Godzilla 2000 AKA Godzilla 2000: Millennium Film Review


Godzilla fans it's been about four or five months since I last reviewed a Japanese Godzilla film and well with Godzilla Vs Kong coming out on HBO Max and in theaters at the end of this month I thought that I should take a look at a Japanese Godzilla film and well i've found what I think is a really good Japanese Godzilla film. As such Godzilla fans join me as I review the film that was made as a response to the 1998 American Godzilla and so join me as I review the film that is called simply either "Godzilla 2000: Millennium" or just simply "Godzilla 2000" enjoy.

The plot of this film is the government is trying to kill Godzilla but when something not of this world makes itself know only the king of monsters can put an end to this threat before it's to late and the earth is destroyed forever. In terms of what I thought about the plot to this film in all honesty the plot of this film is alot better when what I thought it was going to be simply because I had no idea what to expect from a film in the Millennium era of Godzilla films and as such I was pleasantly surprised at how good the plot of this film well and truly was in my honest and humble opinion. 

Starring in this film is Takehiro Murata as Yuji Shinoda and Hiroshi Abe as Head of CCI Mitsuo Katagiri. Also starring in this film is Naomi Nishida as Yuki Ichinose , Mayu Suzuki as Io Shinoda , Shiro Sano as Professor Shiro Miyasaka , Sakae Kimura as Captain Okawa , Koichi Ueda as Tokai Nuclear Power Plant Director , Misaki Yoshikawa as CCI Staff , Yuki Tanaka as CCI Staff , Yoshiyuki Omori as CCI Staff , Daisuke Honda as GPN Staff Kimua Makoto Ito as Orga and starring as the king of monsters himself we have Tsutomu Kitagawa as Godzilla.

In terms of what I thought about the acting that's in this film in all honesty the acting that's in this film is in all honesty alot better then it really had any right to be. Since the idea of a giant monster in Godzilla fighting an alien creature (regardless of who that alien creature is a pretty campy idea) and as such no one would have blamed the actors or actresses if they chose to over act or even under act in this film but no all of the actors and actresses in this film turn in really good performances in my humble and honest opinion.

I honestly really do like the design of Godzilla since in my opinion the makers of this film made Godzilla not only pretty creepy but also really freaking cool. This Godzilla looks like he could beat you up if you so much as either looked at him wrong or if you so much as mention the little ball of annoyance known simply as Minilla because that's how awesome this version of Godzilla looks but that's what I think tho.

Now then boys and girls lets now take a second to talk about the films main villain Orga simply because I don't think people have talked about this character at all. If i'm being honest I found this character to be rather boring which is a shame because the look of Orga is really cool but he / she doesn't do anything for large portions of the film which is a bad thing because Orga is meant to be this films main villain and as such he / she should have had just as much focus as both Godzilla and the film's human cast of characters in my opinion.

In what I thought was both a brave and shocking move this film gets to Godzilla showing within at least the first fifteen minuets of the film. I honestly thought that the makers of this film will choose to hold of on showing Godzilla so then that way they could focus on the human characters but nope the king of monsters aka Godzilla himself shows really freaking quickly for a few quick scenes but the down side to having him show up early is that he's gone for a long amount of time after those early scenes and heck i don't think that we get any explanation as how this Godzilla came to be and i say that I think we don't get explanation for how this new Godzilla came to be since I started writing this review while the film was playing so there's a huge chance that I missed a scene where the explain how this Godzilla came to be but I could be wrong and they might have left that key bit of detail out of the finished film but that's just my opinion tho.

One of the issues that I have with this film is the film's running time since this film has a running time of one hour and forty six minuets and fifty three seconds which for me personally that running felt a bit on the long side. Simply because there wasn't enough story really warrant the film to be almost two hours long and as such i very strongly feel that this film could and more importantly should have been at east an hour and a half long in stead of being almost two hours long but with the film being closer to two hours then an hour and a half long this film does feel like a chore to sit through at times or at least this film feels like a chore to sit through at times in my humble and honest opinion.

I don't think anybody goes into a Godzilla be it a Japanese Godzilla film an American Godzilla film expecting to see well written human characters and sadly the same is true here. Since the human characters in this film aren't that interesting with the only two semi interesting characters being Yuji Shinoda and his very young daughter Io Shinoda and even then what makes these two characters semi interesting is that they've formed a very small organization / business who's sole purpose it is to track down Godzilla and make sure that Godzilla is safe and that's it and sadly that's not enough to make these characters really interesting since these two characters and the rest of this film human cast of characters aren't that well written in the slightest in honest and humble opinion but that's just what I think about this films human characters tho.

Now then boys and girls since this is an action film that means that I gave to talk about the action that's in the actual film itself and in my opinion the action that's in this film is in all honesty really good. All of the action scenes in this film looked so freaking good in my opinion with Godzilla coming out of all of the action scenes that are in this film looking really good and it helps that all of the action in this film is also really entertaining to watch for for an action film is a really good thing in my honest and humble opinion.

Overall this was a really good film in my opinion which to me was shocking because like I said at the start of this review I haven't seen films in the Millennium era of Godzilla films and as such I had no idea what to expect from this film. Yes there are some bad things in this which like the good things that are in this film i've discussed both the good and the bad things that are in this film in this very review and as such this film gets a 7 out of 10 from , as for where I got the images that I used in this review well I got literally all of the images that I used in this review from the official Godzilla fandom wiki page and  nowhere else and since I only went to the official Godzilla fandom fandom wiki page (which for those that don't know is called Gojipedia) I have no choice but to recommend that you guys use the official Godzilla fandom wiki page if you want to use images from anything to do with the Godzilla franchise.



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