Avengers: Infinity War Film Review


Marvel fans with Marvel launching another new TV series set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe this Friday on Disney+. I thought that i'd take a look at two of the most ambitious and dare I say it but epic films to be set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and well since it would be foolish to watch both of these films back to back and so both of these reviews are being spread over possibly two days (i'm not exactly sure yet so bare with me) and so join me as I review the 2018 film that is called simply "Avengers: Infinity War" enjoy.

The plot of the film is a threat the likes of which either The Avengers has never seen is heading there way and this time it's to require alot of help from alot of other characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe . I now that the summery I just gave is super vague but that's because the story is so good in my opinion that even tho this film almost three years ago it's best going into this film without knowing much about the actual plot of the film and in terms of what I thought about the plot of this film like I said the story is really good with alot of stuff that pays of in Avengers: Endgame getting set up and almost paralleled in this film in way that feels naturel and organic as well as being done in a way that doesn't effect or hurt the story in any way shape or form in my opinion.

Starring in this film is Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark / Iron Man , Chris Hemsworth as Thor and Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner / Hulk. Also starring in this film is Chris Evans as Steve Rogers / Captain America , Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow , Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Stephen Strange , Tom Holland as Peter Parker / Spider-Man , Someone who truly deserves an Emmy award for her acting / work on Wandavision we have the super talented Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff , Someone who truly deserves an Emmy award for his acting / work on Wandavision we have the super talented Paul Bettany as Vision , Sebastian Stan as James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes / Winter Soldier , Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson / Falcon , Zoe Saldana as Gamora and Josh Brolin as Thanos.

In terms of what I thought about the acting that's in this film in all honesty the acting in this film is in my opinion really freaking good. Which really shouldn't come as a surprise since all of the actors that are in not only this film but also Avengers: Endgame are really good actors and all of these actors have played these characters for a few years at this point and as such all of the actors in this film will know what performance will best suit there respective character and it helps that the script for this film is good and as such all the actors have to do is say the lines of dialog as they are written in the script and boom a good performances will come out of the actors naturally due to how good the script is in my opinion. 

Doing the CGI for this film and Avengers: Endgame is Digital Domain , Industrial Light & Magic , Weta Digital , Method Studios , Double Negative , Framestore , Cinesite and many , many more effects companies. Just like I had to do with the cast list for this film i've had to cut down on who I credit as doing the CGI effects for not only this film but also Avengers: Endgame since there's so many effects companies working on both films. As for what I thought about the CGI in this film it was honestly really freaking fantastic and just to give you n idea of how good the CGI is in this film the character of Proxima Midnight as well as the other three members of The Black Order are entirely CGI created characters. 

In all honesty the closest film that i could compare this film to is The Empire Strikes Back since like in this film all of the main heroes / main characters in The Empire Strikes Back lose. Which to me at least is a good idea because it says to the viewer / audience that no matter how hard you try or no matter how hard you fight sometimes your going to lose and having the heroes in both this film and The Empire Strikes Back not only raises the stakes for the next film but it also makes our hero characters seem more human because now we get to see how they deal with there respective loses.

Now i've been very positive about this film so far and that's because this film is honestly really good but I do have some issues with the film tho. The first of which is since that this film is the first film in a two part film this film feels like a two and half hour trailer for the next film and as such alot of the things that we see happend in this film have no impact on the actual plot of this film since those things are there purely to set up another movie which is sadly something that all two part films do and so it's not a fault that's exclusive to this film.

I think that we can all agree that the saddest part of this film is the scene where Peter Parker / Spider-Man gets snapped out of existence. Since yeah that is a really well done scene and the one scene in the entire film that I feel is the best acted since you can see the fear in Peter's eyes since from his point of view he's dying and you can see the sadness in Tony Stark's eyes as he's loosing someone who he tried to act as a mentor and father figure towards.

Now I cannot remember the exact running time for this film but I do know that this film has a running of at least two and a half hours and I only know that because that's pretty much the standard running time for a film set in the marvel Cinematic Universe. However while alot of the films that are set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and that also have that two and a half hour running time this film honestly really needed that two and a half hour running time since the storyline even for just this one film is so epic that even cutting the film down to just simply two hours or even hours and twenty minuets without the films end credits would have not only have been a complete and total disservice to the film but it would have hurt the film as well since alot of the films would have had to have been rushed in order to meet either one of those running times and that would have hurt this film pretty badly in my humble and honest opinion.

Now then boys and girls since this is an action film after all that does mean that I have to talk about the action that's in the actual film itself and well to put it simply the action that's in this film is just and truly freaking awesome. To me what makes the action in not just this movie but in all the films that are set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is that you get to see why each hero is apart of either The Avengers of the Guardians Of The Galaxy and it's also during the action for this film that you get to see that the actual strongest avenger isn't thor or Hulk but is actually Wanda Maximoff since she more then holds her own against quite a few of the member of Thanos's army but also helps turn the tide when both Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow and Okoye struggle to defeat Proxima Midnight and in the next film we'll see her become close to single handily defeating Thanos himself. What also helps the action in this film in my opinion is the fact that the action in this film is just so freaking cool which for me at least is always a good thing but that's just what I think about the action that's in the actual finished film itself.

Overall yeah this film is so freaking good it perfectly sets up Avengers: Endgame as well as tease the terrible film that is the 2019 film that is called simply "Captain Marvel" and this is really entertaining as all heck in my opinion. However just like with all of the good things that are in this film i've also discussed all of the bad things that are in this film in this very review and as such this film gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me.

As for where I got all of the images that I used in this review well I got all of the images that I used in this review from either the official Marvel Cinematic Universe fandom wiki page as well as the official Star Wars fandom wiki page. I think that it goes without saying at this point but yeah i'm going to say it anyways but my preferred website to use to get images from this film which I used in this very review is easily the official Marvel Cinematic Universe fandom wiki page just due to how high quality and how definition the images on the official Marvel Cinematic Universe fandom wiki page well and truly are in my humble and very honest opinion.



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