The Brady Bunch Movie Film Review


Ladies and gentlemen and boys and girls for as long as there have been TV shows and movies there have been movies / films that are based on or adaptations of existing TV shows and this is something that is still going on to this very day and well with all of the films / movies that are based on TV shows out there there seems to be one movie that perfectly captures and parody's the show it's based off of. So I say join me as I review the film that my be the greatest / best film adaptation of a TV show ever made with the film in question being called simply just "The Brady Bunch Movie" enjoy.

Now then the plot of this film is The Brady's have just one week in order to pay off a massive $20,000 American dollars tax bill otherwise their house will be sold of at auction. Now I know what you thinking and your right the plot of this film does sound exactly like the plot of a TV show but that's point since this plotline is meant to be episodic and with this movie parodying the original TV show it only makes sense that this film has the plot of a TV show however that doesn't make this plot any good since all of what I just are also this films plots biggest weaknesses.  

Starring in this film is Gary Cole as Mike Brady , Shelley Long as Carol Brady and Henriette Mantel as Alice Nelson. Also starring in this film is the voice of Peter Parker / Spider-man from Spider-Man: The Animated Series Christopher Daniel Barnes as Greg Brady , Christine Taylor as Marcia Brady , Paul Sutera as Peter Brad , Jennifer Elise Cox as Jan Brady , Jesse Lee Soffer as Bobby Brady , Olivia Hack as Cindy Brady , David Graf as Sam Franklin , Michael McKean as Larry Dittmeyer , Jean Smart as Dina Dittmeyer , Jack Noseworthy as Eric Dittmeyer , Moriah Snyder as Missy Dittmeyer , Uncle Phil and The Shredder himself the late and always great and the very sorely missed James Avery as Steve Yeager , R. D. Robb as Charlie Anderson , Marissa Ribisi as Holly , Alanna Ubach as Noreen , Megan Ward as Donna Leonard , Elisa Pensler-Gabrielli as Miss Linley and I'm honestly not making this up RuPaul as Mrs. Cummings.

Now then in terms of what I thought about the acting that's featured / presented to us in this very film in all honesty I thought that the acting that's featured / presented to us in this very film was really freaking good. This is in my opinion anyways / at least because of the fact that all of the actors and actresses that are starring in this very film are fully aware that what they are making is fully intended to be a loving homage to the original show and because of that the actors and actresses can try out different things in their performances and because of that all of the actors and actresses that are starring in this very film turn in some very good performances in my opinion anyways / at least.

I don't really think that I need to say this since it's kind of an obvious thing to mention due to this film / movies title but this film / movie is an adaptation of The Brady Bunch TV show which ran from September 26th 1969 with the final ever episode being broadcast on March 8th 1974. Now i've never seen a single episode of the show but based on what i've heard about the show and the fact that shows wikipedia page makes this show sound very episodic I have to assume that this show was very episodic in nature and as such you could watch any episode of the show and you'd get a very good idea of what the show is about.

Now then there is a reason as to why i've put up / uploaded an image of The Addams Family 1991 film poster here in this very review and this is because plot wise both films are very similar. Since both films have plots that involve the titular families in question possibly loosing their house however where as The Addams Family took / takes a more comic book approach to that plot line this film takes a more sitcom approach in that everything is wrapped up very nicely by the end of the movie and every subplot that this film has is also tied up very nicely in a nice big bow by the end of this very film / movie.

Now then i've been very positive about this film thus far and trust me I will continue to say some more positive things about this film later on in this very review but there are some things about this film that I straight up didn't like. With the first of which being that the plot of this film felt very nineties in that the villain is big bad business man who gets as no motivation and is just evil just for the sake of being evil and the other thing that I didn't like abt this film is that there are so many nods and winks to The Brady Bunch TV show and to what the actors in The Brady Bunch have been in that it becomes distracting which is a shame because alot of those references are indeed very funny and in some cases are indeed very clever indeed.

We now live in an age were everyone is looking for representation in films and TV shows and indeed in all forms of media. However what people might not realise is that there's an openly gay female in this film who is in the form of Noreen who is the best friend of and also has a crush on / who is in love with Marcia Brady and I have to admit that even tho i've only seen this film in bits and pieces over the years I never once clocked on to the fact that this film had an openly gay female character in it and i'm now actually fully shocked that people don't mention / bring up this film when they mention films that feature openly gay characters.

This film has a grand total running time of exactly one hour nd twenty eight minuets and twenty six seconds and well if i'm being perfectly honest here people this running is a very mixed bag for me personally. Since while this film does indeed some very good pacing it really doesn't have the story to cover this long / much of a running time since like I / i've said already this film has the plot of thirty TV show and as such this film shouldn't have been any longer then thirty minuets long in my opinion anyways / at least.

Now then since this film is indeed a comedy and so does infact mean that I have to actually talk about the joke that are featured / presented to us in this very film and in all honesty I personally feel that the jokes that are featured / presented to us in this very film are a very mixed bag of affairs indeed. Since alot of the jokes that are in this film are indeed very funny but there also alot of bad jokes in this film and the film makes every member of The Brady Bunch so dumb that makes alot of the jokes that family members make seem unfunny because the family members and Alice and friends are being like there idiots but when the film does indeed tell a good joke you really do no it you just have to sit through alot of bad jokes just to get to one or two of this films many good jokes tho.

Overall this was honestly a really enjoyable film and i'm surprised that more people don't talk about this film more often since from what I can gather it's great / perfect example of how to adapt a classic TV sitcom but for a more modern audience. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this film in this very review and as such that means that this film gets a 6 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I got all of the images that I used in this review well then I got all of the images that I used in this review from the official The Addams Family fandom wiki page , the official Netflix fandom wiki page and from Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images from this film being obviously Google Images since alot of the images that are from this film and that are currently still indeed up on Google Images are all fairly high in quality and as well as being fairly high in definition. 



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