The Witches 2020 Film SPOILER FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review


So then film fans so begins what may be my busiest weekend of the year at least depending on where your seeing this review it could be my busiest weekend of the year. Since there are three new films out tomorrow one of which is a short film and I plan on seeing an reviewing every single one of them if all goes according to plan that is and so the hard work starts here with my review of a new adaptation of book that's never read but have heard of and so join me as I review the 2020 film version of "The Witches" and so enjoy the review everybody.

The plot of the film is a boy named Charlie Hansen is turned into a mouse along with another boy called Bruno Jenkins and a girl called Daisy and the three of them along with Charlie's grandmother Agatha Hansen have to team up before The Grand High Witch can put her evil plan of turning the world's children in mice into action. Plot wise this film is pretty decent but im someone who hasn't the 1990 original film or read the book and so to me this is a new story but i;m sure of either the original book or the original film or maybe even both will feel differently about the plot of this film then I do.

Starring in the film is Anne Hathaway as Lilith / The Grand High Witch and Octavia Spencer as Agatha Hansen. Also starring in the film is Stanley Tucci as Mr. Stringer , Jahzir Kadeem Bruno as Charlie Hansen , Chris Rock as The Voice Of Adult Charlie Hansen , Kristin Chenoweth as The Voice Of Daisy , Codie-Lei Eastick as Bruno Jenkins , Charles Edwards as Mr. Jenkins and Morgana Robinson as Mrs. Jenkins.

The acting in the film is one of the few things about this remake /  new adaptation that has been getting alot of praise and it's not hard to see why. Since alot of the cast do put in really good performances and while there are one or two fairly actors in the film those being Jahzir Kadeem Bruno as Charlie Hansen and Codie-Lei Eastick as Bruno Jenkins that doesn't take away from the fact that alot of the actors are putting in really good performances.

As alot of you will know this is the second time that The Witches has been adapted into a feature film with the first one being of the course the 1990's film called The Witches. Having never seen the original film I cannot say if this version is better or not but based on the clips i've seen of the original film I can say that you shouldn't go into this film expecting it to be as creepy or as scary as that film was but you should go into it expecting it to be a little bit closer to the book which i've never read.

I'm not going to spoil anything here (hence the name of the review) but I will say that there was one character in the film that I feel they didn't do that well. Again i'm not going to say who it is but I feel that just based of the clips i've seen the 1990 film version of The Witches made this character more creepier and more scarier then this film version of The Witches did which is a shame because I really looking forward to seeing what they would do with the character in this version of The Witches but that's just what I think tho.

This film features alot of CGI with the CGI being done by Method Studios , Nviz and Day For NIte i've honestly never heard of any of these companies which is a real shame. I say that it's a real shame because the CGI in this film honestly wasn't that bad and it was certainly alot better then it really had any right to be which for me at least is a good thing since I was expecting the CGI in this film to be pretty bad.

Now the makers of this film pushed the fact that it's more based of the 1883 book called The Witches and was written by the great Roald Dahl. After quickly reading through the books Wikipedia page I can confirm this really isn't the case in fact i;d argue that it's more based of the 1990 film version of The Witches then the book version of The Witches since this film version of The Witches also makes changes to the story like the fact that in the book the boy (Charlie) isn't named at all as well as being of a different race and is English. Charlie's grandmother in the original book also lives in Norway and not America and just like Charlie she also had her race changed there are many more changes made to the story as such this nothing like the book at least from what I can gather anyways and the main bulk of the story in the book takes place in England and not in America.

This film is an hour and forty four minuets long which makes it at least twenty minuets longer if not more then the b1990 film version of The Witches. I don't really see why they had to make the film that long since there really isn't enough story to cover that length if anything the film should have been under an hour and a half long just because that's all the time that they need to tell this story in my opinion.

Now one of the few things that I do know about the 1990 film version of The Witches is that it can be pretty scary and while I did touch on this earlier on in the review I want to touch on it again. Since while there is nothing scary in the film there are some parts of the film involving The Grand High Witch (Anne Hathaway) which are honestly pretty freaking creepy i'm not going to say what it is exactly she does that makes the film pretty creepy but when you see them you'll know exactly what i'm talking about.

Overall while I cannot say if this is better then either the original book or the 1990 film version of The Witches. As it's it's own thing this film is at best average which for a film directed by Robert Zemeckis who also produced and co-wrote the film's screen play with Kenya Barris and Guillermo Del Toro is not a good thing even more so when you add in the fact that Alfonso Cuarón and Guillermo Del Toro also served as producers on the film as such this film gets a 5 out of 10 from me.

All of the images that I used in this film were gathered from either the official Roald Dahl fandom wiki page and Google Images. For once i'm actually stuck on where to recommend you get the images from since Google Images does have alot more verity of images some of which are very quality and high definition the official Roald Dahl fandom wiki page however doesn't have alot of images when it relates to this film but the images that it does have are fairly high quality and fairly high definition so I suggest that you use whatever website you want to use since in this case it really doesn't matter what website you use for images from this film since there both pretty much the same in terms of having high quality images.




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