The Naked Gun: From The Files Of Police Squad! Film Review


Film fans there are alot of films that are based of off TV shows and i'm sure that over time that they'll be many more however those films all have one thing in common and that is the TV shows that those films are based of off are all successful TV shows. However that simply isn't the case with this film since this film is based of off a TV show that was cancelled after six episodes and thus a flop of a TV show and so join me as I review the film that proved that Ricardo Montalbán could be funny with the film in question being called simply just "The Naked Gun: From The Files Of Police Squad!" enjoy the review everyone.

The plot of the film is someone is planning to kill Queen Elizabeth II and so it's up to Lt. Frank Drebin in order to find out who is plotting to kill Queen Elizabeth II before it's far to late. Now then in terms of what I thought about the plot of this film in all honesty I thought that the plot of this film was really good and for something that's a spoof film the story / plot of this film is alot better then it really had any right to be.

Starring in this film is Leslie Nielsen as Lt. Frank Drebin , Priscilla Presley as Jane Spencer and Ricardo Montalbán as Vincent Ludwig. Also starring in this film is George Kennedy as Capt. Ed Hocken , O. J. Simpson as Det. Nordberg , Susan Beaubian as Mrs. Wilma Nordberg , Nancy Marchand as Mayor Lillian Barkley , Raye Birk as Pahpshmir , Jeannette Charles as Queen Elizabeth II , Ed Williams as Ted Olsen , Tiny Ron as Al, Tall Lab Tech , "Weird Al" Yankovic as Himself , Leslie Maier as Herself and Winifred Freedman as Stephanie.

In terms of what I personally thought about the acting that's featured / presented to us in this film in all in all honesty I thought that the acting that's featured / presented to us in this film was really good. Which given who is starring in this film shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone whatsoever since alot of the actors that are starring in this film are very good actors and so it only makes sense that those exact same actors would turn in good performances in this very film.

Now then this is something that some of you might not know about but the The Naked Gun film series / franchise is actually based upon a cancelled TV show with the TV show in question being called simply just Police Squad. I have to say that it's odd that what is failed TV show would get a movie adaptation since the show only lasted six episodes and so chances are there wouldn't have been a huge fanbase who wanted this movie and chances are that there wouldn't be a huge demand for this movie either and so I have to thank who ever greenlit this movie because not only did they take a huge risk but it's a risk that payed of because a really funny film out of / because of it.

I'm not quite sure if this is a cliché thing to say or not but I honestly found Frank Drebin to be almost exactly like Inspector Clouseau. This is simply because both characters are incredibly dumb as rocks and they don't even realise how dumb that they are and also because both characters seem to have luck on their side since both characters more often then not either see or hear things that the other smarter characters simply don't and this honestly makes both characters oddly enduring.

This also goes along way in making both characters extremely likeable and charming as all heck to watch in their respective films. However it also goes to show how unoriginal the dumb cop main character type can be wince we know that the dumb cop main character is going to solve whatever the case is that they are trying to solve and while the writing for the Frank Drebin character is indeed really good it could have been so much better if they made him less dumb.

There is a romance angle in this film which really didn't need to be there since it adds next to nothing to the actual plot of the film outside of the fact that the female love interest tells her lover interest who is Frank Drebin were to go to get ambushed and that's it. There's also of cause a mystery angle to the film which I loved just simply due to how absurd the villains plan actually was and how the villain is going to go about achieving their plan / end goal.

This film has a grand total running time of one hour and twenty five minuets and one second and if i'm being really freaking honest here boys and girls and ladies and gentlemen that running time is the right amount of time for this particular / very film. Simply because this film doesn't have enough there story / plot wise to cover anything longer then one hour and forty minuets to even one hour and forty five minuets but that's just what I think anyways and that's just in my very humble and as well as being in my very honest opinion anyways.

Now then boys and girls this film is a comedy film after all and so that means that I have to actually talk about the comedy / jokes that are featured / presented to us in this very film and well if i'm being really honest the comedy / jokes that are featured / presented to us in this very film are the best part of this very film. Simply all of the jokes that are featured / presented to us in this film are actually indeed very funny with almost all of the jokes landing and even the jokes that are in this film that don't land they are very quickly followed up by two or three jokes that do work and that do land and the same thing is also true for this films many sight gags as well since pretty much all of the sight gags in this film are really funny and even the sight gags that aren't that funny they are very quickly followed up by two or even three sight gags in a row that are actually really / very funny indeed.

Overall this film is a really funny film and it's an absolute must watch for any self respecting film fan however I don't think that this is one of the best comedy films that's ever been made since for me at least and in my opinion anyways / at least that honor goes to Monty Python And the Holy Grail but this film is a very close second tho.  Now then since i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are featured / presented to us in this very in this film very review that means that this film gets an 8 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from the official The Pink Panther fandom wiki page and from Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images from this film being Google Images simply because alot of if not all of the images that I personally found that are currently up on Google Images were all fairly high in quality and as well as being fairly high definition.



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