Kate Film Review


So then film fans Netflix has really been doing a fairly solid job when it comes to there feature films and well they've just released yet another new featured. This is a film that I will honestly admit that I straight up forgot about and so you could / can only imagine my surprise when I saw that this film film was released and was up and online and so join me as I review the film that not alot of people even know about and that also kind of cashes on a recent trend in Hollywood action movies with the film in question being called simply just "Kate" enjoy.

The plot of this film s Kate is an experienced assassin and one day she finds herself poisoned while being sent out to kill someone and so now she has twenty four hours to track down who poisoned her and kill them before she dies due to the poison. Now then as for what I personally thought / felt about the plot of this film in all honesty I in all honesty thought / felt that the plot of this film was at best OK since the plot of this film does nothing that really new or even interesting for that matter in my opinion anyways / at least.

Starring in this film is Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Kate , Amelia Crouch as Teen Kate and Ava Caryofyllis as Child Kate. Also starring in this film is Gemma Brooke Allen as Young Kate , newcomer Miku Martineau as Ani , the always freaking great Woody Harrelson as Varrick , Michiel Huisman as Stephen , Tadanobu Asano as Renji , Jun Kunimura as Kijima , Miyavi as Jojima and Kazuya Tanabe as Shinzo.

Now then as for what I personally thought / felt about the acting that's featured / presented to us in this very film in all honesty I in all honesty thought / felt that the acting that's featured / presented to us in this film was alot freaking better then what it really had any right to be. This is because alot of the actors and actresses that are appearing in / starring in this film are indeed some genuinely good actors and actresses indeed and so it only makes sense that those exact same actors and actresses would indeed turn in some very good performances in this very film in my opinion anyways / at least.

Doing the CGI effects for this film are Mr. X and Unity Technologies and well to say that the CGI effects that are in this film are bad would be a huge freaking understatement. Since / because yeah in my opinion anyways / at the actual CGI effects that are featured / presented to us in this very film are freaking bad that it's honestly laughable at how bad the CGI effects in this film well and truly are in my opinion anyways / at least.

Now then i'm noticing that we are now officially getting alot more female lead and female driven action films / flicks / movies. Which is by no means a bad thing infact it's in all honesty quite a good thing because in all honesty who here doesn't like to see a strong woman kicking butt in a movie the issue is tho alot of the more recent female lead / female driven action films / flicks / movies just aren't that good and the same thing is true for this film as well in my freaking opinion anyways / at least.

Heck out of all of the more / most recent female lead and female driven action films / flicks / movies that have been released this year thus far at least. The only good one is easily Gunpowder Milkshake simply because that films knew to be both a genuinely fun film and as well being a genuinely good film as well which is something that this film is sadly very much lacking in my freaking opinion anyways / at least.

Now then I really freaking well an truly wouldn't blame anyone if they said to me that they didn't know about this film because Netflix has only released ONE trailer for this film and that one trailer for this very film was released a month ago. This right here just goes to show you how bad the marketing team is at Netflix and how little that Netflix actually cared about this film because if they really and well and truly cared about this film then they would have released at the very least two trailers and they would have released those exact same two trailers at the very least five or even four months ago so then that way people can get hyped up for this film heck there are more reviews of this movie that are currently up and featured on Youtube then there are actual trailers for this movie however tho instead Netflix seems to be relying on word of mouth for this film to draw in huge numbers but guess what word of mouth only works in a good way at least if this film is any freaking good and trust me folks this film is anything but good in my freaking opinion anyways / at least.

So now then this film has /had a grand total running time of exactly one hour and forty six minuets and nineteen seconds. Which in my opinion anyways / at least is bit of a long running time for this film since realistically this film only has enough there interms of plot and story for at the vert most one hour and thirty minuets and as such I really do feel that it would have been in this films best interest if it was a much shorter film that had a much shorter running time since then the film would be alot more tighter and alot less boring and painful to watch in my opinion anyways / at least.  

So now then this film is meant to be an action film and so that means that I have to actually talk about the actual action scenes / action sequences that are featured / presented to us in this very film and in my opinion anyways / at least the actual action scenes / action sequences that are featured / presented to us in this very film. Are the actual highlight of this film simply because you get see actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead do what looks like alot of her own stunts which if true and it is Mary Elizabeth Winstead doing her stunts then she deserves alot of props and alot of credit gets beaten up alot in this film and plus it really does help that alot of if not all of this films many action scenes / actions sequences are so damn freaking cool / good in my opinion anyways / at least.

Overall this film is not as good as perhaps good have been or even as good as it perhaps should have been which is a shame because all of the ingredients are indeed there to make a really good movie but for some reason this film just turned out to be rather average / OK at best in my opinion anyways / at least. Now  i've talked about all of the good and as well as well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very rev8ew and as such that means that this film gets a grand old score or exactly a 5 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review review from the official Moviepedia: Your Official Guide fandom wiki page ,the official Netflix fandom wiki page , the official Harry Potter fandom wiki page and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images this film being Google Images this is because all of the images that I got and that currently up , featured and on Google Images are all fairly high in quality and as well as being fairly high in definition.



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