Call Me Chihiro Film Review


Every so often there comes along a film that has nothing going on plot wise but is still oddly engaging and in this case rather calming. Well the film that i'm about to review for you all is just such a film it's also a film that I have no choice but to do this review based of off the dubbed version of it since that seems to be the only version of the film out their on the internet right now and so then join me as I review the film Netflix quietly released with the film in question being called simply just "Call Me Chihiro" enjoy.

I would normally tell you what the plot of the film is here and then give you my thoughts on the plot of the film itself. However this film really doesn't have a plot to begin with which in this case isn't a bad thing since having a plot would get n the way of the films more relaxed tone and realistic nature both of which are key to making this film work and both or which wouldn't be able to work if this film had a plot since the film would have to go to plot point to plot point without giving us the audience time to breathe in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. 

Starring in this film is Kasumi Arimura / Emily Taheny as Chihiro and Hana Toyoshima / Gemma Hollingsworth as Okaji. Also starring in this film is Tetta Shimada / Flynn Tinkler as Makoto , Jun Fubuki / Abbe Holmes as Tae and Nagai , van / Scout Hook as Basil , Lily Franky / Patrick Harvey as Utsumi , Mitsuru / Robert Grubb as Bito , Itsuki Nagasawa / Jessica Clarke as Betchin , Miwako Ichikawa / Jessica Clarke as Chihiro 2 , Yui Sakuma / Kate Tinkler as Hitomi and Ryūya Wakaba / Jeremy Hopkins as Taniguchi.

Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt abut the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us int his very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty. Not that bad with the films acting being really good however what lets the overall quality of the acting down for me is the dubbing with none of the dubbing actors really having the right voices for the character that they are portraying and hat was very distracting to me and on top of all that the dubbed actors just don't turn in that good of a performance.

The only one that I can use to describe this film is calming because everything that's about this film is just that calming. This is because of the fact that the film has a very relaxing and a very calming tone to it which makes the film very enjoyable to watch this is also helped by the films main character who serves to make the film feel all that more calming and that was something that I really liked since you very rarely get to see a film that is calming and so to see this one carry that very calming tone to it was very refreshing indeed.

This film is of course based of off the 2017 manga "Chihirosan" and was written by Hiroyuki Yasuda and was published by Elegance Eve. I have to admit that I haven't read a single page of the original manga and heck until now I haven't even heard of the manga but if it's anything like this film then I might be tempted to read since the film was genuinely nice and entertaining and so to read a manga with all of these characters would just be a nice and fun read and it's one that i'm hopefully able to read at somepoint.

Like i've just said I haven't read a single page of the original manga and as such I have no idea if this film is a faithful adaptation or not. However what I can say is that the film that we got doesn't work since like I said there's no plot in this film and as such this film just feels like that we're watching these character go about their day to day lives which is great for the first hour or so but it's something that gets boring pretty quickly and as such I have to say that this storyline would have really worked alot better as a thirty minuet anime TV series instead of a live action feature length film.

This film does do a really good job of setting up it's main character as kind of like a Mary Poppins type of character. In that s only goes where she's needed and not where she's wanted and the fact that she deals with loneliness all throughout the film makes her struggles feel real heck the same thing could be said for all of the characters in this film since they all have issues that Chihiro helps them deal with just by talking to them and that is more often then not the best way to deal with any issue that any of us have and that makes all of their friendships to her feel all the more real to me.

Now then this film has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly two hours and eleven minuets and fifty four seconds. Which for a film like this one is quite alot on the long side since nothing is happening for alot of this films running time and that does make this film feel very boring at times and as such if this film was shorter and instead came in at one hour and thirty minuets then it would be alot easier to watch and this would also help with the films pacing as well which with it's current running time this films pacing is OK at best but with a short running time every single scene would need to be trimmed and every single scene would need to be advancing the films admittedly none existent story and that would in the end only serve to help the film out in the long run.

So now then since this is a drama that means that I have to actually talk about the actual drama that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual drama that's actually featured / resented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good. With all of this films drama being rather character driven and so when a character does act rather dramatic you believe that they would say and act like that and that makes all the dramatic have alot more weight to them to them in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall this was a really good film and it's one that i'd say is really worth watching if you just want to ave a film on in the background or you just want to relax since the film is that calming in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review and as such that means that this very film earns itself a grand old score of exactly a 7 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from the official Dubbing fandom wiki page , the official Makoto Shinkai fandom wiki page and Google Images. With my preferred website to use to get images from this film being Google Images just simply due to the fact that alot of the images that are on Google Images are all fairly high quality and as well as being fairly high definition.



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