Vixen 1968 Film Review


Film fans after reviewing something that promised to be something that it wasn't yesterday I thought that today i'd review something that delivers exactly on it's title. I will admit until yesterday I had no idea about this film even being a thing and well after seeing this film I can't believe that I had no idea about this film just because the film is honestly pretty freaking insane and so join me as I review the 1968 Russ Meyer film which is called simply "Vixen" enjoy the review everyone.

Now I wish that I could tell you what the film's plot is as well as give you my opinions on the plot of the film however the film doesn't have a plot to speak of. This is honestly a minor issue in my opinion since this film works better without having a story since it without a story it allows the films characters to just be themselves and so if the film had a story the characters wouldn't be allowed to be themselves and the film wouldn't be allowed be as crazy as it is.

Starring in the film is Erica Gavin as Vixen Palmer , Garth Pillsbury as Tom Palmer and Harrison Page as Niles. Also starring in the film is Jon Evans as Judd , Vincene Wallace as Janet King , Robert Aiken as Dave King , Michael Donovan O'Donnell as O'Bannion , Peter Carpenter as Mountie , John Furlong as Sam and Jackie Illman as Tourist. As to be expected from a low budget film like this there are not big name actors in this film and as such the acting does suffer because of it in my very humble opinion that is.

As for what I thought about the acting in this film in all honesty the acting in this film is alot better then what it had any right to be. However that doesn't mean that the acting in this film is any good because it's honestly not but at the same time given that this is a low budget film and that the acting in this film could have been alot worse then what it actually is which is really saying something because the acting in this film can be pretty bad at times.

Now just like with The Single Girls the editing in this film is honestly very freaking bad with conversations ending mid scene and in the copy of the film that I was watching the sound cut of halfway through and never came back on. My issues with the sound aside I don't know why the makers of this film chose to end scenes when the scene itself was still playing out since it makes the film pretty hard to follow and because of the bad editing it hurts the films overall quality in my opinion but I will say this about the film tho the editing in this film is alot better then the editing in The Single Girls which even tho it's not a high bar to reach it's still a point in this films favour in my very humble opinion.

Now without giving away the plot summery of the film just because I want to keep this review as PG as possible. The film does give you everything that you'd expect from an exploitation film called Vixen and I have to give the film credit for that hell all of the Russ Meyer films that i've seen have been very honest about what they are and I like that because it would have been super easy for this film to advertise that's about something else when really it's not about whatever it is that they made this film out to be about the advertising.

One of the things that I didn't like about this film at all is the fact that honestly all of the characters in this film are super unlikeable. Even the title star herself Vixen Palmer (Erica Gavin) as she's always cheating on her husband and when I say always I mean every single freaking day and on top of that she's racist as all hell and the rest of the characters aren't much better either but you could very well make the point that that's the point of the film we're not meant to like any of these characters and that each of these characters are evil in their way and while you would very well have a point you still have to have some likeable characters in your film or have some characters for your audience to route for but here tho there are no likeable characters and thus the audience have to characters to route for in my honest and very humble opinion.

Now this film is honestly super freaking short since this film only has a running time of one hour and ten minuets and fifty seconds and if i'm being honest that's the right running time for this film. Since like I said at the start of the review this film has no plot to speak and so having the film be this short works in the film's favour in my opinion but with that said the film could have done with being at least ten minuets to even twenty five minuets shorter in my opinion and since there's no story to this film you'd really have to loose nothing important at all you could cut whatever you wanted from the film as long as the film still made sense it would still be a solid film in my opinion.

Now to give you all some fair warning there is more then a heavy dose of racism in this film which even I touched on it very briefly earlier on in the film since the racism plays a huge part in the film's third act I have to talk about it just due t the fact that the racism in the film plays a huge part in the films third act. If i'm being honest while you can't cut the racism out of this film entirely it wouldn't have hurt the film if they cut down on the racism since all it does is make the main title character very unlikeable which is something that you don't want in your film at all in my very humble opinion that is.

Now then for some strange reason this is classed as drama which is odd because there's no drama to be found in this film at all. In fact nothing dramatic happens until the films third act with the rest of the film just being the characters just going about their lives as they normally would with nothing dramatic happening at all as such it would be pointless to call this drama if anything this a live action slice of life film and if you've seen any slice of life anime you'll hopefully understand why i'm saying that this film is a live action slice of life film it's simply because that's the best and most fitting genre for this film in my honest and very humble opinion.

Overall Vixen was at best an average film and me saying that this film was average at best is me being very freaking kind. Since even tho this film has alot of the same faults that The Single Girls this film had fewer faults in my opinion and even tho i've talked about both the good and the bad things in this film in this very review this film still has issues and faults and it's due to those issues and faults that this film gets a 5 out of 10 from me , as for where I got the images that I used in this review well I got all of the images that I used in this review from Google Images and nowhere else. Since I only went to Google Images for the images that I used in this review I have no choice but to recommence that you guys use Google Images if you want to use images from this film and unlike The Single Girls there are actually alot of images on Google Images for this film and what I wasn't expecting was for alot of the images that I used in this review to be high definition so there's that at least.




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