Thor: Ragnarok Review


Marvel fans the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the gift that keeps on giving with a ton films not only with alot of those films being really good but with all of those films also telling one singular story. However there is one film that I personally have not only seen only seen once but I have honestly forgotten about and that's a shame because re-watching this film now for this review i'm reminded at how good this film and so join me as I review "Thor: Ragnarok" enjoy.

The plot of this film is Thor and Loki find themselves trapped on a planet called Sakaar because the goddess of death Hela has been unleashed and is threatening to bring about the destruction of Asgard which Thor , Loki and some old and new friends have to stop before Asgard is destroyed for good. In terms of what I think about the plot of this film the plot of this film is honestly really good and the plot is shockingly refreshing since we haven't seen this story play out in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and I can't see why since this story is rather fresh and in my opinion at least in this film anyways the story is rather well told in my opinion.

Starring in the film is Chris Hemsworth as Thor , Tom Hiddleston as Loki and Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie. Also starring in this film is Cate Blanchett as Hela , Idris Elba as Heimdall , Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster , Karl Urban as Skurge , Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner / Hulk , Anthony Hopkins as Odin , Director Taika Waititi as Korg and Hajo , Benedict Cumberbatch as Stephen Strange / Doctor Strange and Clancy Brown as The Voice Of Surtur.

In terms of what I thought about the acting in this film in all honesty the acting in this film was honestly really good in my opinion. Of course actors like Chris Hemsworth , Tom Hiddleston and all of the returning actors do a good job because they've played these characters before and so they will of course know what kind of performance suits that character but what shocked me was how good the new cast is because they've had to create that character and as such it would have bee super hard for them to turn in a good performance but thankfully the newer cast are more then up to the challenge with all of the new actors in this film turning in some really good performances in my opinion.

Doing the CGI effects for this film are Industrial Light & Magic , Base FX , Animatrik Film Design , Framestore , Method Studios , Digital Domain and Double Negative among many , many , many , many others. The CGI in this film I found to be really good for the most part since there are a few dodgy looking CGI effects shots like for example Thor looks a bit to rubbery in some shots and you can tell that the smoke used in some scenes is CGI smoke but those bad CGI effects shots are few and far between with the overall quality for the CGI effects in this film being rather high in my very honest and humble opinion.

I have to admit that despite the fact that Hela looks Hela fine (puns i've got them in spades) she is a pretty bad villain character. Simply because like alot of villains in both Marvel Cinematic Universe in and in none Marvel Cinematic Universe films Hela is a weak character which is a shame because on paper she should have been an interesting character but the film does nothing with her hell we dont even get to find out what her main objective is and as such it just across as that she's evil for the sake of being evil which doesn't make her an interesting at all in my opinion.

Another wasted character in this film in my personal opinion was that of Dr. Bruce Banner / The Hulk who in this film is used mostly for comedic purposes. Which again is a shame because the film does have some good scenes with Bruce Banner and The Hulk but the film does so little with either character and i honestly feel that this should have been the film that delves into the psyche of Bruce Banner since it would have been interesting to see or hear what that character feels if he does feel anything when he becomes The Hulk but again the film wastes both characters in my opinion.

This film leans alot heavily on comedy and that to me at least works to this films advantages in my opinion. Since the comedy allows the film to be alot more fun and because of the fact that the film is leaning more heavily on comedy it allows for some of the side characters like Korg for example to really stand out and again in the case of Korg almost steal the film just due to how funny Korg is in this film but with that being said I would have liked a little bit less comedy in the film just because some of the comedy undercuts the tension of whatever scene the joke is taking place in and that really did take me out of the film a few times tho but when the comedy is good and honestly really funny you really do notice it in my honest and humble opinion.

This film has a running time of two hours and ten minuets and thirty seconds which is honestly the right amount of time for this film in my opinion. Simply due to the fact that this film has the enough story to cover that running time and it helps that even tho each scenes is about moving the plot and the characters forward none of the scenes last any longer then they really need to nor does each scene last to short either each scene lasts just the right amount of time in my opinion and again it helps that the pacing for the film is really good with the film and the films running really just flying by which for me at least is a good thing since it means that your not going to be bored by this film.

Now then boys and girls since this is an action film that does mean that I have to talk about the action that's in the actual film itself. I honestly feel that the action in this film is where the film is at it's must fun (apart from all of the good comedy moments that is and yes i'm including all of Korgs scenes in that statement as well) since you get to see alot of cool action take place and you get to see the characters do a lot of cool things in those action scenes as well and hell I honestly think that it should be a rule that every action film needs to have Immigrant Song playing during every action sequence just due to how awesome and how well used Immigrant Song is used in the action scenes in this film in my honest and humble opinion.

Overall this was a really good film in my opinion and it's easily the best Thor film as well and it's due to how good this film that I cannot wait for Thor: Love And Thunder to come out whenever that film releases. However all is not good with this film since i've talked about both the good and the bad things that I found in this film in this very review and as such this film gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me , as for where I got the images that I used in this review well I got the images that I used in this review from the official Marvel Cinematic Universe fandom wiki page and since I only went to one website for the images that I used in this review I have no choice but to recommend that you guys use the official Marvel Cinematic Universe fandom wiki page just due to how high quality and how definition the images are on the official Marvel Cinematic fandom wiki page. 




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