Barbie & Kendra Storm Area 51 Film Review


Film fans I don't know if you know this or not but i'm very quickly becoming a fan of these Barbie & Kendra / Corona Zombies movies. These movies are so freaking and are so bad that that I can't help but like them and so you can imagine my surprise and delight when I found out that there was a new one and you can bet that as soon as I saw that there was a third one I went straight on to Youtube to see the trailer and after I saw and laughed at the trailer I made plans to watch the film and so here is my review of "Barbie & Kendra Storm Area 51" enjoy.

The plot of this movie is that Barbie and Kendra our lovable airheads once again find themselves watching a film about area 51. However the plot of the film that Barbie and Kendra are watching is that a space villain is hunting down a space princess who has hidden on earth , yeah the plot to the film withing this film is just so insane but at the same time both stories work really well and they both do a solid job of telling there respective stories.

Starring in the film's newly filmed footage are Cody Renee Cameron as Barbie and Robin Sydney as Kendra. Starring in the dubbed scenes are Alex Skuby as Brick Fister , Jill Bartlett as Commander Bananat*tz , Drew Droege as Dookie , I wish I was making this up but former Austin Powers star Mindy Sterling as Tippy and Jobeth , Elssa Dowling as Chef Stacy , Ulf Bjorling as Larry , Patrick Bristow as Chunky , Zoephia as Carol Anne and Pitor Micheal as Grandpa , Flowbee , Announcer , Tubby and Bullwinkle.

The acting from Cody Renee Cameron and Robin Sydney is honestly one of the better things about the film. However with that said the acting from all of the dubbing actors is just as bad as you'd expect from one of these films and it oddly works for this kind of film since the actors in the dubbed scenes know that there in a bad film and are just having fun with it and to me it really does show through in the dubbing actors performances.

The footage for the film within this film comes to us from the 1968 Sci-fi comedy Space Thing , the 1992 sci-fi action film Robot Wars and the 1979 horror sci-fi The Day Time Ended. I fully admit I havn't heard of ay of these films but after checking out this film i'm honestly curious to see what any of these films are actually like and if there actually any good or not but I don't know when i'll check any of them out tho so it might be soon it might not.

This is actually the first Corona Zombies film to feature both full on female nudity and kind of s*x scenes. I say kind of because alot of the time the film does cut away from the shot but you can work out what's happening and I will say that i'm surprised that it's taken them this long to feature any kind of nudity since there are alot of bad films from the seventies and eighties that had nudity in them and those films would be perfect for a film like "Barbie & Kendra Storm Area 51" in my opinion.

For once in these films we actually get to see the main characters in different clothes which I know is an odd thing to mention but we've seen Barbie in the same set of clothes for two films and Kendra has been in the same outfit for one film. So it's about time that they changed clothes and the clothes that they have the girls wear for the majority of the film are these really cool yet somehow funny looking space like clothes which work really well for the characters.

What I like about all of these Corona Zombies films is that each one takes on a different kind of film the first one for example was a zombie movie with the second one being a jungle and this one incase you can't tell by the title is a science fiction film. So it makes me wonder what the fourth film will be because yes this film does indeed confirm that there will be a fourth film and I for one cannot wait to see it.

This film is the shortest of the Corona Zombies films with the running time for this film being forty eight minuets. So don't really expect a whole lot of story or character because the film just doesn't have the time to do those this film and really all of these Corona Zombies films just have the time to distract you for however long each film is but at the same time with this film being honestly pretty decent I would have liked it if it was at least an hour and a half long but that's just me tho.

Like I said this film doesn't have any deep characters or any deep plot it's main goal is just to distract you and well it does a good of doing that. The reason why i've not really touched on any of the bad things about this film is that anybody who's watching any of these Corona Zombies films knows that there bad and so it would be pointless for me to bring up the badly written characters or the badly written lines that both the newly filmed actors and the dubbed actors get because once you watch film called "Barbie & Kendra Storm Area 51" you have to have some idea of how bad the film is going to be.

Now then boys and girls this is a comedy and so that means that I have to talk about the jokes that are in this film. To me the jokes in this film are honestly pretty funny as long as you except the fact that alot of the jokes are pop culture related since yeah there's alot of pop culture jokes in this film and while some of them don't work and aren't funny there are some that are pretty funny and alot of the redubbed dialog did honestly get a laugh out of me.

Overall yeah this is a really bad film you can tell that's a bad film just from the title alone in my humble opinion. However like the rest of the films in the Corona Zombies series this is a film that's so bad it's good and I honestly do have a good time watching these films just because all of them are a very welcome distraction from all the doom and gloom that's going on in the world as such this film gets a 2 out of 10 from me.

All of the images and I do mean all of the images that I used in this review were gathered from Google Images and nowhere else. Since I only went to Google Images for the images that I ended up using in this review I have no choice but to recommend that you guys use Google Images in you want images from this film mostly because Google Images is the only website with actual images from the film as of this writing that is.



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