Venom 2018 Film Review


Marvel fans there have been a ton of films about Spider-Man and there will no doubt be a ton more in the future. However there hasn't been any live action films based on any of the other Spider-Man characters well that looks like that it's going to change in the coming years since with this film we see the launch of yet another cinematic universe and so join me as I review the 2018 mess of a film that is "Venom" enjoy.

The plot of the film is Carlton Drake wants to use symbiote (it's far to complicated to explain what a symbiote is but bottom line there aliens) to take over the world and so it's up to disgraced journalist Eddie Brock who was recently infected with symbiote to save the world. Yeah to put it freaking bluntly the plot of this film could at best be described as the film's premise since the story is thin and weak that at times it might as well not even be there which for any story is a very bad thing in my opinion since without a story your product has no reason to exist.

Starring in the film is Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock / Venom , Michelle Williams as Anne Weying and Jenny Slate as Dr. Dora Skirth. Also in the film is Scott Haze as Security Chief Roland Treece , Reid Scott as Dr. Dan Lewis , Melora Walters as Maria , Sope Aluko as Dr. Rosie Collins , Wayne Péré as Dr. Lloyd Emerson , Michelle Lee as Corinne Wan , Chris O'Hara as John Jameson and Riz Ahmed as Dr. Carlton Drake / Riot.

In terms of what I thought about the acting in the film it's just as average as I remember it being and please bare in mind that i've only seen this film once that was when the film first came out in 2018. All of the actors just seem to be doing the bare minimum since none of the performances in this film are that good even actors that you know can deliver solid performances like Jenny Slate and Tom Hardy are just doing the bare minimum and turning in an average performance which isn't a good thing because all of these actors have delivered great performances in other films and TV shows so it's shocking to see that they don't deliver a good performance in this film.

Doing the CGI for this film are Double Negative , One Of Us and rather shockingly Sony Pictures Imageworks. I say that it's a shock Sony Pictures Imageworks did some of the CGI for this film because there mostly known for doing the animation for various Sony Pictures animated films , as for what I thought about the CGI in this film it's honestly alot better then it had any right to be you can tell then the effects artists that worked on this film have a clear passion for the character of Venom as it's something that shows in their work in my opinion.

The biggest sin that this film commits is the fact that it's not a rated  movie (that's an 18 if your here in the UK) since this character demands an R rating. There are some characters that demand a more adult rating and Venom is easily one of those characters simply due to the fact that he bites people's heads off which while they do it here they cut away alot of the time before you see the act take place and this is something that oddly takes away some of the bada*sness of the character.

I will give this film it does somewhat delve deep into the lore of the Venom character simply by introducing She-Venom. This is feel was a risky move just because not alot of people myself included won't be as familiar with the lore of the Venom character and so to see someone briefly suit up as Venom could be seen as confusing because we'd only know Eddie Brock as Venom and not this character that we the general audience wouldn't have heard of.

This film has a total running time of one hour and fifty two minuets and six seconds and if i'm being honest I have very mixed feelings about this running time. Since the film needs a shorter running time since it doesn't have that much to set up in terms of the world that this film takes place in but at the same time if the film did have a shorter running time the story would be even more effected then it is now so yeah for once i'm stumpted on how to feel about the films running time.

Another one of the many things that I didn't like about this film is the fact that even tho Eddie is a good looking guy Venom and a few other characters say that he's a loser. Yet everything that we've seen with the character up until that point would say otherwise if the film wanted to make him someone that the world treats like dirt then they should have just done that but no they made him someone who's quite successful and so he's not a loser at all he's someone who Hollywood thinks is a loser but in reality is the complete opposite.

Now then boys and girls this is an action film and so that does mean that I have to talk about the action that's in the film itself. Which i'm not going to lie the action is perhaps one of the best things in the entire film mostly because it's always cool seeing Venom do all of these really cool things but I will admit that the final fight is basically an animated fight since it's basically just two CGI animated characters fighting which yeah it's to be expected but at the same time they could have done something cool to make that final fight standout from all of the other action sequences in the film but they don't at all but that's just my opinion anyways if you liked the final fight in this film then good for you but I don't like the final fight in this film.

Overall this film is just a pure mess but at the same time there's clear potential there it just needed a better film to let that potential out. Just so we're clear i'm not blaming the director or any of the writers producers or stars of the film i'm blaming the studio because the end of the day they the final call on what the film should be and they chose this mess of a film which even tho it does have some good things in it all of which i've covered in this review it also has alot of bad things in it with the film's weak villain being one of those bad things and i've also discussed those bad things in this very review as such this film gets a 5.5 out of 10 from me , as for where I got the images that I used in this review well I got them from the official Sony Pictures Universe Of Marvel Characters fandom wiki page and Google Images and out of the two websites that I used to get the images that I used in this review I highly recommend that you use the official Sony Pictures Universe Of Marvel Characters fandom wiki page altho if your searching for the official Sony Pictures Universe Of Marvel Characters fandom wiki page on Google it's the one that has Venom as it's kittle logo when you search for it on Google and the images on the official Sony Pictures Universe Of Marvel Characters fandom wiki page are honestly really high quality which is always a good thing.




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