He-Man And She-Ra: The Secret Of The Sword Film Review


Animation fans i've covered alot of animated films and TV shows and episodes of TV shows over the years well I thought that i'd take a look at an animated film from the 1980's that people might not even remember or even realise was a feature length theatrically released feature film. This is a film that i've reviewed before but I wanted to re-review this film because of two things / two reasons the first being I wanted to update the quality of the images and the second being that there is a new show featuring one of this films main characters coming out this year and so join me as I re-review the 1985 animated film that is called simply "He-Man And She-Ra: The Secret Of The Sword" enjoy.

Now here is where I would normally tell you what the plot of the film is as well as give you my overall thoughts on the plot of the film. However the makers of this film chose to do me a huge favour and decided not to give this film any kind of plot whatsoever which is the first of this films many problems since without a story there's no reason for this film to even exist which honestly begs the question as to why the makers of this film chose to make this film outside of the character of He-Man being popular that is because like I said there's no story being told which makes this film feel pointless in my humble and honest opinion.

Starring in this film is John Erwin as Prince Adam / He-Man and Beast Man and Melendy Britt as Princess Adora / She-Ra and Catra. Also starring in this film Alan Oppenheimer as Skeletor , Man-At-Arms and Cringer / Battle Cat , Linda Gary as Teela , Queen Marlena , Sorceress Of Castle Grayskull , Madame Razz , Shadow Weaver and Glimmer , George DiCenzo as Bow and Hordak , Erika Scheimer as Queen Angella and this films producer Lou Scheimer as King Randor , Swift Wind , Kowl , Broom , Mantenna , Horde Trooper , Kobra Khan , Trap Jaw and Tri-Klops.

As for what I thought about the acting that's in this film well in my opinion the acting that's presented in this film is in all honesty alot better then it really had right to be in my opinion. Since the idea of He-Man is so stupid that no one would have blamed the actors in this film if they chose to over act however given that alot of these actors are reprising their roles it only makes sense that those actors play the roles as seriously as possible and in terms of the cast that's introduced in this film they take example from the returning cast and treat the material that was given to them as seriously as is humanly possible which is something that both sets of actors didn't have to do but i'm glad that the did as it makes all of the actors in this film

Now I cannot find who did the animation for this film in either the films own ending credits sequence or the films own official IMDB page which is a shame since in my opinion the animation looks really decent. With this movie being based of a popular TV show (which in this case is He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe) the animation in this film is alot better then it really had any right to be and you can tell that this is a feature film due to how high the quality of the animation is especially when you compare the animation that's in this film to the animation of any episode of She-Ra: Princess of Power.

Now then even tho this film is technically a film since it was released theatrically it also serves as the first five episodes to She-Ra; Princess Of Power. Which honestly explains alot of the repetitiveness of this film since if you've seen either He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe or She-Ra: Princess Of Power then you'll know that both shows are pretty repetitive but at the same time for something that's meant to be a feature film you can't really rely on the same thing that worked for the TV show since in any given TV show each season. series could last up to twenty to twenty episodes and as such you can afford to have a few episodes that are repetitive but you can't really do that with a feature length film since with the film you have in this case an hour and a half in which to tell your story but with a TV show you can have as long as you want which means that you can't be repetitive at all in my humble and honest opinion.

In all honesty this really didn't need to be a feature film at all since you could have told the origin story of Princess Adora / She-Ra in one maybe two or possibly three episodes of She-Ra: Princess Of Power and in all honesty it would have worked alot better if they did tell the origin story of Princess Adora / She-Ra in one maybe two or possibly three episodes of She-Ra: Princess Of Power. Since then the makers of both He-Man And The Masters of the Universe and She-Ra: Princess Of Power could create something that has an actual story instead of rushing to hit this none existent plot points because of the fact that the producers of this film are so used to producing stories for TV but that's just what I think about this film not really needing to exist anyway. 

Now I talked about how repetitive this film is and it's really bad how repetitive this film is because all every twenty minuets either Prince Adam / He-Man needs rescuing or Princess Adora / She-Ra is the one that is in need rescuing. Which is fine if that's one small portion of the movie but it happens so freaking often that you can honestly predict how it's going to go because it plays out exactly how you think that it's going to play out which shouldn't really be the case for any piece of media in my humble and honest opinion since you always want your film or TV show or your episode of a TV show to be very unpredictable since it keeps your audience from getting bored but that's just what I think about how predictable and repetitive this film is in my opinion.

Now then boys and girls since this is an action film that does mean that I have to talk about the action that's in the actual film itself and in my opinion the action that's presented to us in this film in all honesty isn't that bad since it's the kind of action that you'd expect from a 1980's kids animated action film. However that's also the problem because even tho the action in this film is fine it's nothing that you haven't seen done in other and in some cases better 1980's kids animated TV shows and as such the action can at times feel a bit boring if with all of the bad one liners and puns.

Overall this is honestly just an average film which is honestly a shame because it had the potential to be a really good cheesy as all heck 1980's kids animated film it stead this film is just boring and predictable. Since i've talked about both the good and the bad things that are in this film in this very review as such this film gets a 5.5 out of 10 from me , as for where I got the images that I used in this review well I got all of the images that I used in this review from either the official He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe fandom wiki page , Google Images and the official She-Ra And The Princesses Of Power fandom wiki page with my preferred website to use for images from this film that I ended up using in this review being Google Images simply because there was alot more of a verity of images on Google Images.



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