The Double-D Avenger Review


Film fans i've made my love for the one and only Kitten Natividad and well there's a certain film of hers that i've been trying to track down for some time and well i've finally found a copy of the film. I honestly have no words to describe this film because it's honestly something that really does need to be seen in my opinion and so join me as I review the 2001 film action comedy with the film itself being called simply "The Double-D Avenger" enjoy.

The plot of this film is when she is suddenly given superpowers bar / English pub owner Chastity Knott must use her superpowers to take down an evil strip club owner before he kills her. If im being honest here the plot of this film isn't that good but at the same time that could also be apart of this films charm since this film is meant to be campy and is meant to be over the top and so of course the plot of this film is going to be pretty bad but at the same time I would have liked it if this film had a much better plot.

Starring in this film is Kitten Natividad as Chastity Knott , Haji as Hydra Heffer and Raven De La Croix as Dr. De La Croix , Forrest J. Ackerman as The Museum Caretaker , this films writer , producer and director William Winckler as Cousin Billy , Mimma Mariucci as Pirate Juggs , Sheri Dawn Thomas as Ooga Boobies , Lunden De'Leon as Ta-Ta Leader Orbs , Gary Canavello as Bubba and G. Larry Butler as Al Purplewood.

I don't really think this needs saying because it's kind of obvious given this films title and the plot of this film but the acting in this film is pretty freaking bad. Which again shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone since both the title of this film and as well as the plot / premise of this film should pretty much tell you that the acting in this film isn't going be good but with that said Kitten Natividad , Haji and Raven De La Croix do indeed turn in some pretty funny performances but even their funny performances aren't enough to save this film in my very humble and as well as being in my very honest opinion anyways.

I'll be freaking honest here guys and girls I honestly wasn't expecting this film to have Russ Meyer jokes in this film but nope there's at least two possibly even three scenes in this movie which have what are in my opinion at least some very cleaver references to Russ Meyer ad to films that were directed by Russ Meyer. Which i'm honestly that they did just because back in 2001 Russ Meyer wasn't a really a known name heck he was even that much of a big name in the nineties or even in the late or possibly early eighties and as such no one would have blamed this film if they chose not to reference Russ Meyer but the very fact that they did reference Russ Meyer just goes to show you how much respect that the writer / producer / director of this film chose to have for the great Russ Meyer.

As far as I can tell this is the only film in which Kitten Natividad , Haji and Raven De La Croix have all three starred in together. It's just a shame that all three of these actresses don't share the screen together with both Haji and Raven De La Croix both mostly having scenes with Kitten Natividad and as a fan of Russ Meyer I personally would have loved it if all three of these actresses shared at the very least one very quick scene together but some reason it just wasn't meant to be.

To say that this film is campy would be like saying that Mortal Kombat: Annihilation is a campy and bad film no duh. Since yeah this film is really freaking campy and when I say campy I mean that this film is really freaky campy and honestly the fact that this film is so freaking is what helps make the film so freaking enjoyable because the makers of this film have their tongue firmly planted on there cheek and so you can't help but laugh at this film even if your laughing at how bad this film is and that honestly makes this film one of those films that's so bad it's good and so unwatchable that you have to watch just to see how bad this film well and truly is.

Two of the things I really hated / despised about this film is the fact that the opening credits for this film run for two possibly even three minuets and the fact that the final thirty seconds of this film is made up of nothing but a black screen. For me it's a pretty bad sign when your opening credits take so much of your running time because it means that you then have to rush through the rest of the film to hit all of the various plot points which means that none of the plot points feel naturel and you the audience ultimately end up feeling nothing and the fact that the final thirty seconds of the film is made up of nothing but a black screen just feels like padding and nothing more.

This film has a total running time of one hour and thirteen minuets and fifty eight seconds so lets round that all up to a nice and round one hour and fourteen minuets. Please note that the film is this long due to how long the opening credits of the film are since with out those opening credits this film would clock in at around one hour and ten minuets but either way I honestly feel that this film should have been longer because this is a superhero origin story and yet it rushes through everything because it has to hit all of these plot points which is a shame because a b movie superhero comedy does honestly sound like a really cool and as well as a really funny idea in my very humble and as well as being in my my ver honest opinion anyways.

This film is an action comedy which means that I have to talk about both the action and the comedy that's in the actual film itself and in my opinion the action in this film is pretty bad which is to be expected since this is a campy as heck low budget movie. However the comedy aspect as this film is really good since alot of the jokes in this film are really funny even tho alot of the jokes in this film are sex jokes the jokes that they do tell did get some laughs out of me which for any comedy is always a good in my very humble and well as being in my very honest opinion anyways.

Overall this is a really bad film but like I said in this very review this film is a so bad that it's actually good kind of film and as such I do recommend watching this film just so you can all see for yourselves just how bad this film is. Now then boys and girls since i've talked about both of the good things that are to be found in this film and as well as the many things that are bad / wrong things that are in this film in this very review this film gets a 3 out of 10 from me.

As for where I got the images that I used in this review well boys and girls I got all of the images that I used in this review from Google Images and nowhere else and since I only went to Google Images for the images that I used in this very review. I have no choice but to recommend that you guys use Google Images if for some reason you wanted to use images from this but be warned not all of the images / very little / none of the images that I personally found for this film that are up on Google Images are nowhere / not even close to being either high quality or high definition. 



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