The Matrix Film Review


Film fans there are alot of film franchises out there some of them are good and some of them pretty bad however very few of those exact same film franchises are as ground breaking as The Matrix film franchise and yet i've not reviewed a single film in this franchise despite me having grown up with all three films. As such I thought that it was only right that I take a look at the first film in this franchise and so join me as I review the first film in The Matrix film franchise with the film in question being called simply just "The Matrix" enjoy.

Now then this is where I would normally summarise the plot of the film for you and as well give you my opinions on the plot of the actual film itself. However I really cannot work out what the actual plot of this film since this film is more focused on trying to sounds more important then it actually is instead of giving us a plot line that is both easy to follow and is also very easy to understand what the actual story / plot being told even is. 

Starring in this film is Keanu Reeves as Neo / Thomas A. Anderson and Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus. Also starring in this film is Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity , Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith , Joe Pantoliano as Cypher , Marcus Chong as Tank , Anthony Ray Parker as Dozer , Julian Arahanga as Apoc , Matt Doran as Mouse , Gloria Foster as The Oracle , Belinda McClory as Switch , Paul Goddard as Agent Brown , Robert Taylor as Agent Jones and Ada Nicodemou as DuJour.

Now then in terms of what I thought about the actual acting that's featured / presented to us in this film in all honesty the acting that's featured / presented to us in this film was really good. Which given that the idea for this film is pretty freaking absurd no one would have blamed the actors that are starring in this film if they chose to turn in a bad performance and so it's a credit to the actors that they somehow managed to turn in a good performance since the script doesn't really help out the actors at all since yeah the script for this film is pretty freaking bad and yet somehow these actors somehow made this script work.

Doing the  CGI for this film are Amalgamated Pixels , Animal Logic , Bullet Time , DFILM Services , Manex Visual Effects and Mass Illusions. Now then in terms of what I personally thought about the CGI that's featured / presented to us in this film in all honesty I personally thought that the CGI that's featured / presented to us in this film was very mixed bag since while there some groundbreaking CGI shots in this film there are also some pretty dodgy looking CGI effects / shots in this film which is a shame because when you see a really good CGI effect / shot in this film you really do no it which makes it all the more worse / upsetting when the very next CGI effect / shot is pretty pretty freaking bad at best. 

Now then it's a fairly well known fact that the The Wachowskis who were then known simply as The Wachowski Brothers were inspired by the 1995 anime film that is called simply just Ghost In The Shell and well you can see that inspiration all throughout this film. However unlike Ghost In The Shell this film didn't make an impact that is still being felt tp this very day which isn't the same for Ghost In The Shell.

For some strange reason every single scene that's set in the actual matrix itself is bathed in green which makes no sense at all since the matrix is meant to be our world and so it there for be alot more colorful then / than what it actually / already is and as such this film comes of looking pretty ugly. Since there's only really three colours in this whole film with those colours being simply just green , blue and black with the occasional grey.

Now then I will admit that i've pretty hard in the film but that's only because this film has a lot of potential and the idea is a really solid idea but just because the idea is hood doesn't mean that the actual film is that good. I will admit that the Agents characters in this film are pretty freaking bada*s and they do make for some pretty intimidating villains but the villains really aren't given that much to do in the film which is a shame because when the villains actually do something in this film they come across as quite intimidating and quite threatening which is something that actually want in a main villain.

This film has a grand total running time of two hours and sixteen minuets and seventeen minuets and well if i'm being really freaking honest here boys and girls and ladies and gentlemen this film really didn't need to be that long that all. Since if anything you really could have told the story (whatever that is) of this film in well under two hours and all you'd have to do is cut down on the self-righteous speeches and you'd have to change the self-righteous pieces of dialog as well but that's honestly it you'd have to change nothing else from the film barring the two things that i've just mention in this very paragraph / review.  

Now then boys and girls since this film is an action film after all and so that does infact mean that I have to actually talk about the actual action that is / are featured / presented to us in the actual film itself and if i'm being really freaking honest here boys and girls and ladies and gentlemen the action that's featured / presented to us in this film is so freaking cool. Simply because we are seeing things that at the time just simply weren't being done in mainstream American / English speaking movies at the time and the action comes of looking better because of it in my opinion anyways / at least.

Overall I can very easily see why people like this film very much since there is honestly alot to like about this film but at the same time I think that alot of us that liked this film from the second that it first came out or the second that we first saw in the late nineties only liked it because of the CGI effects and action scenes and not because it was genuinely good film. Now then i've talked about both of the good and as well as both of the bad things that are featured / presented to us in this film in this very review and as such this film gets a 7.5 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I got all of the images that I used in this very review well then boys and girls I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this review from the official The Matrix fandom wiki page , the official Ghost In The Shell fandom wiki page and from Google Images. With my personal preferred website to use to get images from this film being the official The Matrix fandom wiki page just simply due to the fact that alot of the images that I personally used in this very review which I got from the official The Matrix fandom wiki page were all fairly high quality and as well as being fairly high definition.



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