Terminator 2: Judgement Day Film Review


Terminator and film fans there is one film that i've had on my never ending but somehow ever growing list of things / films to watch and well now i'm finally going to tick that film of my list of films to watch nd review. Now I know that Channel Awesome / the Nostalgia Critic has just reviewed this movie but I want it known that he did not inspire me to review this film at all it's just a coincidence that i'm posting my review of this movie a few days after Channel Awesome / the Nostalgia Critic posted there review of the film and so join me as I review the film that I called simply "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" enjoy.

The plot of this film is Judgement Day is coming and it's up to a now ten year old John Connor , his mother Sarah Connor and a T-800 terminator to prevent judgement day from ever happening and thus preventing Skynet from going live and thus preventing the machines taking over but John Connor , Sarah Connor and the T-800 are being followed by the far more advanced T-1000 that wants to kill John Connor to ensure that the machines win the war against the humans in the year 2029.  In terms of what I thought about the plot of this film in all honesty I feel that the plot of this film is so freaking good not only does this film tell a good story but it does what all good sequels should do and that's build upon and add to the premise of the original film and this film does that wonderfully in my humble and honest opinion.

Starring in his film is Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Terminator , Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor and Robert Patrick as The T-1000. Also starring in this film is Joe Morton as Miles Dyson , Earl Boen as Dr. Silberman , Jenette Goldstein as Janelle Voight , Xander Berkeley as Todd Voight , Castulo Guerra as Enrique Salceda , S. Epatha Merkerson as Tarissa Dyson and Edward Furlong as John Connor.

In terms of what I thought about the acting that's in this film in all honesty the acting that's seen / presented to us in this film is so freaking good. The acting in this film is so good because in my opinion the script for this film is so good and as such all the actors would have to do is just say the lines in the script as there written and boom a good performances would come out naturally from the actors in my opinion I honestly cannot think of a single bad actor that's in this movie because every character is cast perfectly even all of the side characters are cast perfectly and so that means that all of the actors that are cast in this film are perfect for the character that they are playing and that helps each of the actors performances since all the actor in question would have to do is just be themselves in my humble and honest opinion. 

Now I honestly have no idea who exactly is doing the CGI for this film but I do know that Industrial Light & Magic did provide some effects for this film. In terms of what I thought about the CGI effects in this film hot damn do the CGI effects effects that are presented to us in this film look so freaking like even now thirty years later all of the effects both CGI and the practical not only hold up so well in my opinion but both the CGIA effects and this films practical effects look better then the CGI and practical effects that are in modern films in my opinion.

Ladies and gentlemen we are in a world where are alot of film studios are writing bad female characters under the disguise of creating strong female characters well all of those writers just had to do one simply thing and that's watch this film because Sarah Connor is perhaps one of the best written female characters that i've seen in a long freaking time in my opinion. Alot of what makes her a strong character is the fact that she's given flaws that she has to overcome and that makes her a more stronger character because you see her suffer you see her struggle with these flaws and you see her struggle to overcome these flaws this is something that most modern "strong" female characters don't do because people think that being a strong character means being a perfect character when infact it's the exact opposite in my opinion.

Since I very strongly feel that being a strong female character means that you are written as well as or better then some of or if not all the male cast of characters in whatever film your making. It also means giving your character flaws since if you make your strong female character flawless then they cannot develop as a character and that means that no character development can happen because there already perfect Sarah Connor is written as a flawed character and so she has room to grow as a character and that means that we can have character development with her which is something that we see in this film but that's just what I think about Sarah Connor and strong female characters anyways.

Now I have been very positive about this film but I do have some negative things to say about this film tho. The first of which being that it takes the plot a long while to get going which given the films running this is to be expected but the same time since this film have been hyped up so much nothing other then a perfect would be right at this point and the people that do say that this is a perfect film need to understand that this film has some flaws and with the plot taking a while to get fully going it means that this film can be a bit boring at times as well in my opinion.

The other fault that I personally have with this film is the fact that this film is a whopping two hours and thirty three minutes and twenty five seconds. Which might be the standard running time for action films but you also need the story to cover that running time which this film sadly doesn't have in my opinion if anything this film could have told this story in around two hours or maybe just under two hours and you'd have to loose nothing of importance or if you not going to cut some scenes out of the film you could at least trim some scenes like we didn't really need a alot of scenes with Jon's foster parents but that's just what I think anyways.

Now then boys and girls since this is an action film and there is indeed plenty of action that's in this film that means that I have to talk about the action that's seen / presented in the actual film itself and in my opinion the action that's in this film is freaking fantastic and I say this because the action in this film is so freaking cool. Simply because the film takes the time to fully develop it's characters and it's storyline which means that the action that's in this film means alot more because you care more about the characters that are in this film plus it really does help that we get to see alot of cool moments in this films many action sequences in my opinion.

Overall yeah this is a really good film in my opinion and heck i'd go as far to say that this film is one of the few sequels that is actually better then the original. That being said there are some faults to be found in this film and as such i've discussed both the good and the bad things that that are in this film in this very review and as such this amazing film gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me personally , as for where i got the images that I used in this review well I got all of the images that I used in this film review from the official Terminator fandom wiki page and as well as Google Images with my preferred choice for images from this film being the official Terminator fandom wiki page just simply due to how high quality and how how definition the images on the official Terminator fandom wiki page truly are in my humble and as well as my honest opinion.



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