Ghostbusters 1984 Film Review


Film fans every so often I get the chance to review a film that i've never reviewed before and that is actually the case with the film i'm reviewing today. Even tho this film is engraved in pop culture i've never reviewed this movie despite attempting to do so at least a few years ago and hell even today it was very touch and go as to if I would go ahead with the review or not and so join me as I review the 1984 classic "Ghostbusters" enjoy.

The plot of the film is three professors start a ghost busting business and are the last line of defense when a ghost called Gozer threatens to take over the world. Plot wise I do feel that the plot of the film is pretty weak with the plot not really coming into effect until around the films second act and even then the plot barely gets mentioned but when the plot is covered and is advanced it is really good and it's honestly a refreshing story in my opinion.

Starring in the film is Bill Murray as Peter Venkman , co-writer Dan Aykroyd as Ray Stantz and Sigourney Weaver as Dana Barrett. Also starring in the film is co-writer the late Harold Ramis as Egon Spengler , Rick Moranis as Louis Tully , Annie Potts as Janine Melnitz , William Atherton as Walter Peck , Ernie Hudson as Winston Zeddemore , David Margulies as Lenny Clotch and Slavitza Jovan as Gozer.

The acting in the film I honestly felt was really good with all of the actors turning really good and honestly really funny performances. I honestly cannot think of a single bad performer in this film because every member of the cast honestly does a great job in this film and to me part of that is not due to the actors being good actors but due to the script itself being really good and filling each character to the brim with personality and so all the actors have to do is say the lines as there written and a good performance will come naturally in my opinion.

The CGI effects in this film were done by Entertainment Effects Group , Available Light and Boss Film Corporation. I have to say that for a film made nearly forty years ago the effects in this film hold up really freaking well and while yes there are some dodgy looking effects those in the minority and are not the majority this is made even more incredible when you take into account that this film makes great use of early and I early CGI which you think would look bad but it honestly doesn't.

Part of why the CGI doesn't look that bad for the most is the fact that they also make great use of practical effects. More then often then not in a scene featuring a ghost what your seeing is a mixture of both CGI and practical effects sometimes even in the same shot and so you can't really take in that what your watching is a computer effect simply because a few seconds later it will be a real effect and this is something that the 2016 all female Ghostbusters was missing since they made use of CGI and nothing else.

Now this is something that might come as a shock to alot of you but this film was rated PG back when it first came out in 1984 and it still is rated PG to this very day. This film earns it's PG rating since there's smoking and swearing among many other things and those are the things that PG rated films made today are afraid to have in them for some reason and yet here is a film made decades ago that isn't afraid to have those things in and it works because of it since none of what I mentioned is gratuitous it's there because those are the things people would do in those kind of situations regardless of whatever the film may be.

This film has a running time of one hour and forty five minuets and eight seconds which for a story that is at best very thin the running time for this film is a tad on the long side. I see no reason why this film couldn't be under one hour and twenty minuets because there's nothing in the story that demands the film be an hour and forty five minuets and with the film being as long as it is and the story being as thin as it is the film honestly boring at times.

In terms of ghosts this film honestly has some really cool looking ghosts and while none of them will give me nightmares. What they will do is stay with me because of how cool the ghosts in this film look I don't know who came up with the ghost designs for this film but whoever it is I hope to god that they got a raise because they honestly deserve it in my opinion since all of the ghosts not only look cool but also unique so you won't be mistaking any of the ghosts for any of the other ghosts in this film or at least I think so anyways.

Now then boys and girls this is comedy and so that means that I have to talk about the jokes that are in the film. To that end I honestly found the film to be really funny with alot of the film's humour coming from in my opinion at least Bill Murray who is just so funny in this film and honestly the film is worth watching just for how sarcastic he is in the film and it goes without saying but he gets alot of the films best lines and jokes in my opinion but co-writers Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd also get some funny lines as well just not as many as Bill Murray does.

Overall this film is honestly as good as pop culture has made it out to be and i'm glad that I can finally tick this film of my never ending list of things to watch and review. That being I didn't find the film to be as perfect as many consider the film to be since I did notice quite a few flaws with the film all of which i've covered in this review but there were also alot of good things about the film as well and i've covered those good things in this review as well as such this film gets an 8 out of 10 from me and yes I might cover both Ghostbusters 2 and Ghostbusters 2016 at somepoint I just don't know when I will cover those films yet tho.

All of the images that I used in this review were gathered from either Wikipedia , Google Images or the official Ghostbusters fandom wiki page. In all honesty i'd say that your better of getting images from either this film or anything to do with the Ghostbusters franchise from the official Ghostbusters fandom wiki page just because the images on the official Ghostbusters fandom wiki page are very high definition.




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