Gunpowder Milkshake Film Review


Ladies and gentlemen Netflix is very quickly becoming the go to place for more good films and well Netflix has just released another new film and I will very fully admit that I straight up forgot that this film was even a thing let alone when it was coming out. However as soon as I saw that this film was out and online on some "certain" websites you just know that I had to check this film out and review this film and so join me as I review the film that I honestly feel might be better then Black Widow with the film in question being called simply just "Gunpowder Milkshake" enjoy.

Now then here is where I would normally tell you what the plot of the film is and as well as give you my opinions on the plot of the film however tho this film chose not to include an actual plot. Which is a major problem since without a plot then this film has no reason to exist and no message to spread which is a shame because there could very well be a cool story told in this film if only the makers of this film bothered to put in the effort to actually craft a story / plot / plotline for this film to tell. 

Starring in this film is Ex Doctor Who Star and current star in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Karen Gillan as Sam , Ex Game Of Thrones star Lena Headey as Scarlet , Carla Gugino as Madeleine and Chloe Coleman as Emily. Also starring in this very film is Ralph Ineson as Jim McAlester , Adam Nagaitis as Virgil , Michael Smiley as Dr. Ricky , Michelle Yeoh as Florence , Angela Bassett as Anna May , Ex Doctor Who Star Samuel Anderson as David and Paul Giamatti as Nathan.

Now then as for / in terms of what I thought about the acting that's featured / presented to us in this very film in all honesty I honestly thought that the the acting that's featured / presented to us in this very film was really freaking good. Which yes I know that i've been saying that alot recently but that's honestly because that I believe it to be true and it's especially true for this film since every single actor and actress that is appearing / starring in this very film all turn in some really good performances in my opinion anyways / at least.

Since I think the 2014 film Lucy there have / has been more experimental female driven films with the perhaps the best example of this idea / craze being 2017's Atomic Blonde. I honestly really do love this craze since it shows us some truly bada*s women doing some truly bada*s things and I really do hope that we get to see more of these more experimental female driven action films / movies / flicks since they are honestly really fun to watch and nine times out of ten they are also some genuinely really good films in my opinion anyways / at least.

Now then I honestly do think that between this film and Black Widow that this film is the better of the two simply because this film was alot more fun to watch and while Black Widow did indeed have it's moments of being fun it wasn't as fun to watch as this film was. Now then this doesn't make this film better then Black Widow since this film treats it's almost all of it's male characters very badly with almost all of the male cast of characters that are appearing / starring in this film being either evil to the core or as dumb as a rock which pure and simply wasn't the case with Black Widow at all but that's just what I think and that's just in my personal , and in my very humble and also in my very honest opinion anyways / at least.

Even tho this film really doesn't have a plot to speak of whatsoever the only hints of a plot that this film could have had are very few and far between. Since you very well could have had the story revolve around Sam being forced to team up with her estranged mother in order to take down an evil group of assassins who are trying to kill both Sam and her mother for some reason but nope the makers of this film instead chose to not have a plot which yes I know that i've already talked about the plot of this film but it's such a big issues that I have to bring to bring it up again it's such an important issue and it's one that the makers of this film / filmmakers simply just chose not to bother fixing at all but that's just what I think anyways and that's just in my very humble and as well as being in my my very honest opinion anyways / at least.

The fact that this film doesn't have a plot also effects the ability for the auidence to connect with any of tour characters or at least in my case it did. Since if you film has a plot you can give your audience a chance to connect with your characters and thus become alot more emotionally invested in their journey whatever journey that maybe and that simply isn't possible here because we the audience aren't really given a reason to connect to any of these character nor are we given any kind of reason to find these characters either likeable or hateable and thus we cannot emotionally connect with any of this films  many characters whatsoever in my opinion anyways / at least.

Now then this film has a grand total running time of exactly one hour and fifty four minuets and fifty seconds and well if i'm being really freaking honest here people i'd say that roughly the first forty five minuets of this film are a little bit / a tad bit on the slow side. However once the film passes those first forty five minuets the pacing of this film does get alot better which is when the film really does start to fly by it's just a shame tho that those first forty five minuets are painfully freaking slow tho.

Now then boys and girls since this film is an action film after all and that does infact mean that I have t actually talk about the actual action sequences that are featured / presented to us in this very film and well if i'm being really freaking honest here people the action sequences that are featured / presented to us in this film are simply put they are the best part of this film. Since each and every single one of this films many action sequences are so freaking cool to watch that it honestly more then makes up for the first forty five minuets f this film in my opinion anyways / at least.

Overall while Black Widow is very easily the better made film I honestly do prefer this film over Black Widow which is just simply just due to how fun this film can be when it really wants to be but tho that doesn't make this film a perfect film tho infact this film isn't even close to being a perfect film whatsoever. Now i've talked about both of the good and as well as both of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review and as such that means that this film gets a solid score of a 5.5 out of 10 from me.

As for where I got all of the images that I used in this very review well then I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from the official Netflix fandom wiki page , the official Disney fandom wiki page and Google Image. Now then my personally preferred website to use to get images from this film was Google Images just simply due to the fact that there are alot of images that are currently up on Google Images that are from this very film and that pure and simply isn't even close to being the case / truth for the official Netflix fandom wiki page and plus alot of the images that I personally found that are from this very film and that are also currently up on Google Images are all fairly high in quality and as well as being fairly high in definition.



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