Batman Returns Film Review


We are only just a few short days away from a certain day and the TV channels are starting to play all of the traditional Christmas movies and yet all of them are forgetting one movie in particular. As the movie that i'm about to review or you all today is technically a Christmas movie as it takes place during the month of December and you see Christmas decorations all over the place and and so then join me as I review the only Batman film that is technically a Christmas movie with the film in question being called simply just "Batman Returns" enjoy.

The plot of the film is The Penguin is on a quest to steal all of the first born sons in Gotham and kill Batman for good with the help of Catwoman and it's up to Batman to stop them both before it's far to late. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual plot that's actually feature / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that bad with this films plot being alot goofier in some respects then the first films plot was and at the same time it was just as strange and just a bizarre as you'd expect from a Tim Burton movie with this films plot also being really rather entertaining and really rather engaging as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Starring in this film is Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne / Batman and Danny DeVito as Oswald Cobblepot / The Penguin. Also starring in this film is Michelle Pfeiffer as Selina Kyle / Catwoman , Christopher Walken as Max Shreck , Michael Gough as Alfred , Michael Murphy as The Mayor , Cristi Conaway as The Ice Princess , Andrew Bryniarski as Chip , Pat Hingle as Commissioner Gordon , Vincent Schiavelli as The Organ Grinder , Paul Reubens as Tucker Cobblepot , Diane Salinger as Esther Cobblepot , Jan Hooks as Jen , Steve Witting as Josh , Anna Katarina as The Poodle Lady and Doug Jones as The Thin Clown.

Now then interms if what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good. With all of this films cast members turning in some really good performances which really shouldn't be that much of a surprise as director and producer Tim Burton really does know how to get a really solid performance out of his cast but it's also because of the fact that this films cast are a bunch of really good actors and would therefor know how to tun in a good performance with the acting in this film really being helped by the fact that this films script is just so good that all the films cast have to do is just say the lines as they are written and good performance will come out of them naturally.

This film is of course well known for featuring Catwoman who is of course played by the great Michelle Pfeiffer. This version is perhaps the most iconic version of the version of the character as this is where the character gets a truly iconic costume that really does fit the character as does the fact that she basically gets a split personalty with Selina being her good side that just wants to do what's right even if it means that she gets the short end of the stick and then there's the Catwoman side of her that says and does everything that Selina wishes that she could say and do even if it means that she'll be shot at by various people with this twist on the character giving her an extra dimension as you never really know what version of the character that your going to get but whichever version you end up getting your always going to feel sorry for her.

Interms of The Penguin this version of the character isn't really that good of a villain as he doesn't really have a plan outside of trying to kill off Batman. However what does save this character from being a truly boring villain is the fact that he's just an outsider who is looking for a place to fit in which does make his story seem more like a tragedy as everywhere he tries to fit in he ends up scaring people away which has the knock on effect of making this already jaded character hate the people of Gotham even more then he already which basically means that it was the people of Gotham who made The Penguin who is was as while he was kin no doubt evil when the the film first started he still could have been redeemed as at various points in the film we do see him try to act like a decent human being even ditching The Penguin name in favor of his own name and yet the second that he gets rejected by Gotham he goes right back to using The Penguin name and ditches his own name thus ditching the last of humanity for good.

This film is so much more darker and just down right insane then the first film was with this film even showing us blood something which the first film didn't do. Even the villain The Penguin is perhaps the creepiest villain in this film just because of the fact that he looks like he belongs in a horror movie and while the first film felt like a studio film that just so happened to made by Tim Burton this film feels like a Tim Burton film that just so happens to be a studio film as Tim Burton was given free reign to do whatever he wanted and what he came up with was the most gruesome and weird Batman movie ever made and while alot of strangeness is just there fort the sake of being there alot of the more gruesome aspects of the film only helps to make the film alot more better then what it already is and while the film could have toned down it's campyness as it gets so campy that it starts to feel like a big budget version of the Adam West Batman TV show alot of that campyness does also make the film very fun to watch as well.  

The relationship between Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle wasn't really all that interesting nor that well built up. As both Micheal Keaton and Michelle Pfeiffer just don't share any kind of romantic chemistry with each other with the two feeling like two people who just met each other that day before they started filming the movie together with this not really being helped by the fact that there romance isn't that well written either which given that both of the are each others secret enemy shouldn't really be the case as the film could have done so much more with the fact that they know who each other and yet the film does nothing with it and as such we have to miss out on what could have been a really interesting aspect of there relationship for no reason whatsoever and all we are left with is a rather boring , forced and predictable romance subplot that goes nowhere and really adds nothing to the actual plot of the film itself.

Now then while I cannot for the absolutely life of me remember whatever this films grand total exact running time even was I do know for a fact that this film has / had an exact grand total running time of roughly two hours and one minuet. Which is both a solid running time for this film to have and tad bit on the long side as well as while this film does have more then enough plot to cover that large amount of running time it also doesn't need to be as long as that either as you very easily could have told this films plot in well under two hours and you really wouldn't have to cut out alot of scenes either as all you'd have to do is just cut down alot of the preexisting scenes and that's really it but if this film was to be given a longer running time it would allow for the films characters to become more fully developed as characters but I will very much admit that this film really does have some really good pacing to it tho.

So now then as this is an action film that means that I have to actually talk about the actual action that's means that I have to actually talk about the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good. With alot of the films action being just as over the top and just over the top over the top and just as fun as you'd expect from a Tim Burton Batman film which is something that works well enough form this take on the Batman character and it is something that does allow for some creative moments in the film as well with the best action scene in the whole entire movie being the fight scene between Batman and Catwoman as it's something that gives us a chance to see just how good Catwoman is in a fight and just how both of them handle each other in a fight as well and it gives us a chance to see just how lucky Catwoman well and truly is in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall if your a Batman and your looking for a film to watch over the Christmas time period then you really can't go wrong with this film as it does make for a good alternative Christmas film in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review and as such that means that this very film earns itself a grand old score of exactly an 8 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from the official Batman fandom wiki page , Wikipedia , IMP Awards . Com and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images this film being Google Images this is because really all of the images that I really got and that are all really currently up and on the great Google Images are all being really fairly high in quality and as well as them all really being fairly high in definition.



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