Bloodshot Film Review


Film fans there are a lot of live action comic book movies out there and as much as it pains me to say this not all of them are good infact some of them are at best OK and some of them at best are pretty freaking terrible. Sadly this film is one of the live action comic book movies that is at best OK which sadly for a Vin Diesel ked movie this is sadly becoming a trend with Vin Diesel led movies and so join me as I review the 2020 movie that you all forgot was even a thing with the film itself being called simply "Bloodshot" enjoy.

Now then boys and girls here is where I would normally tell you what the plot of the film and as well as give you my opinions on the overall plot of the film. However the makers behind this film chose not to give this film any kind of plot whatsoever which for what is meant to be the first film in a cinematic universe your first film not having any kind of plot / story to speak of whatsoever is always a bad thing as it robs your audience of any reason to care about your characters and more importantly it robs your film of any reason to exist.

Starring in this film is one of this films producers Vin Diesel as Ray Garrison / Bloodshot and Eiza González as KT. Also starring in this film is Sam Heughan as Jimmy Dalton , Toby Kebbell as Martin Axe , Talulah Riley as Gina Garrison , Lamorne Morris as Wilfred Wigans , Guy Pearce as Dr. Emil Harting , Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson as Nick Baris , Alex Hernandez as Tibbs and Siddharth Dhananjay as Eric.

In terms of / as for what I thought about the acting that's featured / presented to us in this film in all honesty the acting that's featured / presented in this film is exactly the kind of acting that you / one expects from a Vin Diesel led film that isn't in the Fast & The Furious film franchise. Since yeah the acting in this film is pretty freaking bad with Vin himself just doing his usual kind of acting in that he's mumbling half of his lines and not giving / putting that much actual emotion into his performance which is fine for the fast & The Furious films since no takes those films seriously but it's not a good thing for a comic book movie since everyone these days takes a comic book movie very freaking seriously and the rest of the actors in this film are at best OK.

Doing the CGI for this film is Rodeo FX , Method Studios , Image Engine Design , Cantina Creative , Instinctual VFX and Crafty Apes. In terms of what I thought about the CGI effects that are in this film / movie in all honesty the CGI that's in this film / movie is just like the acting in that the CGI that's in this film / movie as at it's best OK which is a shame because all of these effects companies have done great work on various other movies it's just a shame that all of these companies couldn't out their best foot forward and produce some good looking CGI effects for this film.

Now then just like with Hellboy 2019 this film falls into the category of comic book films that people just straight up forgot about. Which in this case is a very good thing because just like Hellboy 2019 this film isn't that good which is a shame because this film is meant to kick start an entire Cinematic Universe (since apparently every single film needs to be apart of a cinematic universe or be the film that kick starts an entire cinematic universe heck i'm surprised that Tom & Jerry 2021 isn't the start of a Tom & Jerry themed cinematic universe) as such this film really should have been good since it would then have gotten more people actually interested in seeing more films in this cinematic universe but as it is I really cannot see this cinematic universe lasting past the already announced Bloodshot sequel because yes this film is getting a sequel for some unknown reason.

I really want it known that I didn't go into this film with the intent of fully hating this film far from it infact I went into this film with the idea that this film could be enjoyed as a dumb comic book movie. Which is something that I actually think could the way to at least start to enjoy this film and possibly the way to enjoy other Vin Diesel led movies including the Fast & The Furious films but even with that mindset firmly in place I still found myself not really enjoying this film so who knows maybe there's another way to enjoy this pretty bad film.

To this films credit this film does feel like the first issue of a comic book in that all of the characters are very one dimensional. However this isn't a good thing for the movie adaptation of the comic book in question tho since with a comic book you can have however long you need to fully flesh out your characters and to fully develop your characters unlike with a movie where you only have a set amount of time to fully develop your characters and this film doesn't develop any of it's characters nor is there any king of character development since where Vin Diesel's character starts the movie is exactly how Vin Diesel's character ends the movie which is just bad screenwriting.

Now then boys and girls this film has a total running time of exactly one hour and forty nine minuets and nineteen seconds and well if i'm being honest this films running time is another thing that's wrong with this particular film. Since this is an origin story film and so you need alot longer in order to tell a decent origin story and with this particular film having a very short running time it simply doesn't have the time it needs or even requires to tell a semi no even a good origin story since it has to rush it's origin story to get to the next plot point or to get to the next action scene which means that those plot points or those action scenes just don't have the exact same impact that they would have had if this film was even thirty minuets longer.

Now then boys and girls this film is an action film after all and so that does mean that I have to talk about the action that's featured / presented to us in this / the actual film itself and if i'm being honest the action that's featured / presented to us in this film is honestly the best part of the entire film in my very humble and as well as being in y very honest opinion anyways. Simply because the action in this film is just so freaking cool and Vin Diesel just looks good doing all of the action scenes that his character does in this film assuming that it was actually Vin Diesel that actually did all of his own stunts in this film that is if it wasn't him then I give credit to his stunt person because they made Vin Diesel look freaking great in the action scenes in this film.

Overall the best word that I can use to describe this film is average because that's exactly what this film is it's average at best which is a shame because a new comic book cinematic universe is a good idea since it would force both marvel and DC to up their game and put out better live action films that are set within their own respective cinematic universes. Now then boys and girls since i've talked about both of the good things and both of the bad things that are in this film in this very review that means that this film gets a perfect 5 out of 10 from me personally.

As for where I got the images that I used in this very review well I got all of the images that I used in this very review from the official Valliant Comics fandom wiki page , the official Hellboy fandom wiki page , the official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fandom wiki page and Google Images. With my personal preferred website to use to get images from this particular film being Google Images simply because there aren't any images of this film outside of this particular films poster on the official Valliant Comics fandom wiki page but I do have to say that the images that are on Google Images range from fairly high quality to fairly low quality and believe it or not for the best part of at least six to eight months this film was the last film that was released in theatres / cinemas before the theatres / cinemas all closed down worldwide due to the still ongoing pandemic.



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