Tenacious D In The Pick Of Destiny Film Review


Film fans it seems that every single musical act who has ever lived is either getting or has even had their own movie and while alot of those movies are indeed really good. There seems to be one movie that based of of a very popular music group that alot of people seem to just straight forget even existed and well I thought that right freaking now was the right time to remind you all about this film and so join me as I review the film that's based of of a musical act that alot of us all forgot about with the film in question being called simply just "Tenacious D In The Pick Of Destiny" and so enjoy the review everyone.

The plot of this film is in order to writer a masterpiece of a song for a local open mike night contest Jack Black and Kyle Gass aka Tenacious D set out to find the mythical Pick Of Destiny. Now then as for what I personally thought about the plot of this very film in all honesty I in all honesty thought that the plot of this film was just as strange and as well as being as just as bizarre as the plot for Tenacious D film should be in my opinion anyways / at least.

Starring in this film is Jack Black as Himself , Troy Gentile as Young J.B , Kyle Gass as Himself and Ronnie James Dio as Himself. Also starring in this film is the lead singer of the Foo Fighters Dave Grohl as Satan , Meat Loaf as Bud Black , JR Reed as Lee , Ben Stiller as Guitar Center Guy , Paul F. Tompkins as Open Mic Host , Tim Robbins as The Stranger , John C. Reilly as Sasquatch , Cynthia Ettinger as Betty Black and Andrew Caldwell as Billy Black.

Now then in terms of / as for what I personally thought / felt about the acting that's featured / presented to us in this very film / movie in all honesty I honestly thought / felt that the acting that's featured / presented to us in this very film / movie was about as good as you'd expect from a movie Tenacious D. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing but you don't really expect great or even passable acting from a film that's starring Tenacious D but with that being said both Jack Black Kyle Gass AKA Tenacious D do actually turn in some pretty funny performances in this and the rest of this films cast turn either OK performances at best or the rest of this film cast just straight up turn in some very freaking bad performances.

Now then this is something that I in all honesty didn't know but in the year 2000 Tenacious D were kicking around ideas for a feature length film and even tho that that film obviously never got made alot of that films ideas made it into the bands debut album which was also called Tenacious D. Which means that we could have gotten some backstory behind what I think is this bands most popular song which is called simply just "Tribute" but that's just what I think anyways and that's just in my very humble opinion and as well as being in my honest honest opinion anyways / at least.  

Now then if you all think that Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life (which I could have sworn was always called Monty Python And The Meaning Of Life) was weird and odd and strange and bizarre then you haven't seen this film because while Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life is indeed a weird film. That film however doesn't have a sequence where Jack Black takes unknowingly takes drugs induced mushrooms and gets high as a freaking kite and a good portion of the films third act imagining himself as the son of sasquatch.

Now even tho this film didn't make that much money at the box office since it only made around thirteen to or even fourteen million American dollars against a budget of around nineteen to twenty million American dollars. This film did oddly go on to become somewhat of a cult classic with alot of fans of the Tenacious D buying not only possibly seeing the film when it was first released in theatres when this film was first released all the way back on November 22nd 2006 but alot of them also possibly bought the film when it was released on DVD and as such has gone onto become somewhat of a cult classic film. 

Now then since this film is a musical that does in fact mean that I have to actually talk about the actual songs that are featured / presented to us in this actual / very film / movie and if i'm being well and truly very freaking honest here people the songs that are featured / presented to us in this actual / very film / movie are really freaking good and it really does help that both Jack Black and Kyle Gass wrote all of the songs that are featured / presented to us in this actual /very film / movie. With perhaps my favourite songs that's from this film being either "POD" AKA" The Pick Of Destiny2 and "Beelzeboss (The Final Showdown)" this is just simply because both of the above mentioned songs are simply just amazing songs with both of the above mentioned songs being very well written and both of the above mentioned songs are also very well by everyone who sings on both of the above mentioned songs sung in my opinion anyways / at least.

This film has a grand total running time of exactly one hour and thirty four minuets and six seconds and well in all honesty this film does start to come further apart with it's shockingly long running time in my opinion anyways / at least. This is because this film doesn't really have to / need to be as long as it is and as such with the film being as long as it is all of the films problems that would have been seen as being very minor problems if the film a much shorter running time are now forced to be seen as being very major because we the audience are now being forced to focus on those exact issues / problems for a much longer time and as such I will do feel that this film should have been at the very one and thirty minuets if not very much shorter then that. 

Now then this film is apart from a musical film this film is also a comedy film and that does infact mean that I have to actually talk about the actual jokes / comedy that are / thats / that's / that is featured / presented to us in very / actual film and well if i'm being well and truly very freaking honest here people the jokes / comedy that are / thats / that's / that is featured / presented to us in this very / actual film are really good. With alot of this films jokes getting a huge laugh out of me personally but with that being said tho there are alot of painfully unfunny jokes that are in this very / actual film as well but those unfunny jokes are very few and far between in my opinion anyways / at least. 

Overall while this movie is clearly a bad movie it's also a movie that is very clearly trying to be good and it's a movie that knows exactly what it is and that is in all honesty a really good thing in my opinion anyways / at least. Now i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very / particular / actual film in this very review and as such that means that this film gets a solid / grand score of a 5.5 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I got all of the images that I used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from Wikipedia and Google Images. I personally recommend that you guys use Google Images if you want to use any  of the images that are from either this very film or from this review plus Google Images actually has images from this film up and on Google Images and plus all of the images that I personally got from Google Images are all fairly high in quality and as well as being fairly high definition.



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