both characters just fade into the background with both characters becoming bland and forgettable and in the case of Jubilee her characters just straight up disappears from the film after doing literally nothing all throughout the film which makes her feel alot more like a useless character that really wasn't needed as the role that she plays in this film could be filled by quite literally any other character and nothing about the plot or the character would have change and while Psylocke does play a slightly bigger role in the film and actually does something she's not handled all that better either which makes her character feel like a waste of a really good character.

While it would be super easy to just name everything negative that this film does the film does have some positive things going for it as well. Like the fact that the film does build up the relationship between Scott and Jean really well with the two of them actually spending alot of time together and getting to know each other and the fact that both Scott and Kurt have some pretty interesting character arcs with the same thing also being true for both Jean and Eric as well as Scott , Jean and Kurt have to learn to except there powers and learn what it means to truly be a mutant while Eric has to learn that just because someone says that your an evil person due to some bad things that have happened to you in the past that doesn't truly make you an evil person on the inside and while yes Eric is an evil person the fact that this film explored the concept of what it means to be evil and what it really means to truly be evil is an intriguing idea and one that would have worked alot better if it was apart of a much more better film.

For some reason this film seems to be alot more focused on setting up the dreadful next movie then it is in being a good movie in it's own right. With the film just straight up telling us that the next movie in this franchise was going to be based around the The Dark Phoenix Saga when the film should have instead been alot more focused on just being a good film and not in setting up something that really was never going to work in a single film format and it's because of that lack of focus that the film just feels like that's going through the motions as the film just straight up has a pointless Quicksilver running scene just because it was in the previous film and where as in that film that scene made sense as he was messing with all of the prison guards here he wouldn't stop to make a joke because the situation has changed and there for the entire idea really needs to be taken alot more seriously and he really wouldn't let the house explode without really double checking that everyone was safe and sound but because of the fact that the film is more focused on setting up The Dark Phoenix Saga things like and the fact that this films villain isn't all that interesting among many other things just fall through the cracks and the film does suffer because of that fact.

Now then this film has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly two hours and twenty three minuets and fifty seven seconds. Which is pretty much the bogstanderd running time for alot of these X-Men films to have but at the same time tho this film really didn't need to be that long at all as the film really doesn't have alot there interms of plot to really cover that incredibly large amount of running time as the film has alot of scenes that really go nowhere and add nothing to the overall plot of the film like the fact that all of kids and some teachers get taken by Stryker for no reason and it's something that is purely there just for a quick blink and you'll miss it cameo from Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and that's really it as that whole segment of the film could have been taken out and nothing about the plot of the film would need to be changed as it adds nothing to the overall plot of the film and there are a ton of scenes that are just like that in this film but I will admit that this film really does have some really good pacing to it tho.

So now the as this is a action film that means that I have to actually talk about the actual action that's actually featured /  presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that bad. However at the same time tho the action that we got given to us in this very film wasn't all that good either as it due to the actions editing it does at times get a tad bit confusing but for the most part when we do get something really cool happening it is a really cool moment and the film does rather rightfully hold on it for a lot longer but alot of the time the film is cutting every couple of seconds which can make it hard to follow some of the time with the best action scene in this film being the big third act final battle as that's when we get to see some really creative looking fight scenes that make the action in that one sequence so much more better then what it really had right to be as the action that we had so far just wasn't all that good nor that interesting for that matter as this film action just wasn't all that good for the most part in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall the biggest sin that this film or any film for that matter can commit is that it's boring and forgettable and that's something that this film is as it can be boring alot of the time and it's just a downright forgettable movie that had all of the makings of being a good or even borderline great movie but for one reason or another it just wasn't able to live up to all of that motivation in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then iv;e talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review and as such that means that this very film really does earn itself a grand old score of exactly a 6 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all pf the images that I personally used in this very review from the official X-Men Movies fandom wiki page and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images this film being the really great the official X-Men Movies fandom wiki page this is because all of the images that I got for this review and that are still and of course currently up and really are on the really great the official X-Men Movies fandom wiki page with them all being really fairly high in quality and as well as them all really being fairly high in definition.



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