Takin' It Off Review


Russ Meyer fans i've decided to check out one of the films featuring one of his favourite actresses that being the still very stunning as all heck Miss. Kitten Natividad and with Kitten Natividad having alot of film credits to her name. It was honestly a tough choice to pick which film of hers to take a look at but I think that i've found a film of hers and so join me as I review the 1985 film with the film itself being called simply "Takin' It Off" enjoy.

Now then unlike a lot of Russ Meyer films this film has somewhat of a plot with the plot of this film being that a stripper has to loose three inches of her large chest in order to get an audition for a TV show. In terms / as for what I thought about the plot of this film in all honesty the plot of this film is rather weak at best which is a shame because the plot of this film does allow itself to some rather good and funny jokes it's just a shame that the actual story of the film is rather weak in my very / rather humble and we all as being in my very / rather honest opinion anyways.

Now here is where I would normally list alot of the actors that are appearing in this film and as well as give you my thoughts / opinions on the overall quality of the acting itself. However there isn't a complete cast list for this film whatsoever and heck there isn't even a Wikipedia page for this film at all heck the only actors that are listed on the film's official IMDB page are of course Kitten Natividad as Betty Bigones , Angelique Pettyjohn as Anita Little , Lucia Lexington as Lotta and Ashley St. Jon as Sin.

In terms of what I thought about the acting that's featured / presented to us in this film in all honesty the acting that's featured / presented to us in this film is the kind of acting that you'd expect to see in a Russ Meyer film. In that none of the actors apart from Kitten Natividad are even trying to put in a good or even a passable performance but that's just what I think anyways and that's just in my very humble and as well as being in my rather very honest opinion anyways.

Now then boys and girls for some reason this film features a lot of stripping and when I say alot I mean alot of stripping. Which for a film about a stripper oddly makes sense but here the stripping scenes not only add nothing to the plot of the movie but they come out of nowhere as such the scenes where the characters strip feel more like filler scenes rather then something that feels natural and normal but that's just what I think anyways and that's just in my very humble and as well as being in my very honest opinion anyways.

As far as I can tell this film is pretty much a starring vehicle for Kitten Natividad since she not only gets alot of scenes in this movie , she also plays the main character , she's also the only female to get any kind of s*x scene and she gets top billing in the film's opening credits. I'm fine if someone wanted to make a film for her to be the star in but that film also has to be good and sadly that isn't the case with this film and as such this film really isn't that much of a starring vehicle for Kitten Natividad since everything about this film is either OK or just flat out but that's just what I think anyways and that's just in my very humble and as well as being in my very honest opinion anyways.

Out of all of the films that i've ever reviewed this one is perhaps the most difficult to review because not alot actually happens it's just one clumsy scene after another. Making things worse is the fact that in some cases the scenes where the characters start stripping make no sense at all since they establish that Kitten Natividad's character can only strip when she hears a certain song and yet there are scenes in this movie when not only Kitten Natividad but other women in the scene start stripping for no reason and that doesn't make the slightest bit of sense whatsoever since the film has only established that Kitten Natividad will strip once a certain song starts playing and not all of the other women that appear in the scene with her but that's just what I think anyways and that's just in my very humble and as well as being in my honest opinion anyways. 

Honestly there's not really much that I can say about this film because it gives you exactly what the title of the film promises. Which is also the problem because it gives you exactly what the title of the film promises and nothing more and so there's no surprises in the film which is shame because on paper this could be a really good film but since the film offers us nothing new or offers us nothing that we didn't know that we wanted the film just falls flat but that's just in my very humble and as well as being in my very honest opinion anyways.

This movie has a very short running time of one hour and twenty nine minuets and thirty five seconds which for this film is a bit of a long time. As such this film can also feel a bit boring at times and heck because of this film feeling a bit boring I found myself doing the one thing that you should never do when your watching a film regardless of if your planning to review the film or not and that's check Twitter and as such I do strongly feel that this film should have been  at least one hour and fifteen minuets or possibly even just forty five because there's simply not enough story to justify or even get this film up to one hour and thirty minuets but that's just in my opinion and as well as being in my very humble and as well as being in my very honest opinion anyways.

Now then boys and girls this film is a comedy film and that means that I have to talk about the jokes that are featured / presented to us in the actual film itself and if i'm being honest the jokes in this film are pretty funny. There are a lot of s*xual innuendoes in this film and all of them are really funny and heck even some of the s*x scenes in this film have a slight comedic edge which makes them oddly funny too watch but at the same time those are the only kind of jokes tho and even those kinds of jokes get boring and repetitive after a a while but that's just in my very humble and as well as being in my very honest opinion anyways.

Overall the best word that I can use to describe this film is average because everything about this film is just that it's average. Now then boys and girls i've talked about both of the good things that are to be found in this film and as well as both of the bad things that are to be found in this film in this very review and as such this film gets a 5 out of 10 from me , as for where I got the images that I used in this review well I got all of the images that I used in this very review from Google Images and nowhere else. Since I only went to Google Images for the images that I used in this review I have no choice but to recommend that you guys Google Images if for some unknown reason you want to use images from this film that is.



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