Bumblebee 2018 Film Review


Transformers fans alot of people really hate the live action Transformers films and really who can blame them since here all basically the exact same movie with no heart or even in the case the liv action Transformers film sequels no script or that much actually good things in them However there is one live action Transformers film that alot of people myself included seemed to really like and so join me as I review the 2018 live action Transformers prequel film (Since yes this film is a prequel for some reason) that is called simply "Bumblebee" enjoy.

The plot of this film is an auto bot named B-127 is sent to earth by auto bot leader Optimus Prime and while on earth B-127 has to defend earth from a group of Decepticons and get given a name that being Bumblebee. In terms of what I thought about the plot of this film I honestly really did like the plot of this film since it was a very small scale plot which I thought worked really well but I would have liked it if the plot of this film was a bit more stronger instead of only showing up every once in a while but that's just what I think tho.

Starring in this film is Hailee Steinfeld as Charlie Watson , John Cena as Jack Burns and Jorge Lendeborg Jr. as Guillermo "Memo" Gutierrez. Also starring in this film is Jason Drucker as Otis Watson , voice actress legend Pamela Adlon as Sally Watson , Stephen Schneider as Ron , Dylan O'Brien as Bumblebee / B-127 , Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime , Angela Bassett as Shatter , Justin Theroux as Dropkick , David Sobolov as Blitzwing and voice acting and Scooby-Doo legend Grey Griffin as Arcee.

In terms of what I thought abut the acting in this film in all honesty the acting in this film is alot better then what i remember it being and bare in mind I only saw this film once and that was when the film was first released back in 2018. As such I pleasantly surprised at how good the acting in this film actually was with all of the actors in this film (both in terms of the live action actors and voice actors) giving some really good performances in my opinion. 

Doing the CGI for this film is Industrial Light & Magic , Rodeo FX , Scanline VFX , Base FX ,  Virtuos and Cantina Creative. No matter what you think of the live action Transformers films you cannot deney the fact that all of the live action Transformers have really good CGI in them and the same is true for this film heck i'd go as far to say that the CGI in this film is alot better then the CGI in any of the other live action Transformers films simply because this film blends what was done as a CGI effect and what was possibly done on location really well in my opinion.

Now then this is a prequel film that does feature one of the characters from the very first live action Transformers films which means that this film does indeed fall into the exact same trappings that all prequel films that feature the same character for the first film of a franchise falls into. As such there's no tension in this film because you know that the earth is going to saved because it's in danger in literally all of the live action Transformers films and you know that Bumblebee will be safe because he's in literally all of the live action Transformers films and I know that the makers of the live action Transformers films couldn't have known back in 2007 that they were making the first film in a massive and still somehow on going franchise but t is still a huge issue with the film and it's an issue that took me out of the film because I knew that both the eart5h and Bumblebee would be safe because there in all of the other live action Transformers films.

Now for those that don't know or just straight up forgot this film was kind of hinted in Transformers: The Last Knight. Since there's a scene in that film where we the audience find out that I think Bumblebee has been on earth for decades however even tho that was a nice little way to set up this film however this film retcons that scene in Transformers: The Last Knight since this film establishes that Bumblebee has only been on earth for a few weeks at most where as in Transformers: the Last Knight they say that someone who might be Bumblebee (I don't recall which auto bot it was sorry) has been on earth since at least the 1940's.

Now then for me at least this film is more about family as well as girl learning to come to terms with the death of her father then it is about giant robots fighting each other. Which me to at least makes this film really interesting since we've never seen this plot line played out in a Transformers film before be it in live action or in animation which is a shame because this is a really angle to use in these live action Transformers films in my opinion

This film has a running time of one hour and fifty three minuets and fifty three seconds which in my opinion is bit on the long side in my opinion. Simply because the story of this film is like I said at the start of this very review isn't very strong and is infact very weakly drawn out in this film as such we have a bunch of scenes that go nowhere and add up to nothing in the films overall storyline which makes the film a chore to sit through at times in my humble and honest opinion. 

Now then boys and girls since this is an action film that means that I have to talk about all of the action that's in the actual film itself and in my opinion the action that's in this film isn't that bad. I say this because the film actually makes you care for the characters and so all the films action scenes now have some sort of emotional stake because you want to see these characters come out of those action sequences alive and it helps that all of the films action sequences are in my opinion at least very fun to watch but that's just what I think anyways.

Overall out of all of the live action Transformers films that have been made so far this is easily the best one in my opinion simply because the film gives you the chance to care for all of it's characters. However just like with all of the good things in this film i've also discussed the bad things that are in this very review and as such this film gets a 7.5 out of 10 from me , as for where I got the images that I used in this review well I got all of the images that I used in this review from either the official Transformers fandom wiki page or Google Images with my preferred website to use for images from this film being the official Transformers fandom wiki page simply because all of the images on the official Transformers fandom wiki page are in my opinion really high definition as well as really freaking high quality.



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