Hulk 2003 Film Review


Hulk fans the character of The Hulk and by extension his human alter ego have been popular characters for decades and yet rather shockingly there has only been one theatrically released feature film based on The Hulk. Judging by what i just said you can all have a very good guess as to what film i'm reviewing today since this is a film that I have memories of watching in a cinema (remember cinemas good times good times) and so join me as I review the 2003 film "Hulk" enjoy the review everyone.

The plot of this film is after being exposed to lethal levels of gamma radiation scientist Bruce Banner finds that he can now transform into a giant green monster whenever he feels stressed or angry however Bruce Banner's insane father now wants Bruce Banner's powers to help him to kill his enemies and so it's up Bruce Banner to put a stop to his father's scheme before it's to late. I'll be honest the story is alike of things in this film boring as all hell simply because not only does it take a while for the story to get going but when it finally does get going nothing interesting actually happens as such we are left with a boring as hell story in a fairly boring film.

Starring in the film is Eric Bana as Bruce Banner / Hulk , the stunning Jennifer Connelly as Betty Ross and a mustache with a bunch of grumbles underneath it otherwise known as Sam Elliott as General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross. Also starring in this film is Josh Lucas as Glenn Talbot , Nick Nolte as David Banner , Cara Buono as Edith Banner , Celia Weston as Mrs. Krenzler and Kevin Rankin as Harper.

As for what I thought about the acting in this film yikes is the acting in this film pretty freaking bad and that's me being very kind. All of the actors in this film except for Sam Elliott , Nick Nolte and Josh Lucas just sound so disinterested in what there saying or doing at least with Sam Elliott , Nick Nolte and Josh Lucas those actors actually not only sound invested in what there saying but also look interested in what there saying and doing which that cannot be said for all of the other actors in this film tho.

Doing the CGI for this film are the legends and the greats over at Industrial Light & Magic , Gentle Giant Studios and Graphic Nature. Even tho this film came out in 2003 the CGI effects in this film still look fairly impressive granted some of the CGI effects have dated pretty horribly but for the time that this film was made (the film was made in 2002 and was released in 2003) and for the technology that they had at the time it's a wonder that the CGI in this film turned out as good as it did in my humble opinion.

Now this is something that I honestly didn't think about until I was watching the film for the purposes of this review. If the makers of this film wanted to make in my opinion a great Hulk film then what they should have done is made it like a Godzilla and Frankenstein film with the character of the The Hulk taking on a role similar to both Godzilla and Frankenstein's monster that right there would make the character of The Hulk alot more interesting and complex in my opinion.

To hit this home you could also have the film be as smart as the 1931 film Frankenstein (which was also called Frankenstein) and have it mixed with the kind of goofiness and the social commentary of the 1954 Godzilla film (which was called either Gojira or Godzilla: King Of The Monsters) while those two films styles don't sound like they mix they could with the character of The Hulk. Since mixing these two styles of films would give us not only an interesting character in The Hulk but due to the human characters in Frankenstein being really well written it could also give interesting character instead of having both The Hulk and the other in this film characters be really uninteresting and boring as all hell.

As if having boring characters wasn't enough this film also as annoying as hell comic book style transitions. I get that they wanted the film to be like a comic book but what might work in comic book form wont necessarily work in any other medium and that is the sadly the case with having comic panels serve as your transitions between scenes , in all honesty I feel that if they out more focus into making the characters interesting and the story actually good instead of these comic book panel style transitions then the film would be a lot better.

This film has a running time of two hours and eighteen minuets and thirteen seconds which for this film at least is alot longer then it really needs to be. You could have have very easily have had this film come in at well under two hours and you'd have to loose nothing of importance hell the only thing you'd have to drop is the subplot with Betty having a nightmare about Bruce and that's really it and hell since that plot line goes nowhere the film would actually be better if that subplot was lost but as it is we are left with a film that's so much longer then it needs to be and it because of that long running time the film feels more boring because now your forced to focus on the films issues and as such what might have been very minor issues with a shorter running are now instead huge issues because of the films much longer running time.

Now then boys and girls since this is an action film that does mean that I have to talk about the action that's in the actual film itself. From little action there is in the film the action does seem to be fairly decent and that is me being very kind because there are alot of times in action scenes where there's nothing interesting happening which for an action movie is not a good thing at all and hell there's not even that much action in this film at all which for an action movie you kind of want there to be some actual action in your action film.

Overall I really cannot stress enough how boring this film really is because there simply isn't the words to describe how dull and boring this film can be. That being said the film does have some good things in it just not that much and they are all outweighed by the bad things that are in this film and yes i've covered both the good and the bad things in this very review as such this film gets a 5 out of 10 from me. As for where I got the images that I used in this review well I got them from the official Hulk fandom wiki page , the official Godzilla fandom wiki page , Google Images and the official Marvel Database fandom wiki page , I really cannot say where it would be best to get images from this film since the official Hulk fandom wiki page does have some high definition images but it doesn't have alot of verity of images and Google Images has a huge verity of images but not all of them will be high definition and the official Marvel Database fandom wiki page doesn't have any images from this film and of course the official Godzilla fandom wiki page just about Godzilla and so I say use whichever website you guys want to use.




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