Supervixens Film Review


Film fans since I had a good time reviewing an exploitation film these last few days I thought that i'd review one more tonight. I will fully admit that prior to yesterday I had no intention of reviewing this film however since I had a good time reviewing Vixen I wanted to review another film from director Russ Meyer and well I thought of the perfect film from director Russ Meyer ti review and so here is my review of the film that is called simply "Supervixens" enjoy.

The plot of this film is loyal husband Clint Ramsey is framed for the murder of his wife Super Angel and so Clint Ramsey goes on the run while the cop who framed him tracks him down in hopes of ending Clints chances of finding happiness. I will admit I wasn't expecting a film from Russ Meyer to have any kind of plot and so I was shocked to see that there was a plot in this film even tho the plot is at best thin there's still a plot none the less and the plot is honestly pretty decent in my honest and very humble opinion.

Starring in the film is Shari Eubank as SuperAngel and SuperVixen , Charles Napier as Harry Sledge and Uschi Digard as SuperSoul. Also starring in the film is Charles Pitts as Clint Ramsey , Henry Rowland as Martin Bormann , Christy Hartburg as SuperLorna , Colleen Brennan as SuperCherry , Colleen Brennan as SuperCherry , John LaZar as Cal MacKinney , Stuart Lancaster as Lute , Deborah McGuire as SuperEula , Glenn Dixon as Luther and Haji as SuperHaji.

In terms of what I thought about the acting in this film in my opinion the acting in this film honestly isn't that good if i'm being honest. This shouldn't come as a shock you all as the film had a budget of about one hundred thousand American dollars and as such the film makers aren't going to get good or even passable actors for alot of the roles in this film but there are a few passable performances in this film but they are in the minority and not the majority.

For some strange reason all the girls in this film are all called Super something and it's never explained why at all. Which is I guess part of this films charm but I do feel that this is something that should have been explained since it makes it hard to tell if this is meant to be a fantasy type of film and so if the film gave a reason as to why every girl in this film is called Super then it would have made it easier to say if this is a fantasy type of film in my honest opinion.

Now what I wasn't expecting was for their to be a reference to the previous Russ Meyer film that i've reviewed which was called simply Vixen. Since actor Garth Pillsbury who played Tom Vixen appears in this film as a fishermen where he tries to get Clint to come to his house so that they can go fishing with his wife and if you thinking "well that's just a coincidence" the end credits have the fisherman character listed as Tom so by default this film , Vixen and Beneath The Valley of The Ultra Vixens all now take place in the same universe a sort of cinematic world type of thing if you will.

I will admit I wasn't expecting this film to be as fun as it was but yeah this film is honestly a really fun film in my opinion. That being said if you know of Russ Meyer's work then you'll know that you shouldn't watch this film with any adults around and the same is true for this film but for me at least what made this film fun was seeing how Clint would get out of each situation that he happened to find himself in and as well as seeing how he ended up in those various and in alot of cases dangerous situations in the first place.

This film is one hour and forty five minuets and twenty seven seconds long which for a film with a rather thin story is a bit on the long side. I see no reason why this film couldn't have been at least an hour and ten minutes if not an hour and thirty minuets long since plot wise there's not enough story to cover that one hour and forty five minuets and twenty seven second running time since there are scenes that go nowhere and add nothing to the either the film or the plot of the film in my very humble and honest opinion.

I was also not expecting this film to have a literal explosive finale since the finale of this film sees Clint chasing down the corrupt cop who killed Super Angel while the cop in question is throwing dynamite at Clint and is trying to blow Clint up. While this kind of finale does indeed fit the films story it doesn't really fit in with the films tongue in cheek and as such having this pretty dark and pretty gory finale really does come out of nowhere in my opinion but I will admit the finale is pretty fun and is pretty exciting to see the third act finale play out in my opinion.

Now then boys and girls IMDB has this film listed as a comedy and so that means that I have to talk about the jokes that are present in this film or I would if there were any jokes to be found in this film. Since this film doesn't really have that many jokes in my opinion which for something that's meant to be a comedy is bad thing as such I do feel that there should have been some jokes in this film even if the jokes ended up being bad they still would have been jokes none the less but some reason writer , director , producer and cinematographer Russ Meyer chose not to include any kind of jokes whatsoever which make this film a bad comedy in my opinion.

Overall this was a really decent and fun film and if your a fan of the films , writer , director , producer and cinematographer Russ Meyer then I do recommence checking this film out. However with that said this isn't a good film since i've covered both the good and the bad things about this film in this very review and as such this film gets a 5 out of 10 from me and as for were I got the images that I used in this review well I got the images that I used in this review from Google Images and the official Scream fandom wiki page. Since the overall majority of the images that I used in this review came from Google Images I have no choice but to recommend that you guys use Google Images if for some reason you guys want to use any images from this film and it helps that alot of the images that I personally found on Google Images were pretty high definition so there's that at least.



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