Zootopia Review


Disney fans the last time I covered a Disney animated film it was April 12th or at least that was the date that I wrote the review. Which I feel is a bit to long inbetween watching Disney animated movies and so I made the call that no matter what I would today be writing a review on a Disney animated movie and it just so happens that the movie i'm covering I honestly haven't seen in at least a few years and so here is my review of "Zootopia" enjoy.

The plot of the film is new police officer Judy Hopps (a rabbit) teams up with a sly fox called Nick Wilde to solve a missing person's case which becomes alot bigger and more important then any of them could have imagined. Plot wise this film is fairly good i'm not going to say that the plot of the film is great because honestly it's not but at the same time you can't quite see where the story is going either which is always a good thing.

Starring in the film is Ginnifer Goodwin as Judy Hopps , Jason Bateman as Nick Wilde and Jenny Slate as Bellwether. Also starring in the film is Nate Torrence as Officer Clawhauser , Idris Elba as Chief Bogo , Bonnie Hunt as Bonnie Hopps , Don Lake as Stu Hopps , Tommy Chong as Yax , J. K. Simmons as Mayor Lionheart , Octavia Spencer as Mrs. Otterton , Alan Tudyk as Duke Weaselton and Raymond S. Persi as Flash.

The acting in the film I thought was really freaking good with all of the actors giving a truly wonderful performance. What helps the actors give a good performance in my opinion is the script because the script gives all the film's many cast of characters alot of character and personality with all of the characters being really well written and so all the cast have to do is just say the lines as they are written and a good performance would come naturally.

Doing the animation for the film is of course Walt Disney Animation Studios and I don't think I need to say what films they've worked on since Disney is such a well known company it would be pointless to do so. As for what I thought about the animation in this film it's alot better then what I remember it being which was honestly something I wasn't expecting to be the case but what I loved about the animation is that the characters don't move like cartoony animals would they instead move like how real people would move which to me helps sell the fact that this is meant to be our world only with animals instead of humans.

There is one exchange in this film with the exchange taking place between Judy and Officer Clawhauser when they first meet each other and the other being how Officer Clawhauser reacts when Judy says that only rabbits can call rabbits cute. I get that it was meant to be a funny line but to me that whole exchange just felt like it was trying to be woke which honestly didn't sit right with me at all but that's just what I think tho.

I honestly wasn't expecting Nicks backstory to be as dark as it was since as a kid he basically got racist abuse thrown at him. I know that they don't straight up say that he was racially abused that's the closet thing that I could think of to describe what happened in his child hood and while you could argue that the same thing was also true for Judy and her backstory what makes Nicks more upsetting for me personally is that Judy was able to over come all of that abuse where as Nick couldn't and so he became the very think that the world thought he was which to m is alot more dark and upsetting just because it would be easy for anyone to overcome the abuse that there receiving but to close yourself of that makes it all the more hurtful in my opinion.

This is technically the first and so far only Disney film (at least that i've seen) to feature full on nudity even tho it's animals that are nude I still thought it was not shocking but also pretty funny. I'm honestly shocked that parents groups didn't freak out over the fact that there's nudity in this kid friendly film since parents groups freak out over every little thing you'd have thought that thi swould have been right up their alley but nope they let it go (pun intended) or maybe they just didn't get where the characters were meant to be or they simply didn't get the joke.

This film is one hour and forty eight minuets long and honestly the film didn't feel that long at all in my opinion. Since for me at least the time just flew by and alot of that comes from the fact that I was generally invested in the story and in the characters but it also comes from the fact that not only do you not know where the story is going but that the film has the right amount of running time for this kind of story.

Now then boys and girls this is a comedy and so that means that I have to talk about the jokes that are in the film itself. I have to admit that I found the jokes in this film to be freaking funny as all hell with alot of the jokes getting a genuine laugh out of me and while yes there will be some bad jokes in the film which can also be said for alot of comedies there are alot more good jokes in the film as well with my personal favourite joke being that everyone who works at the DMV are all sloth's which is just such a funny idea and it works really well in the film in my opinion.

Overall this is honestly a really good film and while it's not a perfect film by any stretch of the imagination it is one that I can see my self rewatching. Like I said this film does have it's fair share of problems all of which i've listed in this review but to me those issues also add to the films overall charm and they didn't take me out of the film which for me is always a vital thing as such this film gets an 8 out of 10 from me.

All of the images that I used in this review were gathered from either the official Zootopia fandom wiki page or the official Disney fandom wiki page. I honestly have to say that I would recommend that you use the official Zootopia fandom wiki page just because they have alot more higher quality images which for me at least is always a key thing when it comes to making reviews just because higher quality images are alot nicer to look at but that's just me.



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