Jurassic Park 1993 Film Review


Film fans as you all will no doubt know by now there are alot of films that are currently on my list of things to watch and review and well i'm about to tick another film of that never ending but still for some reason ever growing list of films. I will very fully admit that I have seen this film before now but i've never seen this film all the way through and nor have I even attempted to review this film before now and so join me as I review the film that reminded us nineties kids of how cool dinosaurs can be with the film in question / itself being called simply just "Jurassic Park" enjoy.

The plot of this film wealthy businessman John Hammond and a team of genetic scientists have created a wildlife park of de-extinct dinosaurs but in order to get his park up and running to the public he has to impress a bunch of people but one night the dinosaurs are let out of their cages and it's up to John Hammond and his guests to survive the night with no electricity and thus no help from anyone but themselves. Now then in terms of what I personally thought about the plot of this film in all honesty I thought that the plot of this film was rather enjoyable even tho the plot of this film did take a little while to get going but once it did get going it was a very enjoyable and more importantly a very enjoyable plot but that's just what I think anyways and that's just in my very humble and as well as being in my very honest opinion anyways. 

Starring in this film is Sam Neill as Dr. Alan Grant , Laura Dern as Dr. Ellie Sattler and Jeff Goldblum as Dr. Ian Malcolm. Also starring in this film is Richard Attenborough as John Hammond , Bob Peck as Robert Muldoon , Joseph Mazzello as Tim Murphy , Ariana Richards as Lex Murphy , The always great Samuel L. Jackson as Ray Arnold , Wayne Knight as Dennis Nedry , Martin Ferrero as Donald Gennaro , B.D. Wong as Dr. Henry Wu , Jerry Molen as Dr. Harding , Miguel Sandoval as Juanito Rostagno , Cameron Thor as Dodgson , Greg Burson as The Voice Of Mr. DNA  and Whit Hertford as Volunteer Boy.

Now then in terms of what I thought about the acting that's featured / presented to us in this film in all honesty I thought that the acting that's featured / presented to us in this film was in my opinion anyways / at least very good. This really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone since the acting in pretty much every single  film that this films director Steven Spielberg has made has always featured good to great acting in them and the same thing is true for this film even the kid actors in this film do a really good job at portraying their respective characters and neither kid actor / character comes across as being really freaking annoying as all heck either which for me at least is always a really freaking huge freaking plus.

Doing the CGI for this film are the greats and the legends over at Industrial Light & Magic and well I have to say that I really loved the CGI that was featured / presented to us in this film. This was because the CGI that was featured / presented to us in this film was blended rather well with animatronics which were created by Stan Winston Studio and so you couldn't really tell when you were seeing  CGI effect or when you were / was seeing a practical effect because they only used CGI effects when it was absolutely necessary to do so but / and yes I will be willing to admit that there are a few dodgy looking CGI shots in this movie / film but those are in the minority and they not in the majority.

Now like I just said this film makes great use of animatronics / practical effects for / when it comes to creating the dinosaurs that we see in this film. However the film makes it really obvious when your seeing a practical effect since all you'll see of the dinosaur in question is just one part of the respective dinosaurs body and nothing else which might have been done for budgetary reasons or it might have been done simply because they just didn't have the technology to show us a fully body dinosaur one hundred person of the time either way it's something that you now will be unable to unsee the next time you watch this movie.

Now then boys and girls and ladies and gentlemen i've been pretty freaking positive about this movie so far and i will be saying more good things about this movie as we go on in this very review but there are some things in this movie that I didn't like for example the kid character of Lex has the same personality as every young girl kid character in every nineties kids film and by that I mean she has no personality. Which means that she's a badly written character which is a shame because she is acted well but it's the writing that lets the character down because for huge portions of the film she has nothing to do and she's one of this films many main characters

The other thing that I personally didn't like about this film is the fact that we don't really get to see that many dinosaurs in this / the actual film itself which for a film about dinosaurs being brought back to life isn't a good thing. However this issue is slightly more understandable since the films budget could have been a huge factor in how many dinosaurs are actually seen / we actually get see in this film since the money needed to create alot of dinosaurs be they through animatronics or through CGI would have been alot and it would have meant that alot more money would have been needed to create these extra dinosaurs most of which would most likely have had very little to no actual impact on the actual plot of the film itself.

Now then this film has a total running time of two hours and six minuets and thirty six seconds which to me was the wrong running time for this film. Simply because this film pure and simply just doesn't have enough to story to cover that running time which is why for pretty the first hour of this movie is just filler and it's filler that could have been removed from this movie since it has no actual impact on the rest of the film and as such I strongly do feel that you very easily could have told this movie in just over one hour and thirty five minuets.

Now then boys and girls since IMDB does infact have this film listed as an action film and since I personally do infact see this film as an action film that means that I have to actually talk about the actual action that's / that is featured / presented to us in the actual film itself and if i'm being honest here I really did like the action that's featured / presented to us in this film. Simply because the action in this film is so freaking cool and as well as very entertaining to see but what lets the action down in this film for me is the fact that they make it really freaking obvious when the film is using a stunt double and not the actual actor simply because they cut to a shot where you can't see the actors face so it's clearly a stunt double at that particular moment in time in the film and that honestly did take me out of the film and out scene / action sequences quite a bit due to how obvious it was that they were currently using a stunt double.

Overall this was a really freaking good movie and it's a movie that really does hold up all of these years / decades after it / this film first got released all the way back in 1993. Now then since i've just this second finished talking about all of the good things that are in this very film and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review that means that this film gets a total score of an 8.5 out of 10 from me.

As for where i got all of the images that I used in this review well then boys and girls I got all of the images that I used in this very review from the official Jurassic Park fandom wiki page and from Google Images. With my personal favourite / preferred website to use to get images from this film being Google Images just simply due to the fact that Google Images had alot more of a verity of images that were currently up on Google Images but I will admit that alot of the images that were up on the official Jurassic Park fandom wiki page were all fairly high quality and as well as being fairly high definition. 



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