Brüno 2009 Film Review


Ladies and gentlemen yesterday when I told you that I have planned to review a slightly lesser known Sacha Baron Cohen film and I meant it. Out of all the film's he's made there are so few that people have forgotten and this film is one of those films and trust me as someone who has not only seen this film a few times but also owns the film on DVD I don't blame you if you did forget about this film and is here is my review the 2009 film "Brüno" enjoy the review everyone.

The plot of the film is gay Austrian fashion TV reporter Brüno Gehard is fired from his show Funkyzeit mit Brüno ( which translates as Funkytime with Brüno) and so he and his assistant's assistant Lutz travel to America in order to make Brüno famous. The plot is the first thing wrong with the film because unlike the first Borat film this film has no excuse to be done in the same way as Borat because they don't give an in story reason as to the documentary style of filmmaking and the actual story while not that bad is just forgettable and kind of bland at best which for a film that's following the first Borat film shouldn't be the case at all.

Starring in the film is of course one of the film's writer's and producers who is also the creator of the Brüno character Sacha Baron Cohen as Brüno Gehard. Also starring in the film is Gustaf Hammarsten as Lutz "Garry" Schulz , Clifford Bañagale as Diesel Ramirez , Starring as the baby that Brüno adopts are twins Chibundu and Chigozie Orukwowu as O.J. and Josh Meyers as Kookus Mansfield.

The acting in the film is honestly one of the film's more stronger elements just because you can quite clearly tell that the actors are trying to make the script work and make the characters either more funny or likeable. The issue is due to the style of filmmaking that there using for this film there can't be much of a script to work with and even tho Sacha Baron Cohen is honestly really good as Brüno Gehard he's not as good as was in Borat since in Borat I forgot that I was seeing an actor and just saw the character whereas here I was firmly aware that I was seeing the actor and not the actual character.

I touched on this before when I was talking about the story but it's a pretty big issue and so I have to mention it again. It's the fact that for some weird reason the filmmakers behind this film chose to give the exact same style of film that they went with for Borat only with the first Borat movie they at least gave an in story reason as to why the film is like the way it is , that however is not the case here and so it can be pretty jarring seeing Brüno trying to be an actor to then suddenly seeing him interviewing people with little no reason given in the actual story as to why he's doing it.

The whole is like that and so I have to wonder why did they take the documentary look and feel route like they did with Borat for this film. Since they could have gone the more traditional route with this film and it would have worked out just fine hell the film might have actually have been better if they went a more traditional route with this film since by going the documentary look and feel route all they are doing is reminding people that they could be watching Borat or any other better film that took the exact same approach that they did with this film.

Unlike with the first Borat film this film makes use of celebrity cameos which while it is indeed fun to see these celebrities get embarrassed the way that they do in this film. I also have to wonder who knew that they were taking part in a comedy and who didn't since the crew did tell some people in this film about what the joke is but at least they found a way to work in these celebrity cameos in a way that makes sense in the actual story and there not just there because of reasons.


I don't know why the film makers chose to do this but they chose to give Brüno a love interest which really doesn't work at all. Yes I know that they also gave Borat a love interest in his first film but the difference is Borat was an actual likable character who treated his love interest with respect where as Brüno isn't a likable character in the slightest and spends more then half the film bullying his love interest and so when they have the scene where Brüno admits his love for his love interest it not only comes out of nowhere it also doesn't make sense for the character.

This film is an hour and eighteen minuets long and just like with the first Borat film that actually feels like it's the right amount of time for this film. Simply because there pretty much is no story and the Brüno character isn't likable in the slightest and so to not have to spend a long time with this character can only be a blessing in my opinion since no one wants to spend a long time watching a film with a highly unlikable character.

I know that i've already touched upon this but I found the character of Brüno to be really freaking unlikable. Say what you will about the first Borat film but at least Borat himself was actually likable Brüno isn't likable at all and having an unlikable character is fine for a few minuets sketch on a TV show (since yes Brüno did start out as a TV show character on the American version of Da Ali G Show with the American version here in the UK being called Da Ali G Show USA and in American it's called simply Da Ali G Show) however it's not fine for a nearly hour and twenty minuet film since it will put audiences of watching the film and it will give the film negative reviews which is what happened here since the film got a load of negative reviews.

Now then boys and girls since this is a comedy that does mean that I have to talk about the jokes that are in the film. Or rather I would if the filmmakers bothered to include that many jokes which for a comedy is a huge problem since unlike with the first Borat film I can count n one hand how many times I laughed during this film which is something that I couldn't do when watching the first Borat film and the only joke that I laughed at during this film was the scene where Brüno rides a moped with his newly adopted baby called O.J. on board.

Overall to say that this film is inferior to the first Borat film would be a huge understatement because it's inferior in every single way possible. Don't get me wrong there are a few redeeming qualities in this film but there's alot more bad to just average things that are in the film which coming from the creator of Ali G and Borat as well as someone who we know can be funny is not a good thing as such this film gets a 3.5 out of 10 from me.

Just like with the first Borat film review (since I will be covering the second film either on Friday or at somepoint over the next weekend) all of the images that I used in this review were gathered from Google Images and nowhere else. Since I only went to Google Images for the images that I used in this review I have no choice but to recommend that you use Google Images if you want images from this film but then I would have to ask why the hell are you even looking up this film did you not read this review it's a pretty bad movie go and look up images from a better film.






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