Star Wars: The Last Jedi Film Review


Ladies and gentlemen there are a lot of divisive films out there and lot of those divisive films are Star Wars films. Well I thought that i'd take a look at what is quite possibly the most divisive Star Wars film ever made so far with people still to this very day FOUR years after the release of this film with those people still to this very day debating on weather or not this is a good Star Wars or weather this film is a bad Star Wars film and so join me boys and girls and Jedi and Sith alike as I review the 2017 film that has split the Star Wars fanbase literally right down the middle with that / the film in question being called simply "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" enjoy.

The plot of this film is Finn and Rose Tico have to find a hacker in order to prevent the first order from being able to follow them all the meanwhile Rey begins her Jedi with Luke Skywalker. In terms of what I thought about the plot of this film in all honesty the plot of this film is for me at least pretty freaking weak since there's no real story being told at all outside of the two plots that I used to summarize the plot of this film and having a weak plot is such a bad thing that I cannot even begin to tell you how much of a bad thing having a weak plot well and truly is but that's just what I think anyways and thats just in my very humble and as well as being in my very honest opinion anyways.

Starring in this film is Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker and as the voice of Dobbu Scay and the late and very sorely missed Carrie Fisher as Princess / General Leia Organa. Also starring in this film is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren , Daisy Ridley as Rey , John Boyega as Finn , Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron , Andy Serkis as Supreme Leader Snoke , Lupita Nyong'o as Maz Kanata , Domhnall Gleeson as General Hux , Anthony Daniels as C-3PO , a woefully underused Gwendoline Christie as Captain Phasma , Kelly Marie Tran as Rose Tico , Benicio del Toro as DJ , Frank Oz as Yoda , Joonas Suotamo as Chewbacca and finally we have Laura Dern as Vice-Admiral Amilyn Holdo.

In terms of what I thought about the acting that's featured / presented to us in this film in all honesty the acting thats featured / presented to us in this very film isn't that bad. However / but the issue is it's not that good either since the actors that are appearing in / starring in this film have a fairly terrible script to make sense of and the script has badly written characters and so the actors that are appearing in / starring in this film can only do so much with the material that they are given which is a shame because pretty much all of the actors that are in this film are very good actors and actresses and they've proven that time and time again but this film and this films script gives the actors and actresses that are appearing in / starring in this film very little to work with so they cannot deliver that great of a performance because the script won't allow / doesn't allow them to deliver a truly great or even passable / just above passable performance. 

Doing the CGI effects for this film is / are Industrial Light & Magic , Hybride Technologies , One Of Us , Jellyfish Pictures , Base FX , Rodeo FX , Ghost VFX , Virtuos , Animatrik Film Design , Exceptional Minds , Important Looking Pirates and Yannix. Now then boys and girls in terms of what I personally thought about the CGI effects that are featured / presented to us in this very film in all honesty I thought that the CGI that's in this film was really good which given who did the CGI effects for this film really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone whatsoever.

Now then boys and girls there is one scene that I have to talk about just because it's a scene that has some very unfortunate timing and that's the scene where Leia's corpse / body is seen in space and then her corpse / body starts flying to safety. On paper that scene is still pretty stupid but when you add in the fact that actress Carrie Fisher had just passed away then that whole sequence just becomes tasteless simply because the makers behind this film had well over a year to edit out the scene but openly chose not to heck they could have had Leia die in the explosion that killed Admiral Akbar and that would have been a passable death for the character having her go out in a blaze of glory but nope they chose to keep in the tasteless sequence of her floating corpse / body flying back into the ship and thus to safety but that's just what I personally think anyways and that's just in my personal opinion anyways.

This film's writer and director Rian Johnson has gone on record as saying that he wanted to subvert expectations with this film. However what he failed to do was to make the choices that he made in terms of the films story make any kind of sense since Luke Skywalker wouldn't try and kill his padawan Ben Solo if anything he would try and help Ben Solo and having the revelation that Rey's parents were nobodies was a complete let down and these are just some of the many examples of how bad the writing in this film well and truly is but that's just what I think anyways and that's just in my very humble and as well as being in my very honest opinion anyways.

Another way in which this film failed is the fact that they redeemed Kylo Ren / Ben Solo which is something you shouldn't do if your planning on killing of Supreme Leader Snoke simply because it now leaves you without a main bad guy for The Rise Of Skywalker. Ben is someone who at this point in the Star Wars film sequel trilogy is someone who isn't redeemable because he killed of his father Han Solo and once you kill someone that close to you then no matter you do you cannot be redeemed and this is something that this film's writer and director Rian Johnson just plain and simply didn't even come close to understanding that at all but that's just what I think and that's just plain and simply in my very very very humble and as well as being in my very honest opinion anyways.

Now then boys and girls this film has a total running time of two hours and thirty one minuets and fifty one seconds and if i'm being really freaking honest here boys and girls this film didn't need to be that long that at all. Since you very easily could have had this film come in at around two hours and you'd have to cut nothing of importance and not helping things is that fact that the pacing for this film is so bad with the film itself feeling alot closer to three or possibly even three and half hours long then it's running time of just simply two hours and thirty one minuets and fifty one seconds.

Now then boys and girls this film is an action film after all that means that I have to talk about the action that's featured / presented to us in the actual film itself and if i'm being honest here boys and girls the action that's featured / presented to us in this very film is the best thing in this very film and that's simply because the action in this film is simply stunning to look at. Also helping the action is the fact that the action that's featured / presented to us in this very film is full of really cool moments which in my opinion at least is something that you always want to have in your action sequences simply because action sequences are meant to be exciting and what's more exiting then seeing a character in a film pull of / off a really cool move.

Overall I honestly have very mixed feelings about this film since there are alot of things in this very film that I honestly did enjoy however at the same time there are alot more things in this film that I just straight up didn't like which is a shame because when this film does something right / good you really do know it. Now then boys and girls since i've talked about both of the good and as well as the bad things that in this film and since I personally have very mixed feelings about this film that means that this film gets a 5 out of 10 from me personally.

As for where I personally got all of the images that I used in this very review well then boys and girls I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from the official Star Wars fandom wiki page and nowhere else and since I only went to one website for the images that I personally uploaded / used in this review. I have no choice but to recommend that you guys use the official Star Wars fandom wiki page (which is called Wookipedia incase you all either dont know or incase you just plain and simply forgot it's name) if you guys want to use any images from not only this film but from anything to do with Star Wars since all of the images that are on the official Star Wars fandom wiki page are all fairly high quality and as well as being fairly high definition. 



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