Starchaser: The Legend Of Orin Film Review


Animation fans even tho i've reviewed alot of animated films over the years and I will be covering alot more animated films over the years there is one animated film that i've reviewed before despite me trying to actually watch the film a few years ago. Well i've finally decided to sit down and watch this film and so here is my review of the film the 1985 animated film with the film itself being called simply "Starchaser: The Legend Of Orin" enjoy.

Now here is where I would normally tell you what the plot of the film that i'm currently review is and as well giver you my thoughts and opinion on the plot of the film i'm currently reviewing. However for the life of me I cannot work out what the heck the plot of this film even is and because of the fact that I cannot work what the plot of this film even is I have to assume that the makers of this film chose not to include a plot which if that is the case then that's really bad since without a plot then your film has reason to exist and the same thing is true for this film in my opinion.

Starring in this film is Joe Colligan as Orin , Carmen Argenziano as Dagg Dibrimi and Anthony De Longis as Lord Zygon. Also starring in this film is Noelle North as Elan and Aviana , Tyke Caravelli as Silica , Les Tremayne as Arthur , Man-Droid 1 , And Smuggler 1 , Daryl Bartley as Kallie , Tina Romanus as Aunt Bella And Fortune Teller , Thomas H. Watkins as Mizzo , Man-Droid 2 , And Smuggler 2 , Mickey Morton as Mine-Master , Man-Droid 3 , And Tactical Robots , John Moschitta, Jr. as Z'Gork And Raymo , Ken Sansom as Magreb And Major Tagani , A Woefully Underused Mona Marshall as Star Fly and Herb Vigran as Pops And Elan's Grandfather.

In terms / as for what i thought about the acting that's presented to us in this film in all honesty the acting that's presented to us in this film is in my opinion at least exactly as bad as you think it is / would be and say that the acting in this film is as bad as you think it is / would be simply because apart from Mona Marshall and Noelle North none of the actors that are in this film have had a successful or even mildly successful voice acting or even acting career and it shows because apart from both Mona Marshall and Noelle North the acting that's resented to us in this film is in my opinion at least pretty freaking bad but that's just what I think about the acting that is presented to us in this very film anyways.

Doing the animation for this film is Young Sung Production Co. Ltd. don't worry if you haven't of Young Sung Production Co. Ltd. because I haven't either but looking at their filmography it's insane how many popular shows from them 1980's and the 1990's that they worked on / provided the animation for. As for what I thought about the animation that's presented to us in this film in all honesty the animation that's resented to us in this film isn't bad since there are alot of nice looking backgrounds and there are alot of fluid movements from all of the characters my one gripe with the animation that's presented to us in this film is the fact that they used CGI in this film and you can really freaking tell this is of course not the fault of the film makers since CGI was a new thing back in 1985 but you'd think that they would have tried to cover up the fact that the shot that we are currently seeing was CGI and not 2D traditional hand drawn animation but the CGI that's in this film is at least decent enough for the time that this film was made in but that's just what I think anyways.

Now then boys and girls this film gets alot of comparisons to the Star Wars film franchise and if i'm being honest until now (which is when I just watching this film) I didn't understand why that was even close to being the case but tho now I fully get why this is the case. Since / because there are alot of characters that are very similar to the characters from the Star Wars film franchises Orin is Luke Skywalker , Dagg Dibrimi is Han Solo , Aviana is Princess Leia , Arthur is either C3PO or Chewbacca , Silica is R2D2 and Lord Zygon is either Darth Vader or The Emperor / Chancellor Palpatine.

Not only are there similarities in the characters but there are also similarities in the locations of both this film and of the locations that are seen in the Star Wars film franchise. I get being inspired by something because it's only naturel that you'd want to put whatever it is that your inspired by into whatever it is that your making but there's a very thin line between being inspired by something and outright stealing something from whatever it is that your inspired by and that line is very thin and I honestly feel that the makers of this film stole the character ideas and the locations from the Star Wars films franchise but they changed it up just enough to just skirt by copyright and / as well to just about not get sued by George Lucas / Lucasfilm but that's just in my humble and very honest opinion anyways.

This film might make you feel strange things towards robots simply because this film has a s**y female robot who flirts alot with Dagg Dibrimi. Why the makers of this film thought that having a s**y robot would be a good idea I really don't / I have no freaking idea since nobody would look at say R2D2 or even say for example C3PO and be like "lets put those to on the cover of Playbot magazine" and so no one whse in their right mind would find a robot s**yually attractive and it really doesn't help that the robot in question (who is called Silica by the way) is a completely useless and annoying as all heck character because she adds nothing to the plot and is there just so the computer Dagg Dibrimi's ship computer / AI(who is called Arthur for some reason by the way) has someone else to have "comedic" banter with and the reason why I put the word comedic in quotation marks is because what they say to each nine times out of ten simply isn't that funny and so it's not comedy it's just annoying an pointless in humble and very extremely honest opinion.

Now then boys and girls since this film is an action film after all that means that I have to talk about the action that's presented to us in the actual film itself and if i'm being honest the action that's presented to us in this film is at best just OK and I say that the action that's presented to us in this film is at best OK simply because all of the action that's in this film is stuff that's been done in other and better movie. Not helping things is the fact that when the action isn't just stuff that we've seen done in other and quite frankly better movies the action in this film is then quite boring to watch because nothing exciting is being nor is there anything that's cool to see in screen happening both of which are things that you need to have in your film if your film is an action film that is or if you film has action scenes in it since it keeps your audience from being bored and it helps keep your audience fully engaged in my humble and very honest opinion but that's just what I think about the action that's presented to us in this film anyways.

Overall while this film is cheesy as all heck and this film is full to the brim of the 1980's cheese this still at best just an average film and nothing more then that. Which is a shame because this movie even with all of it's many faults it's still a slightly enjoyable film but tho let's get to my final rating for this film shall we since i've talked about both of the good and the bad things that are in his film in this exact / very review this film gets a 5.5 out of 10 from me.

As for where I got all of the images that I used in this review well I got the images that I used in this review from either Wikipedia , Google Images and the official Star Wars fandom wiki page. With my preferred website to use to get images from being Google Images since there is alot more if a variety of images from this film that I could use in this exact / very review and it helps that a good few of the images from the actual film itself where shocking high definition as well as shocking high quality which is that I wasn't expecting to be the case at all and is something that i'm glad was the case because I not only like to use high quality and high definition images but high quality and high definition images just not only look nicer but they also make the review look nicer as well as alot more professional in my humble and honest opinion.



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