Idina Menzel: Which Way To The Stage Film Review


Every so often I like to surprise you all by reviewing something that you wouldn't normally expect me to review. This is done mainly just to keep me on my toes an as well as keep you all on your toes as well and well then to put it rather bluntly today is one of those days and so then join me as I review the film that gives us an inside look at the life of one of the true standout stars of the film Frozen with the film in question being called simply just "Idina Menzel: Which Way To The Stage" enjoy.

Since this is a documentary that means that this film doesn't have a story but I do like the idea of following this person that alot of people love. Since this film des a really good job of showing us just how much of a real person that Idina Menzel is since regardless of if you've seen or heard her in films or you've seen her in a play of some sort then you've not seen the real person and yet here she is completely honest and raw and that makes her come across as being an even more likeable person then what she already is in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Of course this film does star this films executive producer Idina Menzel but she's not the only person that's appearing in this film since we also have Josh Groban , Aaron Lohr and Cara Menzel. All starring in this film as themselves along with other people included her parents and various members of her band all of whom do offer quite alot of interesting things to say about her but at the same time alot of them just repeat the same thing over and over again and that does get boring after a while.

I will admit that alot of these interviews just come across as being talking heads since alot of them like I said are just repeating what each other is saying. Which makes the interviews in this film seem pointless for the most part but we do occasionally get some good stuff with her dad coming across as a genuinely caring parent who does have a bit of a goofy side to him which was something that I liked since it made seem like a very likable person but on the flip side of that there were alot of interviews that just weren't needed like we didn't need to have Josh Groban in this film since he really adds nothing to the actual film itself.

This film does go quite alot into Idina's past which was both humours and at the same time was also very heartbreaking as well. Since Idina does go into great detail about how her parents chose to tell her and her sister that they were getting a divorce of thanksgiving day and how her mother went out of her way to cheer them up which I thought was sweet and then to top all of that Idina herself then cracks a joke which just makes you go from crying with sadness to crying tears of laugher and joy all in the exact same scene and it's something that worked really well in this film as well.

If your a fan of the broadway play Wicked then you'll like this film simply because of the fact that you get to hear some of the songs from that production. Which was something that I wasn't expecting since I had no idea that Idina was even in Wicked and now knowing that she was in Wicked I now want her to be cast in the upcoming two part Wicked film adaptation and it really does make you wonder whatever productions that this insanely talented woman has been in because this girl has a great voice and really can sing.

For a film that's meant to be showing some of the 2018 tour that she went on we get to see very little of the actual tour. Which wouldn't be a bad thing except for the fact that the film promoted itself as showing alot of footage from the tour and heck the key thing about this film is showing Idina going on tour and soo you'd expect the film to actually show us alot of footage from the tour but for some strange reason we get to see very little from the actual tour itself.

What I was really taken aback by was seeing just how insanely hard working this women is since we see juggle several different projects including doing this tour and this documentary. On top of also being a mother and a wife which makes me wonder how she doesn't go crazy with all of the different projects that's she's juggling because that's alot of work and yet here she is making it all look super easy when in fact it's the opposite that's true.

Now then this film has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly one hour and thirty three minuets and forty three seconds. Which I will admit is a very long time for a film like this one to last and as such this film does feel a tad bit boring at times but it's when this film is showing us all of these cool things that the film does get more entertaining it's just a shame then that we have to sit through quite alot of boring and repetitive stuff just to get to something that's somewhat cool and that's somewhat entertaining.

So now then since this is a concert film of some sort that means that I have to actually talk about the actual songs that are actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual songs that are actually featured / presented to us in this very film were really good. With my personal favourite song oddly enough not being a song from a Disney film but it's instead "Defying Gravity" which is just a great song and is sung so well which is something that could also be said for all of the songs that are in this film in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall this was a rather enjoyable film and it was great just to see how much of a goofball that Idina Menzel could be at times but at the same time this film did also have quite alot of faults as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review and as such that means that this very film erns itself a grand old score of exactly an 8 out of 10 from me.

Now as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from the official Disney fandom wiki page and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images from this very / particular / exact film being Google Images since alot of the images that are from this film and that are currently still indeed up on Google Images are all really fairly freaking high in quality and as well as being fairly freaking high in definition.



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