Cruella Film SPOILER FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review


Disney fans for some strange reason Disney thinks that we really want to see live action versions of there classic characters and well they are back with yet live action film that tells / gives us the origins of a classic Disney villain. Why they chose to make this film is simple they wanted to make money and that's it it has nothing to do with needing to tell this story but it has everything to do with wanting make money and so here is my review of the latest Disney cash grab film with the film itself being called simply just "Cruella" enjoy.

Now then boys and girls here is were I would always tell you what the plot of the film is and as well give you my thoughts on the plot as a whole. However this film commits it's first of many sins by simply not / because it doesn't have a plot whatsoever and so your left with no reason to care about any of these characters because there's no reason to get invested in these characters simply because there's no plot to this film whatsoever.

Starring in this film is Emma Stone as Estella "Cruella" De Vil and Emma Thompson as Baroness von Hellman. Also starring in this film is Joel Fry as Jasper Badun , Paul Walter Hauser as Horace Badun , Emily Beecham as Catherine , Kirby Howell-Baptiste as Anita "Tattletale" Darling , we have the always great in every single thing that he's in Mark Strong as John , John McCrea as Artie , Kayvan Novak as Roger , Jamie Demetriou as Gerald and Andrew Leung as Jeffrey.

In terms of what I personally thought about the acting that's featured / presented to us in this very film well in all honesty the acting that's featured / presented to us in this film is is in all honesty and that is something that I never thought that i'd say from a live action Disney adaptation of a classic villain. Since the acting in most live action Disney adaptations of classic villains are pretty bad to average at best but in the case of this film the acting that's featured / presented to us in this film is honestly really good with all of the actors and actresses turning is in opinion at least some really freaking good performances.

Now then boys and girls if you will all remember this film is the second live action adaptation of the Cruella De Vil character. Since she did appear in the 1996 live action Disney film and it's 2000 live action Disney film sequel which was called simply just 102 Dalmatians and I have to say that I honestly didn't like what they did to this character since they did the one thing that you should never do when your doing a villain origin film and that's make you emphasize with the character who would become the villain this is big no no because you want your audiences to first love the characters and then to hate . loath them at the end because the end of the film is when they are meant to be the villain that they remember and when you don't do that and you instead make the character who would become the villain out to be some sort of misunderstood character or even an anti-hero then you've missed the point of what made the original villain so iconic in the first place and this is sadly the case with this version of Cruella De Vil in my opinion at least anyways.

When the trailer for this film was first released I saw alot of comments online from various all comparing this version of Cruella De Vil to that of Harley Quinn and well it's not that hard to see why. Since this version particular version of Cruella  De Vil acts more like Harley Quinn then she acts like actual Cruella De Vil which in honesty makes you wonder why the makers of this film chose to go that route with this character since the live action film version of Harley Quinn isn't exactly that popular with alot of people.

As such it would have made alot more sense to make this version of Cruella De Vil alot more conniving and naïve and then over the course of the film you can then show her transformation into the villain that we all know and love / hate. However that would mean doing something that's actually close to who the character or in this case who the character would become but that's just what I think anyways and that's just in my very humble and as well as being in my very honest opinion anyways / at least . 

I will full admit that this movie can be pretty fun at times and it's that fun factor which honestly does save this movie for me. However I will admit to not really liking the characters of Jasper and Horace since they are not really given much in the terms of personality and so they come across as un needed characters which is a shame since when those characters want to be funny they do get some genuine laughs out of me but making me laugh isn't enough to find these characters even close to likeable since like like I just said these characters have no personality at all.

For some reason this film comes in at a really freaking long two hours and seventeen minuets and sixteen minuets and well this film didn't need to be that long at all in my opinion at least. Since you very well could have had this film run in at around say one hour and thirty minuets or even exactly two hours and since this film doesn't have any kind of plot you wouldn't have to cut out anything important to the film at all.

Now then boys and girls for some reason Disney chose to make this film more of a comedy then a straight up drama and so that means that I have to talk about the actual comedy that's featured / presented to us in this very film and well if i'm being honest here boys and girls the comedy that's featured / presented to us in this very film is very hit and miss. Since for every good joke that this film has it's very quickly followed by a bad jokes and then that bad joke by an even worse joke and then that joke is followed by a good joke and it's like that throughout the whole film.

Overall if your a fan of the classic Cruella De Vil character then you should avoid this film at all costs because it doesn't do the character any kind of justice whatsoever in my opinion at least / anyways. Now then boys and girls since i've talked about both of th good and as well as the many things that I found wrong with this particular film in this very review that means that this film gets an average score of a 5 out of 10 from me.

As for where I personally got the images that I used in this very film well then boys and girls I personally got the images that I used in this very review from the official DC Extended Universe fandom wiki page and from the official Disney fandom wiki page. With my preferred website to use to get images from this film being the official Disney fandom wiki page just simply due to how high quality and as well as being how high definition the images that are on the official Disney fandom wiki page well and truly are.



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