Over The Moon 2020 Film SPOILER FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review


Netflix fans I don't think i've covered any of the companies animated film releases despite the fact that I did want to take a look at some of there animated feature film releases I just never found the time to cover any of them. That all changed with the film that i'm about to review because i've been so excited to see this film and so you can bet that I was going to watch and review it the first chance I got and so here is my SPOILER FREE review of the 2020 film "Over The Moon" enjoy.

The plot of the movie is a girl named Fei Fei builds and flies a rocket ship to meet the moon goddess Chang'e. That's honestly the best summery that i could possibly give you all without going into spoilers but I will say that the story while it is something that's been done lots of times before in other movies and is honestly nothing new it is still a very enjoyable story to see play out and it's honestly really well done in this film in my opinion.

Starring in the film is Cathy Ang as Fei Fei , Robert G Chiu as Chin , Phillipa Soo as Chang'e and Ken Jeong as Gobi. Also starring in the film is Star Trek Reboot Actor John Cho as Ba Ba , Ruthie Ann Miles as Fei Fei's Mother (she's not given a name for some reason) , Sandra Oh as Mrs Zhong , Margaret Cho as Auntie Ling , Kimiko Glenn as Auntie Mei and Artt Butler as Fei Fei's Uncle and someone called Bill.

As for what I thought about the acting in the film it's exactly as good as I thought that it would be which is both a good thing and a bad thing. It's a bad thing because I wasn't surprised by how good the acting was because I knew that it was going to be good but at the same time it's a good thing because the acting in the film is really good and having good acting is always a good thing no matter if it's in  TV show film or video game live action or animated good acting is always a good thing or at least in my opinion it's a good thing anyways.

Doing the animation for this film is Sony Pictures Imageworks who honestly did such a good job with the animation on this film. Since the animation in the film looks so freaking good I honestly cannot give the animation enough praise that's how good the animation is. Each scene looks so visually stunning that it could almost pass for live action which is something that i've never said before but it's something that I feel is true here.

The film also makes great use of 2D animation with the 2D animation being handled by Pearl Studio even tho there isn't alot of 2D animated scenes in the film. What 2D animation they do have in the film looks really good at to me at least reminded me alot of the 2013 Studio Ghibli film The Tale Of The Princess Kaguya since Pearl Studio use the same water coloured look that's used in The Tale Of The Princess Kaguya.

Now i'm not going to give anything away since I honestly do want you all to see this film and i'm trying to keep this review as spoiler free as possible but I will say that there is one sequence in the film that will hopefully have you in tears. I won't say what that scene is but it happens very early on in the movie and is honestly such a well done scene that it honestly had me close to tears just because it's a sequence in the film where everything just came together perfectly.

This film is an hour and forty minuets and seventeen seconds long and it really should have been alot longer in my opinion. If anything this film should have been nearer two hours just because with the one hour and forty minuet running time that they do have the film feels very rushed as such plot points that should come naturally feel like there coming out of nowhere because the film has to hit all of these plot points before the end credits.

Now I had no idea that this was a musical simply because both trailers didn't include any of the songs but since it is a musical that means that we have to talk about the songs that are in the film with the songs themselves being written by Helen Park , Christopher Curtis and Marjorie Huffield. To me alot of the songs in the film while they are good alot of them just feel repetitive to me with alot of them feeling the same in my opinion but with that said my favorite song from this film is either "Mooncakes" or "Rocket To The Moon" just because they are both generally good songs and yes I do also like the Rocket To The Moon reprise as well just not as much as I love Rocket To The Moon.


Now then boys and girls this is a comedy and that means that I have to talk about the jokes that are in the film. Or at least I would if the film bothered to put any in because yeah there are no jokes in this film or there are none that I found to be funny but this film is more focused on the drama aspect since it is a musical comedy drama and so focusing on the drama aspect does make sense but at the same time it's a comedy film and so there should be some jokes.

Overall this is such a good film and it's one that I highly recommend people regardless of there age to watch. That being said however there are some issues that I had with the film all of which i've mentioned in this review and while this issues didn't hinder my enjoyment of the film they are issues that should and more importantly could have been dealt with but since those issues weren't addressed by the film makers of this film this film gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me.

All of the images that I used in this review were gathered from either the official Netflix fandom wiki page or Google Images. I honestly have no idea which would be the best website to use for images from this film since at least from the images that I found both websites have images that are the same when it comes to high quality images and both websites don't have a huge verity of images so i'll just say use whichever website you want to use.



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