Deadpool 2 Review


Ladies and gentlemen it's been a few months since I last reviewed the first first Deadpool film was called simply Deadpool. As such I felt that it was about right that I take a look at the second film simply because i've only seen that film once which was when the film was first released all the way back in 2018 and hell despite owning the owning the film on DVD I hadn't opening the DVD at all since buying it a few years ago well that all changed as I sat down to watch the film and so join me as I review "Deadpool 2" enjoy.

The plot of the film is after Vanessa is killed Wade Wilson / Deadpool falls into a deep depression which ends with him joining the X-Men and while on his first mission he meets a young boy with the with the power of pyrokinesis and the meanwhile a man from the future known as Cable has traveled back in time to kill the young boy and so Deadpool has to try and save the world before it's to late. In terms of what I thought about the plot of this film the plot to this film is rather solid in my opinion but with that being said the story lacks the fun of the first films story where as the plot to this film is pretty freaking dark and while i do like the plot of this film alot I prefer the plot of the first film just because like I said the plot of the first film is alot more fun and that's what a Deadpool film should be in my opinion a deadpool should be dark and fun and that's the plot of the first film was in my very humble opinion.

Starring in the film is co-writer , producer and franchise star Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson / Deadpool and The Voice Of Cain Marko / Juggernaut. Also starring in the film is Brianna Hildebrand as Ellie Phimister / Negasonic Teenage Warhead , Josh Brolin as Nathan Summers/Cable , Morena Baccarin as Vanessa Carlysle , Julian Dennison as Russell Collins / Firefist , Zazie Beetz as Neena Thurman/Domino , Stefan Kapicic as The Voice Of Peter Rasputin / Colossus , Shioli Kutsuna as Yukio , T.J. Miller as Weasel , Leslie Uggams as Blind Al , Karan Soni as Dopinder , Rob Delaney as Peter , Lewis Tan as Shatterstar , Bill Skarsgård as Zeitgeist , Terry Crews as Bedlam and believe it or not Brad Pitt as Vanisher.

In terms of what I thought about the acting in this film in all honesty the acting in this film was pretty freaking good in my opinion. Which shouldn't come as a surprise to any of you since alot of the actors in this film are really good actors and they all turn in really good performances in this film hell I really can't think of a single bad actor or actress in this film since all of the main actors and actresses are really good and alot of the main actors and actresses turned some really good and funny performances in my very honest and humble opinion.

Doing the CGI in this film is Double Negative , Framestore , Method Studios , Weta Digital , Soho VFX , Crafty Apes , Trace VFX , Amazing Ape Productions , Imageloom Visual Effects , Mist VFX Studio and PixStone Images. In all honesty the CGI in this film is for me at least a very mixed bag since since for every good CGI shot there are a few bad looking CGI shots like for example when Juggernaut rips Deadpool in half the CGI in that shot looks pretty bad with Deadpool himself moving and looking like a piece of rubber which is a shame because we do get some good CGI in this film it really does stand out in my opinion.

Let's talk about some of the films new characters simply because I don't think that people talk about these new characters when or even if they talk about Deadpool 2. In my opinion the new characters in this film apart from Cable are really underdeveloped which is a shame because when it comes to characters like Yukio and Domino who are two really likeable characters but at the same time both Yukio and Domino could have been great characters if we spent a bit more time with there characters and if we found out a bit more both both Yukio and Domino since it would have made there characters more three dimensional but as it is there characters feel more two dimensional which is a bad thing since you always want your characters to seem more real and less like a cartoon character in my humble opinion.

In terms of what I thought of Domino she seems like a really good and fun character however since this film doesn't fully develop the character it was honestly hard for me to fully connect or to make a connection with the character. Which is a shame because Domino is a really fun character in this movie and if they do bring this version of the character into the MCU then I can fully see this version of the character not only going down well with MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) fans but I can also see this version of Domino getting either her own movie , her own series of movie or her own Disney+ series or possibly even guest starring on someone else's Disney+ series.

Now I don't remember the exact running time on the copy of the film that I saw but the running time for this film was easily around at least one hour and fifty five minuets. However I do feel that this film lasted the right amount of time since plot wise the film had more then enough story to cover the running time however I do feel given that some of the films plot lines don't add up to anything like the Wade and Venessa plot plots lines like that really would have been suited either for a films that's alot closer to two and a half hours then two hours or even a two part movie just to give that plot line the right amount of time that it truly deserves but here that plot line with Wade and Venessa not only goes nowhere but by the end of the end credits adds up to nothing.

Also suffering from a lack of development is the film's main villain Russel aka Firefist who is given the must bare bones motivation and that's really all of the development that that character gets. We don't find out anything about what this character was like before the events of this film hell his motivation for being evil is so generic and bare bones that it really could be the motivation for any villain and you'd have to change nothing at all and hell they redeem this character by the end of the movie and his redemption isn't earned because of the fact that he's done nothing to earn that redemption and so his redemption just comes out of nowhere in my opinion.

Now then boys and girls since this is an action film that does mean that I have to talk about the action that's in the actual film itself. In my opinion the action in this film is very mixed bag since while there are some fun action sequences like the action sequence on the the prison bus for example there are also action that are not only not that fun but also drag on a little but to long like for example when Wade Wilson / Deadpool fights Cable for the first time that entire action sequence goes on for a long time and it doesn't really to go on for as long as it does in my opinion and the final battle just isn't that interesting to me but there are some fun and some pretty funny moments in the final battle action sequence in my humble opinion.

Overall Deadpool 2 isn't as good as the first Deadpool film in my opinion but there is some good to be found in this film. Like I said there is some good to be found in this film and heck i've discussed the good things about this film in this very review but there are alot more bad thing s in this film and just like with the good things in this film i've discussed the bad things about this film in this very review and as such this film gets a 7 out of 10 from me , as for where I got the images that I used in this review well I got the images that I used in this review from the official X-Men movies fandom wiki page and nowhere else and since I only went to one website for the images that I used in this review I have no choice but to recommend that you guys use the official X-Men fandom wiki page if you want to use any images from either this film or from any other live action X-Men film from or from of the course the very first Deadpool film.





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