Borat Subsequent Moviefilm AKA Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery Of Prodigious Bribe To American Regime For Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation Of Kazakhstan SPOILER FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review


Boys and girls it is finally here the sequel we never knew we wanted but the one we all need at this time is finally here. If you saw my review of the first Borat film also called Borat then you'll know that I was a big fan of that film and you can get bet I was super freaking excited to see this movie just because I want to see Sacha Baron Cohen hold up a large mirror to everything that's going on and make us laugh at it and so here is of Borat Subsequent Moviefilm which has the full title of "Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery Of Prodigious Bribe To American Regime For Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation Of Kazakhstan" enjoy the review everyone.

The plot of the movie is after spending fourteen years in jail for making Kazakhstan a laughing stock thanks to his previous film Borat is forced to go back to America to give Mike Pence a gift a monkey only this time his teenage daughter tags along. The plot I will admit is alot better then it really had any right to be no one would have blamed the makers of this film if they chose to give this film a bad storyline but no they actually gave the film a solid story as well as one that works and is honestly on par with the first film in my opinion.

Of course returning to not only star in the film but also write it and produce it is Sacha Baron Cohen as Borat Sagdiyev. Also starring in the film is Maria Bakalova as Tutar Sagdiyev and Dani Popescu as Premier Nursultan Nazarbayev. Just like with the first film this film only has a small cast with the main bulk of the films cast being made up of everyday people as such just like with the first first film this film has a very small cast list.

As for what I thought about the acting in the film I can't say that it's better then the acting in this first film because it really wasn't. However at the same time just like with the story the acting is alot better then it really had any right to be but I will give the acting this it's great that Sacha Baron Cohen used disguises in this film because you get to see him as Borat act as these different people and it makes you appreciate how good of an actor Sacha Baron Cohen really is.

Incase you were wondering if this film is political the answer is a ferm no because they take shots at everyone in this film. Everyone is fair game for the makers of this film and that's great because we should be able to laugh at ourselves as much as we can laugh at other people and sadly that's something that people today just don't do there more concerned with being woke then they are at looking at themselves and having a good laugh.

Now i'm not going to spoil anything in this review just because there's a few things that really do need to been to be believed one of those is how they explain why the character of Azamat Bagatov from the first film isn't in this film. Which I have to admit I laughed pretty hard at that scene just because it was a joke that caught really of guard there's no set up to the joke at all and so you don't see it coming which makes the joke even funnier in my opinion.

I hate to say this but this film kind of makes the ending to the first film feel pointless since how the first film ended is undone within the first opening few minuets of this film. To me even tho the opening to this film does do a solid job of explaining the documentary style for this film it also could have been done differently like for example Borat could have been sent to American just to see how America is doing fourteen years later but that's just my idea tho.

The first Borat film which as you all should know by now was called Borat was essentially a film about Borat and Azamat's friendship. Well here the film is more about the relationship between Borat (Sacha Baron Cohen) and his daughter Tutar Sagdiyev (Maria Bakalova) which to me is a really interesting approach to take with the Borat character since for alot of the time that we've seen him he's never seen women as equal but now he;s forced to see that women are indeed equal and that not everything he's been taught was real. While that does sound like the film is being woke it's really not it's all done in a very tongue in cheek way which works well for the character of Borat.

This film is an hour and thirty six minuets long which makes it around thirteen minuets longer then the first film. To me having the film be an hour and thirty six minuets long is far two long for this film since it simply doesn't have the story to support that long of a running time and because of the long running time the characters can start to get annoying at times and the film does start to drag both of these issues could have been fixed if the film was under an hour and a half and to me they didn't effect my enjoyment of the film.

Now then boys and girls since this is comedy that does mean that I have to talk about the jokes that are in the film. While nothing in this film will ever top the comedy of the first Borat film the comedy n this film is still really freaking good with there being a lot of genuine laugh out loud moments and while I cannot say what I thought the best joke in the film is all i'll say is look at the poster for this film because what he's wearing in the poster for this film appears in this movie.

Overall while this is not as good as the first film was it is still a really good and a really enjoyable film to watch. Yes there are some bad things about the film but to me those bad things didn't really hinder my enjoyment of the film that much are at least some of the bad things in the film didn't hinder my enjoyment of the film that much , there are however alot more good things to be found in the film that said this film gets an 8 out of 10 from me.

All of the images that I got for this review were gathered from Google Images and I went nowhere else for the images that I used in this review. I went nowhere else for the images that I used in this review because alot of the places that i looked just didn't have images that I wanted and plus Google Images has more of a verity of images which also means that alot of the images I found were fairly high quality as such I have no choice but to recommend that you use Google Images if you want to get high quality images from either this film or the for first Borat film which was released all the way back in 2006 so like the time jump in this film the first Borat film came out fourteen freaking years ago doesn't time just fly by.



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