Alice In Wonderland 2010 Disney Live Action Film Review


Disney fans Disney for some strange reason likes to turn there classic animated films into live action films and while the film that i'm reviewing today in no way started that trend it is however the film which I feel popularised that trend. Out of all the live action Disney remakes that are out there this is the one that i've seen the most and so then Disney fans join me as I review the 2010 version of Alice In Wonderland with the film also being called "Alice In Wonderland" enjoy.

The plot of this film is a now grown up Alice finds herself going back wonderland and while in wonderland she has to help overthrow the Red Queen and defeat the Red Queen's pet the Jabberwocky which only Alice can slay. The plot is the first thing wrong with the film because Alice In Wonderland is a story that doesn't demand a plot hell not having a plot actually adds to the charm of the film but here tho because the film does have a plot (which at best is cliché and at it's worst is flat boring) the film looses that charm and while the story is decently told again Alice In Wonderland is a story that doesn't need a plot to begin with.

Starring in the film is Mia Wasikowska as Alice Kingsleigh , Johnny Depp as The Mad Hatter and Helena Bonham Carter as The Red Queen. Also starring in this film is Anne Hathaway as The White Queen , Matt Lucas as Tweedledee and Tweedledum , Crispin Glover as The Knave Of Hearts , Michael Sheen as The White Rabbit , the late Alan Rickman as The Caterpillar , Stephen Fry as The Cheshire Cat , the late Dame Barbara Windsor as The Dormouse , the late Christopher Lee as The Jabberwocky and the late Michael Gough as The Dodo.

As for what I thought about the acting in this film it's honestly fairly bad which is something that I don't want to be saying since alot of the voice actors in this films are legendary actors but it's also something that I feel to be true. Sadly nowhere is that more evident then in the performance of Mia Wasikowska as Alice Kingsleigh with Mia being so wooden that she's basically a blank of wood since she show's no emotion even tho her character is meant to be showing emotion in certain scenes I don't know how the character of Alice was written in this film or how Mia was directed but clearly someone screwed up big time in my opinion.

Doing the CGI in this film are Sony Pictures Imageworks , CafeFX , Matte World Digital , In-Three and Sassoon Film Design. Yeah the CGI is another thing that I have a problem with since there was no need to make everything in this film a CGI effect i'm not kidding since almost every character in wonderland (yes I refuse to call it underland) is a CGI effect hell even wonderland itself is a CGI effect and it didn't need to be you could have done wonderland for real but screw putting in the work we have computers now who can do all of that for us.

As for the quality of the CGI effects that in this film for me at least the CGI effects that are in this film range from either OK to flat out bad. There are some shots where tiny Alice is being picked up and it's such a bad effect it's honestly laughable , as for the CGI on alot of the wonderland characters the CGI on the wonderland looks pretty decent altho some of the characters like for example Tweedledee and Tweedledumb look like pure nightmare fuel.

In terms of wonderland itself it's missing all of the charm that made wonderland a fun place in the 1951 Walt Disney Pictures classic which was also called Alice In Wonderland. The wonderland in this film looks bleak and is lacking any colour , wonderland is meant to be a fun place full of madness and insanity and yet this version of wonderland is lacking all of that and because of that this version of wonderland feels depressing which OK fits the story but when you take into account that all of the characters in wonderland are meant to insane it doesn't quite work.

Honestly one of the few things that I actually liked about the film was the character of The Mad Hatter who as mentioned was played by Johnny Depp. To me this version of The Mad Hatter is not only acted decently with Johnny Depp turning in a decent to OK performance they actually made the character even more insane by having him switch accents seemingly on a dime which is oddly fitting for The Mad Hatter character in my opinion.

This film has a total running time of one hour and forty eight minuets and thirty four seconds which in my opinion is bit on the long side. Since there's no reason at all for the film to be one hour and forty eight minuets and thirty four seconds long in my opinion and if im being honest you could have told the story of this film in under an hour and a half and you'd have to loose not alot of scenes with honestly a large amount of the cutting being done in the pointless opening party scene but nothing that's important to the plot would've been lost tho since nothing about that opening party scene plays apart in the actual story of the film.

Now then for some dumb reason Tim Burton chose to include action in this version of Alice In Wonderland and so that means that I have to talk about the action that's in the actual film itself. For me when I think of Alice In Wonderland i don't think of an action packed third act but that's apparently what the makers of this version of Alice In Wonderland think of tho since since we have an action packed third act and it's just as generic as hell as you think that it's going to be and because of that the action is kind of boring and it's like that throughout the whole film which is a shame because having a grown up Alice fighting a giant dragon like creature honestly sounds pretty cool but you have to have it all make sense in the world of wonderland which they don't do here in my opinion.

Overall out of all the recent live action remakes that have done by Disney I can't say that this one is the worst because it's honestly not. This film does have some good things going for it all of which i've covered in this review however with that said the film does have alot more things going against which again i've covered in this review as such this film gets a 5 out of 10 from me , as for where I got the images that I used in this review however well I got them from the official Disney fandom wiki page which I have no choice but to recommend since I only went to the official Disney fandom wiki page for images from this film and yes all of the images from this film are very high definition as well as high quality but that's to be expected since like I said I got these images from the official Disney fandom wiki page.






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