Trollhunters: Rise Of The Titans Film SPOILER FREE!!!!!!!!!! Review


Ladies and gentlemen I make no secret to the fact that i've in all honesty not seen that much of the Tales Of Arcadia media franchise since i've only really seen a few episodes of the first season of Trollhunters and that's really it. However just because the franchise has made good TV shows doesn't necessarily mean that the franchise will turn out a good film and so join me as I review the film that is meant to at least force the Tales Of Arcadia media franchise onto a break for the time being with the film in question being called simply just "Trollhunters: Rise Of The Titans" enjoy and yes this review will be spoiler free.

The plot of this film is Jim and his friends have just over eighteen hours in which to stop a group of people from destroying the world. I'll be honest the best plot summery that I can possibly give without giving away to much of what actually happens plot wise in this film and as for what I personally thought / felt about the plot of this film in all honesty I personally thought / felt that the plot of this film was rather weak since all they do is just give you a very quick setup for the film and then they never mention or build upon the plot of this film ever again. 

Starring in this film is Emile Hirsch as Jim Lake Jr. , Lexi Medrano as Claire Nuñez and Charlie Saxton as Toby Domzalski. Also starring in this film is Kelsey Grammer as Blinky Galadrigal , Fred Tatasciore as AAARRRGGHH!!! and Karl Uhl , Tatiana Maslany as Aja Tarron , Diego Luna as Krel Tarron , Nick Offerman as Varvatos Vex , Colin O'Donoghue as Douxie Casperan , Alfred Molina as Archie , Steven Yeun as Steve Palchuk , Cole Sand as Eli Pepperjack , Brian Blessed as Charlemagne , Kay Bess as Bellroc , Piotr Michael as Bellroc and Skrael , James Hong as Zong Shi and lastly we have the always great and the always super freaking funny Nick Frost as Stuart.

Now then as for / in terms of what I personally thought about acting that's featured / presented to us in this very film / movie in all honesty I thought that the acting that's featured / presented to us in this very film / movie was really freaking good. Which shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody whatsoever since alot of / nearly all of the actors that are starring in this film have been apart of the Tales Of Arcadia media franchise since it first started all the way back in 2016.

Doing the animation that's featured / presented to to us in this film is 88 Pictures , CGCG INC. and Original Force. Now then in terms of what I thought about the animation that's featured / presented to us in this film in all honesty I thought that the animation that's / that was featured / presented to us in this very film was really freaking good heck the animation that's in this film deserves to be put up there on the big because the animation that's featured / presented to us in this film is that good in my opinion anyways / at least. 

Now then as pretty all of you will know this film is based is based on the Tales Of Arcadia media franchise which spans books , , comic books , video games TV shows and now films and pretty much all of which have creative involvement from Tales Of Arcadia co-creator Guillermo Del Toro with the other co-creator being Daniel Kraus. I have to say that for a franchise that started life as a single book it really has become something truly incredible regardless of if your a fan of the Trollhunters multi media franchise or not.

I will say that you might possibly have to be a fan of all three shows that are currently set in the Tales Of Arcadia multi media franchise. Simply because there are lot of references and plot points that while they will be please alot of die hard fans those exact same references and plot points will fly right over the head of people who aren't fans or even die hard fans of the Trollhunters multi media franchise and this for me at least is a big issue since this franchise isn't that well known at least from a mainstream audience point of view and so while making a film for the fans is indeed a good thing and it does make sense I personally do feel that more of an effort should have gone into making this film alot more accessible to none fans of the Trollhunters multi media franchise.

Now then I have to talk about some of this films more comedic moments simply because alot of the comedy / joes that are featured / presented to us in this film are fairly funny and while I can't give any of them away because of the fact that they tied up in this subplot that tho won't stop from talking about the comedy that's featured / presented to us in this very film / movie. Simply because the comedy that's featured / presented to us in this film is really funny for the most part and while yes there are indeed some really / fairly unfunny jokes there are alot more very funny jokes with my personally favourite joke being something that is set up in this films first act but it pays of in this films third act and it's also one of the jokes that I can't talk that much about because it's a spoiler for this films main subplot and so you'll just have to take my word for it when I say that this film has alot of really freaking funny jokes within it.

This film has a running time of exactly one hour and forty six minuets and twenty three seconds and well if i'm being pretty freaking honesty this film really didn't need to be that long at all since you very easily could have told the story / plot of this film in around / about say one hour and thirty minuets or possibly even one hour and forty minuets. Not helping things is the fact that the films does at times feel like that it's going by fairly freaking slowly and yet in other times the film feels like that it's going by very fast / quickly in my opinion anyways / at least.

Now then since this film / movie is an action film after al and that does mean that there is some action that are featured / presented to us in his film / movie it now only makes that I now talk about the action that is featured / presented to us in this very film / movie and well if i'm being rather / really freaking honest the action that's featured / presented to us in this film / movie is really entertaining. This is because in my opinion at least we get to see what each of the characters brings to the group / team of heroes that makes all of the action sequences / scenes in this film / movie not only more entertaining to watch but also more fun to watch.

Overall this film is a solid way to end the Tales Of Arcadia multi media franchise for now but at the same time this film didn't feel like it was ending a chapter in the Tales Of Arcadia multi media franchise. Now i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are featured /presented to us in this very film / movie in this very review and as such this film gets an 8 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for I got all of the images that I used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from the official Arcadia Oaks-pedia fandom wiki age and from Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get the images that are frim this film / movie and that I ended up using in this very review being the official Arcadia Oaks-pedia fandom wiki page just simply due to the fact that nearly / pretty much all of the images that are up and on / featured on the official Arcadia Oaks-pedia fandom wiki page are all fairly high in quality and as well as being fairly high definition.



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