Deadpool Film Review


Marvel fans the company has turned out alot of great films in the past and I have no doubt that they will continue to turn out more soli films in the future. However alot of those films were PG13 which here in the UK translates to either a 12 or 12a but that kind of change in 2016 when the company released an R rated movie and I say kind of because Marvel did release Blade back in 1998 and so join me as I review the 2016 film "Deadpool" enjoy.

The plot of the film is after he is given a treatment that could save his life and cure his cancer Wade Wilson finds himself unable to die and horribly disfigured and so Wade sets out to get revenge on the person who disfigured him. I'll be the first to admit that the plot of the film is honestly pretty freaking weak but at the same time you could argue that that's part of the film's charm since having very little story allows for not only the film's style of telling Wade's origin through flashbacks but it also allows for more jokes but at the same time I would have liked it if the story was a little bit stronger tho but that's just what I think.

Starring in this film is producer Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson / Deadpool and Morena Baccarin as Vanessa. Also starring in the film is Ed Skrein as Francis Freeman / Ajax , T.J. Miller as Weasel , Gina Carano as Angel Dust , Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead , Leslie Uggams as Blind Al , Karan Soni as Dopinder , Jed Rees as The Recruiter and Stefan Kapicic as Peter Rasputin / Colossus.

As for what I thought about the acting in this film it was honestly just as good as I remember it being and bare in mind the first and last time I saw this film was back when the film was first released in 2016. What helps the acting in my opinion is the fact that the script for the film is so freaking with each character having very distinct personalities as well as the fact that each actor or actress is perfect cast in each of their roles.

Doing the CGI in this film are Weta Digital , Blur Studio , Luma Pictures , Rodeo FX , Atomic Fiction and Digital Domain. Despite the fact that this film only had a budget of fifty eight million American dollars all of the CGI in this film honestly looks really good and incase your wondering why i've posted a picture of Deadpool's mask here it's because when ever the mask shows any kind of emotion the mask is then a CGI effect and that goes to show you how good the CGI in this film is because for years I had no idea there was even a CGI mask in this film.

While this film isn't the first R rated Marvel movie it is one of the more successful and well known R rated Marvel movies. Without this film being a hit and proving to fox that R rated comic book movies can indeed make money we wouldn't have gotten the mega hit that was Logan nor would we have gotten Joker so if you like or even love either of those two movies then you owe this film alot of respect for paving the way for those films and any other R rated comic book movie to come out in the near future.

For those of you that don't know this film was only made due to some test footage being leaked and when that test footage went viral 20th Century Fox the studio that owns the film rights to Deadpool had pretty much no choice but to make a Deadpool film. As such I was shocked to see that they actually remade the test footage for this film now I don't know if it was because the makers of this film wanted to pay respect to the fans that made this film happen or what but honestly it was pretty sweet seeing a remade version of the film's test footage in the final film.

Now I do have something negative to say about the film and its due to the fact that the villain of the film Francis Freeman / Ajax who as mentioned is played wonderfully by Ed Skrein. Is honestly a rather weak villain we spend quite a bit of time with him and yet we don't find out what his end goal I or why he's evil which are key things for a villain and yet here we get nothing which doesn't make him an interesting character.

Both this film's biggest strength and it's weakness is the fact that it has a running time of one hour and forty eight minuets and six seconds. This is both a good and bad thing because with the film as it is doesn't have enough story to cover anything over or even near two hours and so the film lasts the perfect amount for the story as it is but at the same time if the film was a little big longer then it would have allowed us to get to know villains alot more and thus be more invested in whatever their scheme may be.

Now i'd say that this is an action comedy just due to the fact that Deadpool makes alot of jokes and so it's only right that I talk about those jokes. Which for me at least make the film feel fresh because we've seen so many superhero movies come out in the past ten or years recently and honestly we were kind of getting tired of the same kind of formular and yet this film comes along and pokes fun at every aspect of the current (current by 2016 standards at least) comic book movie out put and while yes some of the jokes aren't that funny to me there are a lot more jokes that are funny but as always all comedy is subjective and so just because I personally didn't like some of the jokes doesn't mean that you won't like those same jokes it means that you might find the jokes that I didn't like to be funny and who knows maybe you didn't like the jokes that I liked.

Now that i've talked about the jokes in this film I've only makes sense that I now talk about the action part of this action comedy. Which to me kind of average i'm not saying it was bad because it wasn't but I kind of expected the action to better then what we got I get that the film had a very small budget to work with and so they couldn't do all of the things that they wanted to do and for the budget we do get some cool action but there's nothing that really blew me away which is a shame because like i said we do get to see some cool action just nothing that's really mind blowing.

Overall I forgot how good this film truly was and i'm glad that I re-watched it just because it reminded me of how insane some comic book movies can be and I mean insane in a good way by the way. As you've seen in this very review there are some bad things in the film which i've discussed in this review just like there are some good things which i've also discussed in this very review and so this film gets an 8 out of 10 from me.

All and I do mean all of the images that I used in this review were gathered from the official X-Men movies fandom wiki page. Since I only went to one website for the images that I ended up using in this very review I have no choice but to recommend that you guys use the official X-Men movies fandom wiki page simply because all of the images on that website are very high quality and are very high definition and yes I might cover either Deadpool 2 or Once Upon A Deadpool but it doesn't which since there both the literal exact same movie and if I do either of them expect the review out by i'm going to say next weekend but that could change tho.



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